My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1543 Great Huguo Temple

Chapter 1543 Great Huguo Temple
The arrival of Wanyan Feixiong saved Young Master Liu from being exploited.

The empress gritted her teeth at her younger brother Wanyan Feixiong who appeared suddenly, she would not come sooner or later, but you came because my old lady was thinking about it, are you here to find trouble sincerely?

If it wasn't for the fact that her younger brother was a nerd, the empress would definitely think that Wanyan Feixiong deliberately sabotaged her good deeds.

After several weighings, the empress finally let go, allowing the elder brothers Liu and the two to rush towards the palace that Wanyan Feixiong had painstakingly studied with the manuscript paper written with ghost symbols.

The empress knew her brother very well, and knew that Wanyan Feixiong would not easily step out of the palace, but now he took the initiative to come out, it must be a major breakthrough in the dragon car.

In the end, the queen took a step back and chose public affairs over private affairs and official affairs.

If you can't do it during the day, there's also night time. If you don't have a conscience, you won't be able to stay out all night.

After all, Young Master Liu's previous habit was there, leaving at noon and returning in the evening.

Anyway, they are all ducks that have reached their mouths, so they can still fly.

As the saying goes: a good meal is never too late.

However, the queen underestimated a man's fear of fear. After bathing and changing clothes, the queen waited for Young Master Liu to come back to rest. The queen stayed alone in the empty room until midnight.

First Young Master Liu who went to Wanyan Feixiong's place actually did not return all night.

The empress thought that young master Liu was hiding from her on purpose, and went to Wanyan Feixiong's place with Hui'er carrying a lantern. Seeing the two writing and arguing endlessly in the hall, although there was some resentment, they still understood the general idea in the end. leave quietly.

The Empress didn't know that after she and Hui'er left, the chattering Young Master Liu secretly took out two plates of delicate side dishes from the drawer, a pot of sauced beef and two jugs of fine wine lit the lamp to drink together.

Wanyan Feixiong held the wine glass in a daze, and listened dumbfounded to Brother Liu's story of blood and tears after he came to the Kingdom of Jin, accusing the Queen of all kinds of evil deeds.

Seeing Eldest Young Master Liu lamenting and sighing, Wanyan Feixiong scratched his head with a strange expression.

"Come on, brother Liu, let's have a drink."

Major Liu drank the wine in his glass, gnawed on the sauced beef in his hand and shook his head.

"Fei Xiong, if you hadn't come in time today, our brothers might be separated forever. When we were in Dalong, my eldest brother was never so tired with nine beautiful wives and concubines in his arms."

"Brother regrets it, why did he agree to her in a muddle back then, and she slept with her!"

"It's only because I was too young back then and didn't know what the world is."

"Young and frivolous fell into your sister's clutches, and have since become a man who can't straighten his waist!"

Wanyan Feixiong carried the pot and filled a glass of wine for First Young Master Liu: "Brother, are you sure you are talking about my eldest sister?"

"In my heart, my elder sister has always been stern and treats people like an iceberg. How can she be as crazy as you said! She is like a tigress."

"You are eighteen this year!"

"Well, just right!"

"Have you married the princess?"

"No, women are not as interesting as the truth. I hardly ever go out, let alone marry a princess. Except for my sister and Yue'er, or those two court ladies, I haven't even seen a few women!"

Young Master Liu's face froze, he threw the ox bone in his hand on the table, cleaned it with water and wiped it with a handkerchief, and then walked towards Wanyan Feixiong's bed.

"Since this is the case, elder brother feels that there is nothing to talk to you about."

"The eunuch at least has a court lady to eat with! As a prince, he doesn't even have a concubine. You are not even as good as an eunuch. My young master is still talking to you."

Wanyan Feixiong looked at First Young Master Liu who had fallen into a deep sleep on the bed, and scratched his head in doubt.

"You were the one who cried to me, okay? How did you make me look like a human being inside and out!"

Silent all night.

After waking up, Young Master Liu began to exchange academic life with Wanyan Feixiong day after day.

For more than ten days in a row, it was rare for Young Master Liu, who has always been active, to calm down and discuss those scientific knowledge with Wanyan Feixiong.

In the palace garden, Wanyan Feixiong held the manuscript in one hand, and a pen in the other, looking at First Young Master Liu who was lying on the ground observing the front of the dragon car.

"Brother, you said that replacing wooden wheels with cast iron wheels can increase the speed, but it is a strict test for the quality of iron wheels."

"I've tried the wheels sent by the Bingjian Supervisor many times, and it's not necessarily better than wooden wheels."

"Stupid, use refined steel."

"Will the cost be too high? Jin Guo's current hundred-refined steel can't even supply the demand for casting weapons and armor. Now that my sister is preparing for war, how can I open my mouth?"

Liu Mingzhi stuck his head out from under the dragon chariot, and took a pen to record something on the rice paper spread on the ground.

"I also know that the cost is high. The key is not that we don't have machine tools. We haven't accumulated enough experience!"

"Anyway, I mentioned the idea to you. Whether it can be realized or not depends on your own. Don't worry, getting these things is not something that happens overnight."

"If you want to thoroughly understand what other people have made for hundreds of years in more than ten years, it is simply whimsical."

"Our existence is to open a path for future generations, as for how far they can go, it depends on themselves."

Wanyan Feixiong bit the pen holder and sighed.

"That's right, the more you delve into it, the more Fei Xiong realizes that he is just a frog in a well. I'm afraid that Fei Xiong will never touch the edge of truth in his entire life."

Liu Mingzhi stood up, and carefully stuffed the rice paper in his hand into his bosom.

"You continue to grope, the elder brother is so bored in the palace, he plans to go out for a walk."

"Okay, brother, go early and come back early, so that my sister won't worry!"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback, and waved his hands at Wanyan Feixiong with a complicated smile on his face: "Don't worry, your sister is more at ease than anyone else!"

These days, with the help of Young Master Liu, Wanyan Feixiong's research on the dragon chariot has made rapid progress, and at the same time, Young Master Liu has gained a lot.

For more than ten days, he has memorized the steps of how to make a dragon car, and took notes carefully.

The two can be said to be mutually beneficial, and each takes what they need.

Young Master Liu followed the road inside the palace wall and walked towards the side gate of the palace familiarly.

This is already the fourth time Young Master Liu has left the palace alone!
"Your Majesty, Lord Liu has left the palace again!"

The empress, who was reviewing the memorial, stopped, gently closed the memorial and put the ink brush aside.

"Go, let's follow!"

"The unconscionable reaction in the past few days has become more and more abnormal. It seems that I am going to start a game with me."


After a cup of tea, the two queens changed into ordinary clothes and followed the route that Young Master Liu had left the palace.

On the main road outside the palace, First Young Master Liu stopped and stopped, stopping at a certain stall from time to time to look at some rare toys that Dalong didn't have.

He wanted to buy some, but after listening to the words of Jin Guo from the stall owner, Young Master Liu finally put down the plaything in his hand.

At the corner of Minxiang not far from Young Master Liu, the empress and the two quietly observed Young Master Liu's every move.

Huier's eyes were full of confusion.

"As always, wandering around in the capital, not chatting with others, not meeting people outside of our control, what exactly does Master Liu want to do?"

"Hui'er really can't figure out what method he will use to leave the Kingdom of Jin if this continues!"

The queen shook her head silently: "Who knows what kind of medicine he sells in the gourd, but the more he is like this, the more uncertain I feel."

"It's so abnormal!"

"There must be his men in the city, maybe they are deliberately confusing us, let us relax our vigilance, and try to find an opportunity to contact his men!"

"My lord, what does Master Liu know that we are secretly watching?"

"Obviously! Let's go, the heartless one is gone again, let's keep up, I want to see what he wants to do."

Liu Mingzhi stopped and walked again, and finally stopped in front of a solemn building with curious eyes.

"Great Huguo Temple!"

For more than ten years, Young Master Liu has never set foot in a Taoist temple, a place outside the temple, of course, if the Taoist temple in Li Buyi's house is also considered a Taoist temple, then Young Master Liu has never said so.

Thinking of the old monk Hui Pharaoh who brought Yue'er back to Jin Kingdom, Young Master Liu hesitated for a moment and walked straight towards the gate of Dahuguo Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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