My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1542 Yue'er wants a younger brother

Chapter 1542 Yue'er wants a younger brother
In Shang's study room, Young Master Liu stared silently at the mother and daughter Zu'an, who were clutching their swollen belly and twirling on the luxurious carpet, stroking their foreheads, with a look that couldn't bear to look directly at them.

"Let me put it bluntly, you two are the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, sitting on thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and a little princess of the Kingdom of Jin, enjoying endless glory and wealth. You have never tasted any delicacies from mountains and seas in the world, and you can't stop eating fried fish nuggets. ?"

"I know that you are one of the two most noble people in Jin Kingdom, but those who don't know think you are beggars on the street!"

"Hey guys, look how many fish pieces you've eaten."

Young Master Liu pointed to the copper basin in front of him full of fish bones and fishbone, and counted the mother and daughter who were holding on, not wanting to move. He thought it was for the two of them to try something new, but he never thought that the two of them would get angry after eating it. It's getting out of hand.

The empress lazily changed her posture, and gave First Young Master Liu a coquettish look.

"What do you know? Although this dining room prepares all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas every day, as an emperor, he can't eat whatever he wants like the common people imagined. He can satisfy the desire of mouth and tongue happily."

"The dining room prepares more than a dozen delicacies every day, but Wanyan and Yue'er can only choose five of them to satisfy their hunger. Whether you like this dish or not, you must eat it with a smile on your face."

Young Master Liu nodded knowingly: "I understand this. Isn't it because you are afraid that someone will find out your preferences and poison your favorite food to assassinate you! But it shouldn't be like this!"

"If it weren't for the fish pieces fried by my young master, I would have thought you were eating dragon meat from the sky!"

The queen smiled lightly and patted her stomach: "It is precisely because I know that you did it, so I feel relieved, so I have a big appetite. It has been a long time since I have such an open mouth!"

The little cutie turned around with a smirk, and looked at the queen cheerfully: "Mother, do you dare to say that it's not because daddy is a good cook that you can eat so happily?"

"These fish pieces are so fragrant, I really don't know what condiments Dad used."

The empress stared fiercely, and cast a reluctant glance at First Young Master Liu, who had narrow-eyed eyes: "There must be a part of the reason!"

The little cutie stuck out her tongue with a smile, quietly made a face for her father, and said two words silently.

Young Master Liu immediately understood what these two words meant.

Hard mouth!

Looking at the mother and daughter who didn't want to move, Young Master Liu stood up gently and picked up the debris beside him.

The empress quietly looked at Young Master Liu's busy figure, the hesitation in her bright eyes was frequently revealed.

At the end, the queen leaned cross-legged on the pillow and looked at Young Master Liu's figure quietly: "You have no conscience, you seem to have forgotten our bet."

"Put it down, I hope you really forgot, instead of acting one way on the surface and another behind the scenes."

"Don't you think that the ten days you spent in the palace were more relaxed and more comfortable than staying in Dalong and working hard?"

"Promise to politely say that you won't go back, okay?"

Young Master Liu, who was cleaning up the leftovers, paused after listening to the Queen's words, and continued to tidy up while looking at the bright sun outside the palace.

"Wanyan, don't you think it's inappropriate to talk about these topics at this time?"

There was a look of regret in the empress's eyes, and she understood from Young Master Liu's words that Liu Mingzhi still had no decision to leave.

The queen was silent for a moment, with a charming smile on the corner of her mouth: "Yue'er, cover your ears!"

"Oh well!"

Although the little cutie didn't know why her mother asked her to cover her ears, she still obediently obediently covered her pink ears with her little hands.

The queen stood up with her waist supported, walked towards Young Master Liu as if she was pregnant for several months, leaned forward and leaned in front of Young Master Liu, the queen narrowed her bright eyes slightly and smiled faintly.

"Then I will talk about some suitable topics, as the saying goes, full of warm thoughts."

Before the empress finished speaking, Young Master Liu, who was holding a copper basin, took a few steps back, swallowed a few times, and looked at the charming empress with twitching corners of his mouth.

"Let's. Let's talk about betting."

The empress gently gathered her scattered blue hair, hiding her charming eyes like a pool of spring water, silently watching the terrified young master Liu slowly walking over.

"Wanyan suddenly doesn't want to talk about the bet issue now. Who told you to feed my old lady so full? If you are full and full, if you don't do something interesting, you will not live up to the bright spring."

Young Master Liu shivered and stepped back, looking at the empress with a meaningful expression with a mournful face.

"To put it bluntly, I didn't start to rest until the third watch yesterday, and now it's not even a day, so please forgive me, even a donkey must rest for a day or two!"

"It's too bad, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore."

The empress stared at Young Master Liu with resentful eyes, stomped her lotus feet on the ground lightly, and looked at Young Master Liu coquettishly.

"You Dalong often say, Xiao Biesheng is newlywed. We haven't seen each other for more than half a year. Is this the attitude Xiao Biesheng should have as a newlywed?"

First Young Master Liu nodded in a daze, a thin layer of sweat involuntarily broke out on his forehead.

"Yes, Xiao Bie Sheng is newly married, the young master does not deny it, but Xiao Bie Sheng is newly married, it is not a wedding night every day!"

"Eight days, a full eight days, if this continues, no one can bear it."

"Give me a chance, this young master wants to be an upright gentleman."

Empress Hao stared at Tong Da, and rushed to Young Master Liu, staring angrily at Young Master Liu, her jade hand grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist and pulled her in front of her.

"If you want to be a gentleman, you should explain it to the eunuch!"

"I'm going, you are going to be tough, I hate you, Yue'er might as well knock me down all at once!"

"It's a pity that God didn't give you this chance. Sorry, my mother is a woman!"




The queen's voice gradually became louder.

The little cutie loosened her hands lightly, and looked at the queen blankly: "Mother, what's wrong?"

"Go back to your own palace and study!"

The little cutie looked at the queen reluctantly: "Mother, Yue'er wants to stay with Daddy."

The queen suddenly smiled and looked at the cutie, her voice was soft enough to make people feel like a breeze: "Yue'er, do you want a little brother?"

The little cutie froze for a moment, and nodded hurriedly.

"miss you!"

"Then go back to your own palace and study."

"Mother, will Yue'er study hard and have a younger brother?"

"Of course, the longer Yue'er studies, the greater the chance of having a younger brother."

"Okay, Yue'er will go to study right away."

First Young Master Liu looked at the cute little girl who was clutching her belly and eating, and quickly put on her boots and ran towards the outside of the hall, trying to catch up.

"Daughter, don't go."

The cutie turned around and waved to her father with a smile.

"Daddy, Yue'er wants a younger brother."

"Yue'er, my daughter, you don't want a younger brother, you want my father's life!"

The empress looked at Young Master Liu's sad expression, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became more intense.

The old lady can't stop your idea of ​​going back to Dalong, so she will stop your retreat.


The Queen's soft and charming voice made Young Master Liu tremble, and he trembled involuntarily.

"To put it bluntly, it's not appropriate in broad daylight."

"What's inappropriate, who said Shiya back then."

"Brother Liu, it's already past noon, why haven't you gone to my study? I finally figured out how to increase the speed of the dragon car. Come and see if it's feasible."

Young Master Liu looked towards the gate of the palace with both eyes in surprise, listening to Wanyan Feixiong's joyful voice was as sweet as the sound of nature.

The savior has come.

The savior is here!
(End of this chapter)

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