My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1540 Daddy's Game

Chapter 1540 Daddy's Game
Three days later.

Young Master Liu, who was about to lose half of his life, regained his vitality, and wandered around the harem of the palace like a normal person.

It's as if he regards the palace as his own back garden, without the slightest awareness of becoming a "prisoner".

Compared with three days ago, Liu Dashao now has a rosy complexion after eating the medicinal diet for three days.

Especially because of his injury, he was fortunate enough not to be cruelly exploited by the empress. Young Master Liu walked with vigor and vigor, and his whole body was full of strength.

My waist is no longer sore, and my legs are no longer painful.

First Young Master Liu watched the scenery of the Imperial Garden, and the little cutie took Young Young Master Liu's thumb and conscientiously turned into a tour guide to explain everything in the Imperial Garden to the old man.

In view of the daughter's dedication to taking care of herself in the past three days, the relationship between the father and daughter was also resolved because of a misunderstanding that meant a collision.

No matter what, it was my own seed, not to mention it was just a mistake, and it didn't cause any disastrous consequences, even if it was really abolished, what could I do except feel sad in my heart.

"Father, mother said that you will never leave Yue'er this time, and you will never leave Yue'er again. Is it true?"

Liu Mingzhi paused slightly, and hurriedly regained his senses to follow his daughter's footsteps.

Looking at the bright flower stamens that had already bloomed on one side, he raised his hand and folded his fingers, and a pink flower was picked by Young Master Liu.

Gently squatting in front of the little cutie, Young Master Liu inserted the flowers between the little cutie's hair, quietly watching the cutie's curious face waiting for the answer, and sighed silently.

"Yue'er, Daddy doesn't want to lie to you, Daddy has to leave the Kingdom of Jin, because Daddy has more important things to do."

The cutie's bright eyes lowered, looking sullenly at Young Master Liu's slightly heavy face.

"You said you love Yue'er the most, what is more important than being with Yue'er!"

The hesitation in Liu Mingzhi's eyes was particularly obvious, staring deeply at his daughter's unhappy pretty face, Liu Mingzhi stood up lightly, staring at a certain place in the royal garden, his pupils became darker, and his pupils became darker and more disturbing. People can't see clearly.

"The world!"

"Huh? What do you mean? Daddy wants to go back for Dalong's world?"

"Sure enough what mother said is right. Daddy only has Dalong in his heart. Although half uncle is very kind to Yue'er, why is Daddy so loyal to Dalong?"

"Wait for my mother to rule the world, can't Yue'er ask my mother to treat half of my uncle and his family kindly?"

Looking at his daughter Liu Mingzhi who let go of his fingers and squatted on the ground with his knees in his arms, he let out a long sigh.

Leading the somewhat reluctant cutie towards the gazebo in the garden.

Looking at the go chess on the stone table, Liu Mingzhi thought for a moment, then carried the little cutie to the stone bench and sat up, while he himself sat opposite the little cutie.

"Yue'er, how about seeing Daddy give you a hand to talk about?"

The little cutie nodded sullenly, obviously still unhappy because of the old man's answer, she held her chin and looked at the chessboard with some interest, waiting for Young Master Liu to make a move.

Liu Mingzhi grabbed a handful of white chess pieces and said softly: "Double."

With a release of the palm, several chess pieces fell on the chessboard.

The little cutie poked her head and glanced: "Daddy, the seven chess pieces are odd, and the black chess pieces go first!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, put away the chess pieces, picked up a chess piece with his fingers and placed it above the chessboard for a long time, and finally landed the chess piece in Tian Yuan's position.

Cutie was startled, looked at the position of the black chess suspiciously, and looked at First Young Master Liu with blank eyes.

"Daddy, you made a mistake, how can you take the first step to go down to Tianyuan."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, raised his hand and picked up a white chess piece.

"Yue'er, the world is like chess and people are like pieces, who knows what the outcome of the pieces will be!"

Under Xiaocuti's dazed expression, Liu Mingzhi calmly dropped the white chess in his hand, and it landed in a place that did not conform to the rules at all.

"Father, are you playing chess? It doesn't conform to the rules of the game at all. Mother has clearly said that you are a master chess player. If you haven't played chess for a long time and forget the rules, Yue'er will teach you again." .”

After Xiaocute finished speaking, she was about to pinch the two chess pieces on the chessboard. Liu Mingzhi grabbed Xiaocutie's wrist, and the black chess in his hand fell onto the chessboard again.


"Yue'er, one day you will understand that rules are meant to be broken."

"It's just that it takes a lot of money to break a set of rigid rules. Therefore, if you want to break the rules, you must first have enough strength."

"This is what the saying goes, you need to be hard on your own to strike an iron."

"However, the strength still needs time to slowly accumulate before it can be condensed!"

The little cutie withdrew her little hand in a bewildered expression, scratched her head and looked at the slightly unpredictable old man, really not knowing what happened to Young Master Liu.

"Daddy, are you still sick? Why do you keep talking nonsense that Yue'er can't understand?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer, but just looked at the chessboard calmly, fiddling with the black and white chess pieces in his hand.

Black and white chess pieces landed on the chessboard one by one, all in positions that the little cutie couldn't understand.

I don't know how long it has passed, Liu Mingzhi's finger holding the white chess piece quietly stopped on the chessboard and did not fall. After one stick of incense, two sticks of incense and five sticks of incense, the chess piece still did not fall down in the end.

With a complex expression, Liu Mingzhi threw the chess piece back into the chess box containing the chess pieces, patted his palms lightly, shook his head and sighed.

"It's too late!"

"Daddy, why hasn't the time come yet?"

"Hehe. Daddy told you that you didn't understand either. Come on, my dear daughter, let's see how the game Daddy is talking about?"

Seeing the old man making a fuss, the little cutie who didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd looked down at the chessboard on the stone table.

After a long time, the cutie looked at First Young Master Liu with a confused outlook on life.

"It's messy, the chess pieces are placed completely out of order, the chess pieces that should be captured are still on the board, and the chess pieces that shouldn't be captured are not left behind."

"This chess game is not a chess game at all, it does not conform to the customization of chess at all."

"Oh? Really? Take a closer look!"

Cutie put down her hand, leaned forward and carefully looked at the messy chess pieces on the chessboard. After a long time, Cutie scratched her head blankly and shook her head.

"Looking at it again, it's still a mess. You can't see this chess game at all. It looks like it was randomly arranged by children."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie with disappointment, but also with a little complacency.

He stood up and took the little cutie's hand and continued to stroll around.

"It's fine if you don't understand, this is just a mess."

"Chaotic situation? What do you mean? Daddy's situation is incomprehensible, and what Daddy said makes Yue'er even more confused."

"Hehe. Only Dad himself knows about Daddy's situation. It's not a good thing for outsiders to know about it."

"Daddy's game?"

"Yes, it only belongs to Dad's own game!"

"It's complicated, Yue'er has a headache, I don't want to, where shall we go next?"

"Go and see your little uncle, I haven't seen Fei Xiong for a long time, I still miss him."

"Alright, Yue'er will guide you!"

"It's so cute!"

The figures of the father and daughter disappeared behind the imperial garden, and Huier led the queen in a decent dragon robe towards the imperial garden.

"Your Majesty, Lord Liu and the princess came to the Imperial Garden to enjoy the scenery half an hour later, and a court lady saw their father and daughter playing chess in the pavilion."

The empress handed the memorial about today's court affairs to Hui'er, with some resentment on her face.

"Hui'er, do you think I'm in a cocoon? If someone with no conscience hadn't come to the Kingdom of Jin, it should be my old lady who is comfortable and unrestrained now!"

"He came here without a conscience, Yue'er had no intention of going to court, but the old lady who killed her came here herself."

"Your Majesty, Princess Yue was naturally overjoyed when she saw First Young Master Liu for the first time. I think it will take a while to get used to it!"

"I hope, I really don't know if it's a good thing for Yue'er to leave the heartless one or... eh... people?"

The queen looked at the empty gazebo with a puzzled look on her face.

Hui'er glanced around in a daze, but didn't find the father and daughter.

"I should have gone to another place. It's been half an hour, and the game of chess should be over!"

"Slave, see Your Majesty!"

"Excuse me, where are the princess and Master Liu?"

"The servants met them in the corridor, and they should be heading to the prince's palace."

"Okay, you go down!"

"The slaves retire!"

"Go, go to Feixiong!"


The queen who passed through the gazebo subconsciously glanced at the chessboard on the stone table. After walking out of the gazebo for a few steps, the queen paused and retreated back with a look of surprise on her face.

Under Huier's blank expression, the queen stared at the chessboard in a daze.

"Your Majesty, this is a complete mess. There is no customization at all. Presumably Young Master Liu did it just to keep Princess Yue happy!"

The queen shook her head silently, with a strange expression on her face.


"Do you think these chess pieces are connected like a map!"

(End of this chapter)

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