Chapter 1541
Liu Dashao had a cutie to lead the way, and he arrived at Wanyan Feixiong's palace unimpeded along the way.

Young Master Liu looked at the miscellaneous things piled up in the palace garden with a look of surprise in his eyes. Among these piled things, Young Master Liu could still deduce the usefulness of these things based on their general appearance.

After all, the appearance of these strange things originated from the book that he taught Wanyan Feixiong.

Looking at the chaotic surroundings, the little cutie raised her hand and slapped her hand: "Daddy, uncle must be studying those ghost-like characters again!"

"I'm bored in the room like a demon every day, and I don't even care about eating. I really don't know what there is to study about those ghostly symbols."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and patted the little cutie on the forehead, and didn't say much, except himself and Wanyan Feixiong, who in this world would know that it was the ghostly symbols in the little cutie's mouth that made Jin Guo start the industry.

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, he really didn't know, and he didn't dare to imagine where Wanyan Feixiong's end point would be in the future.

After hesitating for a while, Liu Mingzhi walked towards the largest hall in the palace garden, holding the little cutie's hand.

"Fei Xiong, what are you doing, kid? Is it convenient for Big Brother to come in?"

"Big brother? Which big brother, how many times has this king said, don't bother me at this time, you are so courageous, you won't even listen to my words."

Young Master Liu's face was startled, and his face was a little weird when he heard Wanyan Fei's business in the room.

"You boy, your temper has grown after such a long time, you still have a few big brothers, open the door!"

There was a brief silence in the hall, and then hurried footsteps came, and Wanyan Feixiong's surprised voice came from the hall.

"Brother Liu, is it really you?"

The door of the room opened in response, Wanyan Feixiong looked at the cute little Young Master Liu outside the door with a surprised expression, and walked out the door to give Young Master Liu a bear hug.

"Brother Liu, you really came to Jin Kingdom, Fei Xiong thought that sister was just kidding me!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wanyan Feixiong who had completely faded from his youthful appearance with a faint smile and turned into a handsome young man. At some point, Wanyan Feixiong's face had become more polite.

From Wan Yan, Yan Yu, and Fei Xiong's three siblings, he should be able to imagine that his nominal father-in-law was also a handsome and handsome man at first.

The genes of this family are not uncommon.

He raised his hand and hammered Wanyan Feixiong's shoulder a few times: "You boy, I heard from Yue'er that you have spent all your sleep and food in order to study those formulas. This is not acceptable. The truth is important, but you can't ruin your body."

Wanyan Feixiong nodded hurriedly, as if thinking of something, suddenly his eyes lit up and he led Young Master Liu towards the hall.

"Brother, it's a coincidence that you came here. My younger brother happens to have a problem that I haven't solved. After thinking about it for seven or eight days, I still don't have any ideas. Please help my younger brother to see if you can give me some suggestions."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wanyan Feixiong holding a large stack of manuscript paper, his eyes eager for knowledge, his expression was a bit complicated.

"Fei Xiong, big brother, I am the side-by-side king of the big dragon. If you research these things, do you know how many brothers under big brother will die in the hands of Jin Guo?"

Wanyan Feixiong was stunned: "But when I was at your house, my elder brother told me that science has no borders!"

"But scientists do!"

Wanyan Feixiong was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head with a dejected expression, and his hands holding the manuscript dropped down involuntarily.

Obviously, Wanyan Feixiong is no longer the simple-minded boy he was back then, and he also understands some things as he grows older.

"Brother, I'm sorry, my younger brother is taking the liberty!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled bitterly, bent down and took the manuscript paper in Wanyan Feixiong's hand, and walked towards the chair beside him.

"Brother, this is you."

With a calm expression, Liu Mingzhi picked up the cup used by Wanyan Feixiong, poured a cup of tea and drank it down in one gulp, then looked down at the manuscript that Wanyan Feixiong had sorted out.

"Fei Xiong, you are a pure scholar. Instead of leaving these things in the mind of the eldest brother, it is better to entrust them to you to change the world and benefit the world."

"You are different from many people. You are just a pure scholar, a person who is dedicated to learning."

"Brother knows that doing this may cost many people their lives, but he doesn't want to miss this opportunity."

"A person like you Wanyan Feixiong may hardly be born once in 100 years. Big Brother doesn't want to come to this world for nothing. No matter how the world will end in the future, since you have come, you must leave something for future generations! "

Wanyan Feixiong's dejected expression was replaced by joy, and he looked gratefully at First Young Master Liu who was flipping through the manuscript.

"Brother, thank you!"

At first, Xiaocuti was a little curious when he saw how happy his father and uncle were talking, but after listening to the weird words in their mouths, she became completely bored.

Looking at the two people who completely ignored themselves, devoted themselves to the communication, and even quarreled occasionally, the little cutie shook her head helplessly and walked towards the door.

"Okay, another crazy one!"

"Mother, what are you doing?"


The empress stood in the hall and gestured to the cutie, and looked at the two young and old Liu who were arguing fiercely at the table.

The little cutie scratched her head and walked to the queen's side, gently tugged at the queen's sleeve and whispered, "Mother, can you understand what daddy and uncle are talking about?"

The queen's face froze, the embarrassment flashed away, and she coughed twice.

"A little bit, a little bit!"

"Mother, you are so powerful, Yue'er can't understand at all!"

"That is, who told me to be your mother, don't disturb the two of them, let's go prepare the food and drink!"

"it is good!"

Seven or eight days in a row, day after day.

When Young Master Liu stayed in the harem, he went to Wanyan Feixiong's palace to communicate with him every day. He went there at noon and returned in the evening, which has become a habit.

For several days, Young Master Liu had absolutely no intention of leaving the Kingdom of Jin. He seemed to have completely forgotten about his bet with the Queen, and he didn't care about his current situation at all.

In the past seven or eight days, the empress used the excuse of checking Young Master Liu's illness to prevent his sequelae, and lived a happy life with Young Master Liu, singing and singing every night.

Having not seen each other for half a year, the empress has fully demonstrated what it means to be a boudoir and resentful woman.

Young Master Liu naturally complained endlessly, sighing secretly that his body was getting worse day by day.

Since coming to the Kingdom of Jin, his already weak body has become even worse.

The queen walked into the Shang's study with a few thick memorials in her hand, stretched her graceful waist, kicked off the boots on her lotus feet, walked towards the dragon table and knelt down.

These days, the weather is getting better and better. In order to make an early decision on the use of troops, the Queen has been in the court for three consecutive days.

"Hui'er, give me a shoulder squeeze!"


Hui'er looked at her complexion becoming more and more moist, her bright eyes seemed to hide a pool of spring water, and the empress, whose every move was full of various amorous feelings, pursed her lips and smiled.

No wonder Master Liu is getting thinner and thinner these days!
Hui'er gently kneaded the empress' shoulders, and the empress breathed a sigh of relief.

"The right side is a bit heavier, and my shoulders are so sore after holding a pen for days, my whole body is almost falling apart!"


"By the way, it's not time to go to Feixiong's side yet, what about Yue'er who has no conscience? In the past at this time, the entire harem was filled with the sound of their fights. Why is it so quiet today?"

"These days, Master Liu went to the prince to argue every day. The little princess was very dissatisfied, and felt that Master Liu ignored her existence. It didn't take long for you to go to court, and the little princess insisted on pestering Master Liu to take her out of the palace. There are fish and shrimp caught in the river."

"Now that the weather has been warmer for a long time, it's a good time to go down the river!"

The queen with a lazy face stood up abruptly, her gaze became cold: "Have you left the palace without a conscience?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Hui'er has sent more than 50 experts to hide around to monitor Master Liu, and greeted the city defense department, and sealed off all the official roads outside the capital, absolutely guaranteed to be safe!"

The queen then sat down with peace of mind: "That's good, these days without conscience are too abnormal, it seems that I have completely forgotten about the bet, I have no idea!"

"Isn't this just what you want, Your Majesty?"

"But those who have no conscience have been clamoring to leave, but now they have calmed down. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so I don't know what to do."

"But since you are on guard, I don't worry, get the chessboard!"


Huier turned around and put a chessboard in front of the queen, it was the chessboard that Young Master Liu was talking about in front of the little cutie in the imperial study.

The queen looked at the chessboard for a long time, then glanced back at the map hanging on Qiang and fell into deep thought.

After an unknown amount of time, the little cutie's chirping laughter brought the queen back to her senses.

The empress subconsciously looked towards the palace gate, looking at the little cutie covered in mud, her face and hair all filthy, her eyebrows frowned.

"If you touch fish, you touch fish. How did you become like this?"

The little cutie shrank her neck, intertwined her fingers and looked pitifully at the unhappy queen.

"Mother, how can it be possible to touch fish without being dirty? The other children will almost lose their human appearance!"

The queen wanted to say something, but finally she sighed as if she remembered something.

"Where is the fish? Don't talk about getting all muddy and getting nothing. Where's the fish?"

The little cutie grinned and gestured behind her.

"My dad exploded!"

"Your father exploded?"

"Yeah! My dad exploded!"

Young Master Liu, who had just stepped into the palace gate with one foot, looked at the fragrant fried fish pieces in the copper basin in his hand with twitching corners of his mouth, and then looked at the mother and daughter who took it for granted and trembled at the corners of their eyes.

What the fuck are you talking about is the mother and daughter of Zaan!

Sending this young master off after a disagreement?
(End of this chapter)

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