Chapter 1547
The queen and the queen went back to the palace of the Kingdom of Jin without a word.

After the two of them bathed and changed their clothes, it seemed that nothing happened outside the palace. They talked and laughed with the little cutie until the evening, until they sent the little cutie back.

After walking around for a long time, how could Young Master Liu not have a sore waist and leg pain, but just endured it all the time.

After teasing the empress for a few words, Young Master Liu lay down with his clothes on, and after a short while, he let out the sound of even breathing.

The queen glanced back at First Young Master Liu, then turned around and continued to review the memorial.

The empress originally wanted to ask First Young Master Liu to help her review the memorial and share a little pressure.

But Liu Mingzhi frankly refused, he told the queen that he was already very guilty, the memorial worthy of her staying up all night to review must be very important, he is the prince of Dalong, the commander of the army and horses of the 150 states in northern Xinjiang.

I don't want to spy on the state affairs of the Jin Kingdom because of my private relationship.

The queen hesitated again and again and finally agreed.

Maybe these memorials about raising troops to the south are really not suitable for unconscionable help to review.

Alas, what are you thinking without conscience, haven't you always wanted to help Dalong unify the world?As long as you read these memorials, you will know all the steps of using troops politely.

If the sky has no eyes and you are defeated politely, and you are lucky enough to return the dragon, you will be able to counterattack quickly after knowing these important plans.

At that time, it will be too late to bluntly say that even if you want to change the strategic deployment.

In this way, won't your great cause of helping Dalong rule the world be completed?

You want to help the Li family rule the world, but you don't want to spy on Jin Guo's weaknesses.

What's on your mind?Is it because you feel that defeating the Kingdom of Jin in this way is a bit unfair?

If others bluntly say it, they may still believe it is because of this reason, but you will definitely not be such a person.

Holding the heavy army to change the great dragon, but not against it.

Dedicated to being loyal to Dalong, but not taking advantage of Jin Guo's weakness.

What the hell do you think?

The queen sighed faintly, her bright eyes looked coldly at the bright moonlight outside the palace.

She knew that although the imperial palace was extremely quiet, the imperial city was already full of turmoil.

Just as the Empress expected, at this moment, two groups of people in the capital of the Kingdom of Jin are engaged in a duel where you chase and flee.

The queen withdrew her gaze, lowered her head and quietly flipped through today's memorial.

The lights were dim, and the moon was in the sky. The empress put down the vermilion pen and closed the last memorial.

Stretching slightly, the queen looked at Young Master Liu who was sleeping carefreely and walked towards the outside of the hall with a smile.

The night was still slightly cold, the empress tightened her robe: "Hui'er!"

"Hui Er sees Your Majesty!"

"Excuse me, did you ask what happened? What did you talk about with Hui Pharaoh without conscience?"

Hui'er shook her head slightly, with deep regret in her beautiful eyes.

"The old Zen master only said that Mr. Liu asked him to test a character. As for the process and the result of the test, there are only three other characters, which cannot be said."

"Hui'er said this was His Majesty's oral order, but the old Zen master still replied with three words, saying that he is no more than an outsider." I really don't want to get involved in worldly matters, please forgive me.

The empress narrowed her eyes and revealed a chill, her fingers tightly gripped His Highness's court pillar, and her voice was cold.

"Don't say it! Isn't old bald donkey Hui Pharaoh afraid that I will flatten his Great Huguo Temple?"

Hui'er still shook her head with complicated eyes: "Hui'er also revealed this point in his words, but the old Zen master Huifa said that he would rather be transformed into a relic, and there are only three words that cannot be said."

The empress was slightly startled, the astonishment in her bright eyes was undisguised.

"What good did the heartless give him? He would rather die than say anything."



"It's okay! The old Zen master said that this is the reward given by Mr. Liu for testing characters."

The queen looked at Hui'er blankly: "It's okay? What kind of reward is this?"

"Hui'er doesn't understand either, is there any deep meaning?"

"Is it time to ask what word is measured?"

"The unknown word of the future!"

"not yet?"


The queen's jade finger tapped the court pillar lightly and muttered, after a long time the queen shook her head in doubt.

"After thinking about it, I can't feel that there is anything unspeakable about this word, what do you think?"

"Hui'er doesn't understand either, but there must be some reason for the longevity of Buddhism and Taoism. We don't understand this, but they should be able to see what it is literally."

The queen nodded slightly: "You take some spies, and secretly recruit all the strange people who are proficient in divination and fortune-telling in the Kingdom of Jin, and let them calculate this word. At the same time, the spies hidden in the dragon of the Golden Eagle pass a letter, let them pay a visit to the famous biography quietly." Li Buyi, the number one god of the great dragon in the world."

"See if I can get a hexagram from Li Buyi."

"I never believed in these swindlers. I thought they were just swindlers. Even if they were famous all over the world, I thought they were just ignorant people. They listened to rumors and worried that they would deceive the king's heart if they were too credulous, which would bring disaster to the country and the people."

"However, to this day, in order to win this bet, I have no choice but to believe it or not."

"This word can make unconscionable people absent-minded and lose their minds. There must be a reason for him. He is willing to believe it. I might as well believe these charlatans once."

"Hui'er understands!"

"What happened to those unscrupulous contacts that were caught by the stall owner?"

"Some of them have captured a few people, and there are more than a dozen people who are still at large. These people are all first-class masters. They don't fight with the brothers at all, they just keep running. The brothers are trying their best to encircle and suppress them."

The empress thought for a while silently: "Preach the decree to Yeluhu."

"Let him lead the [-] Jinwu Guards, not to let go of every plant and tree, and thoroughly investigate all suspicious places within and outside the capital city within a radius of twenty miles,"

"The tunnels for drainage in the capital city will be garrisoned by all the troops in the city."

"All places where secret tunnels are dug suspiciously will be strictly investigated."

"Let Chi Bieshu lead a thousand soldiers and horses, in the name of the national treasury, to buy leather in the city with all their strength, and items that can easily ignite the fire."

"It was ordered that Yelumo lead [-] soldiers and horses to enforce martial law throughout the city. People are not allowed to step out of their homes after purchasing daily necessities within two days and within seven days. Those who violate the order will be detained on the spot and strictly investigated."

"I want to let the heartless have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth."

"In this case, I want to see if there is any other way for him to escape from the Kingdom of Jin. Can he really grow wings and fly out?"

"No matter how many people he arranges in the city to support him, as long as he can't get out of the city, he must not even think about escaping from my mother's grasp."

Hui'er stared blankly at the queen's cautious expression, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

His Majesty has really laid a net this time, if Master Liu escapes from the Kingdom of Jin like this, then the heavens will really have no eyes.

"Why are you stunned? Don't pass the decree yet."

"Hui'er obeys the order, Hui'er resigns."

Hui'er's figure disappeared into the night, and the queen turned around and went back to her room.

Looking at Young Master Liu who was sleeping soundly, the empress picked up the ink brush and wrote the word "Wei" on the rice paper, quietly staring at the handwriting written by herself, the empress didn't have any thoughts.

It's just a font, why does it make such a big unscrupulous change.

What is so different about this word?

Could it be that Hui Er misunderstood it, the words Hui Pharaoh bald donkey said were not the characters of the dragon, but the characters of Wei in the Kingdom of Jin, and the queen extinguished the idea as soon as it arose.

Those who have no conscience do not understand Jin Guo characters at all, so naturally they will not use Jin Guo characters to calculate anything.

The queen, who really couldn't think of anything, covered her cherry lips and yawned.

She picked up the rice paper and lit it to the candle, then threw it into the brazier. Looking at the burnt paper, the queen took off her robe and walked towards the bed with lotus steps.

Turning on the bed, the queen gently shrank into Young Master Liu's arms, and the queen gently grabbed Young Master Liu's palm and closed her eyes while murmuring.

"Without conscience, you are becoming more and more like a cloud of fog, making it difficult for Wanyan to see clearly."

"Is it true that Wanyan never understood you as you said in Dalong last time?"

"In this case, why do you want to say that you know you best."

"What the hell are you thinking?"


"My mother, you're going to scare my old lady to death, and you haven't fallen asleep with me."

"Asleep, woke up by you."

The queen turned over and looked at First Young Master Liu with narrowed eyes: "You look at the moonlight so seductively, since you're awake, why don't you wake up for a while before going back to sleep!"

"Don't...don't make trouble, it's late at night, can you stop scaring me?"

Empress Yilajin was wrapped around the two of them.

"Whoever makes trouble, my mother never jokes."

"I've been tired all"

On the roof of the hall, twelve beautiful figures flicked their fingers, and the lights in the hall went out immediately.

Facing the moonlight, the twelve figures quietly left the hall!
(End of this chapter)

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