Chapter 1548

After that night.

Young Master Liu, who lived in the harem, once again lived in seclusion and went out, and nothing happened in the capital of the Kingdom of Jin at all.

"Yue'er, you have almost practiced the Wulang gossip stick that Daddy gave you. If you encounter lewd ruffians in the future, you can teach them as you like."

"Remember what father said, whenever you meet someone who wants to plot against you, even if you beat him to death with a stick, you don't have to be afraid of retaliation. If you kill him in Dalong, your father will carry it for you. If you beat him to death in Jin Kingdom, your mother will I will support you personally, Auntie Yanyu will support you if you are beaten to death in Turkic, as long as."

Young Master Liu was stunned as he spoke, staring blankly at the little cutie who was stationed there holding a whistle stick.

Cutie wiped the sweat from her forehead, and looked at First Young Master Liu blankly: "Daddy, what do you want? Keep talking!"

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and looked in amazement at the little girl who was only a few months away from being ten years old. It turned out that the little girl was already a crab before she knew it.

Looking at the world, besides Yue'er, who else can travel across the Three Kingdoms.

The father is the king of the dragon side by side, the young is the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and the aunt is the princess of the Turks who holds a heavy army. I am afraid that no matter how big the matter is, it is not a big deal for the little cutie.

Thinking about it carefully, not even Liu Luoyue, who is her own father, is more powerful than Liu Luoyue.

Looking at the curious little cutie strangely, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head.

This is the love of thousands of people!

"It's nothing, you take a break and continue to practice. Dad is going to do the laundry, don't be lazy, you must know that the one who cheats, rapes and cheats will eventually hurt yourself."

"Okay, Yue'er knows."

Young Master Liu gave his daughter an encouraging look, turned around and walked towards the steps of the gazebo outside the Shang's study room, where several small wooden basins were placed under the steps, filled with all kinds of luxurious clothes.

Some belonged to Young Master Liu himself, and some belonged to the empress, mother and daughter.

The cutie rested on his sword, and kept peeping at First Young Master Liu who was gently washing the clothes. This was the third day that the father took the initiative to do the laundry.

Little cutie really can't figure out why daddy has to wash the clothes by himself as there are so many maids in the palace who wear Huanxi clothes.

Young Master Liu's answer was very simple, he was too busy, and felt uncomfortable if he didn't find something to do.

The empress had no choice but to agree to Young Master Liu's strange request, and left all the usual clothes of her mother and daughter to Young Master Liu for cleaning.

At first, the empress thought that young master Liu was trying to do something small, but after observing for two days from time to time, she found that the unconscionable one was really just washing clothes, so she gradually lowered her doubts.

In the past three days, Young Master Liu seemed to have forgotten about the bet again, and he stopped going out for a walk in the palace. After washing his clothes, he took his daughter for a walk in the harem at most.

Young Master Liu's actions made the Empress both gratified and worried.

The gratifying thing is that the heartless one seems to have forgotten the bet, and the worrying thing is that she really doesn't understand what Young Master Liu is up to.

Even younger than a child, it's almost like thinking about it.

After about half an hour, Young Master Liu washed all the clothes with clean water.

Holding the huge wooden basin, he glanced at the vivacious little cutie not far away who was dancing the whistle stick and smiled softly.

The ancients often said that a woman's lack of talent is virtue. Young Master Liu doesn't care how other people's girls are educated, but his own daughter must have both civil and military skills.

Wen can recite poems and fight against each other, and Wu can protect himself.

Although there are many guards around these children secretly protecting their safety, they are afraid that something will happen to them.

When someone hasn't placed an order, it's always good to have a little skill in self-defense.

Liu Mingzhi walked not far away, looking at the pair of sticks and ropes on the ground that put the wooden shed on the ground.

Picking up a stick of moderate thickness, Liu Mingzhi inadvertently gestured at the length of the stick.

In about half a stick of incense, more than a dozen sticks carefully selected by Young Master Liu were put out.

Picking up the tie ropes and lightly binding them, Young Master Liu glanced at the scorching sun in the sky and sighed.

Qingniao, Qingniao, you must hold on, only if you draw Wanyan's eyes to you, can this young master take the opportunity to leave Jin Kingdom.

Not long after, Young Master Liu tied up several weird-looking drying racks and put all the clothes on them. Liu Mingzhi clapped his hands and walked towards the well with the wooden basin.

"Yue'er, take a rest when you're tired, Dad will go back to his room first."


Liu Mingzhi returned to the empress's Shang study, and walked towards the bookshelf against the wall on one side. The tall bookshelf was full of various books.

There are books in the script of Dalong, and there are also books in the script of the Kingdom of Jin.The atomization board door covers a wide range.

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes to glance at the beams of the house, then withdrew his eyes, and searched on the bookshelves with a calm expression.

While drinking tea, Young Master Liu found a book about the customs and customs of the Kingdom of Jin, went to a chair beside him, sat down, poured a cup of tea, and began to read it with interest.

At this time, in the capital of the Kingdom of Jin, in a private house in a courtyard.

Four men, five women and nine people looked worriedly at the blue bird who was pacing back and forth while looking at a piece of paper.

"Star Lord, Black Eagle and the others have already been rounded up by Admiral's spies. I don't know if they will be killed."

Qingniao gently put down the note in his hand and shook his head: "Don't worry, the purpose of the Admiral's spies arresting us is to get the specific plan of the young master's departure. As long as they don't speak up, they won't be in danger of their lives."

"Besides, in view of the young master's relationship with the Golden Empress, those spies will not torture them too much in order to prevent the young master from feeling frustrated."

"This is just a gamble to decide whether the young master will stay or not. Neither the young master nor the Golden Empress want to see blood. Once blood is seen, the matter will not end well."

"This subordinate understands, but how does the young master plan to leave? He just asked us to coordinate with him to attract the attention of Jin Guo's spies, but we don't know the specific steps of his departure. How can we accurately and effectively respond to him!"

"Shouldn't it be a drag on the young master if he accidentally enters the young master's range when flying the kite ears of the spies from the Kingdom of Jin?"

When Qingniao heard the words, there was a hint of doubt in her beautiful eyes.

"I don't know. If the young master doesn't let us ask, then don't ask. Since the young master dares to accept the bet, he must have a perfect plan to leave. We can do whatever he tells us to do."

"It's hard to put it bluntly. When you enter the relevant department, you're just making a living with your head pinned to your trouser belt. Since you dare to enter the relevant department, whoever doesn't have a few lives in his hands will already look down on life and death."

"The settlement allowance of 5000 taels is enough for the wife and children to spend the rest of their lives in peace."

"Tell the brothers, since we are soldiers of the dead, we must be ready to die at any time."

"As long as the young master has an order, there will be mountains of swords and flames ahead, and we have to go forward bravely."

The nine people nodded without fear, just as Qingniao said, since they are dead soldiers, they must have put life and death aside.


Qingniao took out the fire folder and burned the note in the book.

"According to the plan, Xiongshan, Fox, the two of you are deliberately showing off your feet this time. Don't forget the unified caliber back then. You must not ruin the young master's plan."


(End of this chapter)

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