My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1539 Waiting for an Opportunity

Chapter 1539 Waiting For An Opportunity

Jin Guoshang's study.

On the bed where the queen usually rests behind the screen in the main hall of Shangshufang, Young Master Liu sighed and looked at the queen and the imperial doctor who were talking in Jin dialect on the chair next to him.

He couldn't understand what the queen and the two were chattering at all, but seeing the slight frown of the queen's crescent eyebrows, he felt a chill in his heart.

Mom, it won't be abolished.

Although it is not very capable to keep it, it is better than smashing it.

The little cutie was busy serving tea and water for the old man with tears in her eyes, without the slightest dignified posture that a princess should have.

The queen sat on the chair and listened to the imperial doctor's words, nodding from time to time.

After a while, the imperial doctor wrote a prescription on the rice paper with a pen and handed it to the queen. He nodded to Young Master Liu with a smile, bowed to the queen and the little cutie, and walked out of the hall with the medicine box on his back .

Seeing the empress' heavy expression while holding the prescription, Liu Mingzhi felt even more hesitant.

"Wanyan, what are you chattering about? Is my young master alright?"

The empress looked at First Young Master Liu with a hesitant look on her face, and gently put away the prescription in her hand, walked to Young Young Master Liu and sat down.

"The imperial doctor said, it's useless, it might go to the clean room to eradicate it!"

If it were normal, First Young Master Liu would definitely be able to spot the constricted smile in the empress's bright eyes, but at this moment, Young Master Liu's mind is all on his own lifeline, so he doesn't have the heart to watch the empress' expression carefully.

At this moment, Young Master Liu's mind was completely filled with the word "abolished".

Looking at the majestic hall with unrequited eyes.



"It's better to be useless than useless!"

The teary little cutie who was holding a teacup at the side suddenly became flustered when she saw the father's reaction, and looked up at the queen blankly.

"Mother, why is Daddy useless? Yue'er sees that Daddy is fine, he doesn't look like a useless person at all!"

The queen patted the little cutie on the shoulder lightly, suppressing the smile on the corner of her mouth: "Yue'er, my mother told you that a man's cripple is not only crippled, but also other crippled."

"And this kind of disability, this man no longer calls it a man!"

"Huh? What's that?"


When Young Master Liu, who had nothing to love in life, heard the word "father-in-law" in the Queen's mouth, his whole body trembled, his body bent down and trembled.

"What kind of evil did this young master do? He didn't die on the battlefield, but he was abolished."


Seeing Young Master Liu beating his hands and stamping his feet, the Empress couldn't help laughing anymore, it was the first time she had seen Young Master Liu's disheartened expression.

Seeing Young Master Liu's stunned reaction, the Empress raised her hand and patted Young Master Liu on the shoulder. Afraid of scaring Young Master Liu out of any psychological shadow, the Empress hurriedly explained.

"It scares you. I'm just joking with you. It's just a slight injury. Drink a couple of medicines and recuperate for a day or two. Don't make yourself feel like you're going to be sent to the guard."

Young Master Liu's face froze, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching. Looking at the empress' faint smile, he was relieved from the bottom of his heart, and even ignored the terrible pain.

"Really okay?"

"It's really okay. I'm just kidding you. Besides, it's on you. You don't feel like you've been crippled!"

First Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, and calmed down to feel it.

When the initial heart-wrenching pain went away, there really didn't seem to be much of a problem other than some discomfort.

Looking at the Empress' narrow eyes, Young Master Liu collapsed on the bed with a bang, a line of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, which were tears of joy that were lost and found again.

As the saying goes, men don't flick their tears lightly, but they haven't reached the point of sadness.

First Young Master Liu didn't think it was a shameful thing to cry in front of the queen and her daughter at this moment. Only a man would understand that simply abolishing two words is more terrifying than the collapse of the sky.

"Wanyan Wanyan, you wicked woman, are you joking about this? You're going to scare me to death!"

"Okay, okay, didn't they do it on purpose, just to see you look loveless in fear that you will feel uncomfortable, and to reconcile the heavy atmosphere."

First Young Master Liu sighed silently, not wanting to argue with the empress any more, closed his eyes and mobilized his inner strength silently, relieving the uncomfortable feeling.

The little cutie hovered over her father and mother with a blank expression. She couldn't understand the discussion between the two about adults' topics, but it didn't mean she couldn't read their words.

After all, it took so long to handle the court affairs on behalf of the queen, and from the expressions on the faces of the queen and the old man, Xiaocuti understood that the old man should not have any big problems.

But the little cutie still tugged on her mother's sleeve worriedly, blinking and blinking her big eyes.

"Mother, is daddy alright?"

"Of course it's fine, let your father rest for a while, let's prepare some medicinal food for him to nourish his body."

"Okay, Yue'er will go to the meal room to make arrangements in person, see you again, mother, and Yue'er will go first."

The queen looked at the little cute figure running away, and looked back at Young Master Liu, who was surging with internal energy, walking slightly towards the outside of the screen with lotus feet.

There was a soft smile in the queen's eyes, perhaps this was the joy of human relationship that the common people sang.

In less than an hour after returning without conscience, the quiet and peaceful harem was filled with noisy people.

It has been so many years, it seems that ever since father, empress and empress Daxing, Yan Yu got married, and Fei Xiong went to Dalong, there has never been such a commotion in the harem.

One was making noise, the other was laughing, and the little one was bouncing around.

All the splendor and wealth in the world may not bring you more happiness than just half an hour.

After looking back at the screen, the queen took off her cowhide brocade cloud shoes, walked to the dragon's bank with her bare feet and knelt down.

Looking at the stack of memorials sent by Shuang'er on the Long Case, the Queen calmly looked through them.

These memorials were all brought back by the little cutie after she went down to court, and she was supposed to deal with it by herself, but now that the little cutie's body and mind are on the father's body, how can she have the heart to deal with these memorials.

After an unknown amount of time, the empress finished reviewing the last memorial, put down the vermilion pen in her hand, and looked out of the hall with doubtful eyes.

"Why hasn't Hui'er come back yet, did something happen in the middle?"

Just as the Queen muttered to herself, Huier appeared in Shang's study at the right time.

"Your Majesty, Huier has already"


The queen gave Huier a silent gesture, got up and walked behind the screen.

Looking at First Young Master Liu who was breathing evenly and motionless on the bed, the Empress stepped back gently.

Just about three steps back, the queen leaped towards the back of the screen on her toes, and looked at the still motionless Liu girl queen, then turned and walked towards Hui'er.

"Speak outside the hall!"


When the two walked outside the hall, Hui'er cautiously scanned the surroundings,

"Your Majesty, the rumors that Young Master Liu will serve in the Kingdom of Jin have already been manipulated by the brothers, and it will spread throughout the Three Kingdoms within five days."

"It's done well, how is the search for suspicious people in the capital going?"

"I haven't found anyone who is too problematic, and the brothers are continuing to search!"

"Okay, let Chaha take the Jinwu Guards and send additional patrol guards in the city, and don't leave any chance to leave for the unconscionable."

"Hui'er understands!"

"Go ahead, I'll tell you when I have something to do!"

"Yes, Huier will leave."

The queen glanced back at the silent Shang study behind her, hesitated for a moment and walked towards the palace garden on the left.

After the empress left, Young Master Liu, who was sleeping soundly in the hall, narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced vaguely at the twelve positions on the beams in the hall, and then closed his eyes.

There was aura of human presence on the twelve beams, Liu Mingzhi turned over and pretended not to know anything, with a meaningful smile on his mouth, he really fell asleep soundly.

To put it bluntly, one day you will understand that Liu Mingzhi is not so truly ruthless.

It's just that we have to wait now, and wait for a good opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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