My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1550 Your horse is gone

Chapter 1550 Your horse is gone
In the capital of the Kingdom of Jin, Liu Mingzhi rode his horse around the empty streets of the capital for a long time, and then headed towards the city gate with a clear purpose.

Looking up at the sky, Liu Mingzhi kept muttering in his heart.

According to the book, within three days, there will be more windy seasons in the Kingdom of Jin. As long as there is a strong wind, my plan can be implemented.

Liu Mingzhi glanced back at the dozen or so figures hanging far behind him. Now that the Queen is monitoring him, he no longer needs to hide. It can be said that it is blatant to prevent people from leaving.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, waved his horsewhip and began to gallop towards the city gate at an accelerated speed. The capital city under martial law simply gave Young Master Liu the greatest convenience.

The dozen or so people behind were slightly startled, and hurriedly stretched out their bodies and chased after First Young Master Liu. Although they didn't know what strange things this master wanted to do, they couldn't let him out of their sight no matter what.

A moment later, looking at the city gate where the capital of the Kingdom of Jin was in front of him, Liu Mingzhi galloped on his horse and took out the Golden Dragon Emperor Order that Li Zheng had bestowed on him, and held it in his hand.


A phrase of the Kingdom of Jin came out of Young Master Liu's mouth. These were a few simple and easy-to-understand words of the Kingdom of Jin that I had quietly learned from my daughter in the past few days.

"Eight hundred miles, hurry up, open the door quickly."

The general guarding the city gate was stunned for a moment, glanced at First Young Master Liu who had stopped, and looked at the gold medal in his hand a little at a loss, as his status was not enough to see the Queen's golden order.

But he can see the flying dragon on it, it is the symbol of the royal family.

Liu Mingzhi grabbed the reins of the horse, looked coldly at the astonished general who went up and slapped him, and Jin Guo, who opened the door quickly, blurted out words again.

At the same time, he drew out the Heavenly Sword from his waist and put it on the general's neck.

The general looked at Young Master Liu's fierce and arrogant look, glanced at the soldiers who were also at a loss around him, and hesitated.

"My lord, it's better to wait for a moment, I will ask for instructions."

Liu Mingzhi couldn't understand what the general said, and the blade of the Heavenly Sword in his hand directly touched the general's neck, and the words of Jin Guo who opened the door blurted out again, and the cold aura emitted by the Heavenly Sword chilled the general's heart.

It should be His Majesty's emissary to be so confident and dare to threaten the gatekeeper with a sword, it should be.

Looking at First Young Master Liu in horror, the general waved his hand tremblingly.

"Give order to open the city gate."

A group of soldiers immediately moved into action, the city gate creaked just as a foot-wide gap was opened, and panicked shouts came from the street.

"Don't open the door, he is Liu Mingzhi."

The general was taken aback, and was about to pull out the saber from his waist, but was slapped out by Liu Mingzhi's horizontal sword. Liu Mingzhi swung his whip, and Fengxing leaped towards the city gate that was enough to pass.

The surrounding soldiers who reacted had just raised their weapons, and one man and one horse had already rushed through the city gate.

Young Master Liu rushed up alone, and dozens of figures passed through the city gate and chased after Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi glanced back at the dozens of figures with outstanding qinggong behind him and smiled faintly. He knew best how much qinggong consumed internal energy, and it couldn't compare with the stamina of a war horse.

Maybe I can leave without implementing the second set of plans
The sound of several arrows piercing through the air came, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly turned around and subconsciously swung his sword to chop off, several feathered arrows fell to the ground by Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the situation on the official road outside the capital and grabbed the rein of the horse.

"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the more than 2000 archers on the official road lined up in batches, pulling the iron tire bows into a full moon, and they were waiting to point the arrows at him, which can be said to have surrounded the official road.

Looking at the general who was standing at the front and smiling lightly at him, Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and shook his head and put the Heavenly Sword back into its sheath.

"General Yelu, this young master just wants to go out of the city to let go of the horses, so he shouldn't put on such a big display. Those who didn't know would think that this young master is a felon on the run."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, dozens of men in black surrounded Young Young Master Liu with weapons in their hands, staring at Young Young Master Liu who was smiling cautiously.

Yeluhu, the general of the Jinwu Guard who followed Young Master Liu to put down the rebellion in the past, waved lightly, and more than 2000 archers put down their bows and arrows.

It's just that the arrow is on the string but has never left, and you can raise your hand to shoot at any time.

"Brother Liu, we also worked together in the past. This general doesn't want to tear up your face with Brother Liu. I hope Brother Liu will be more sensible and go back to the city obediently. Don't make things difficult for your brother."

"Sigh, it seems that my young master chose a very wrong path when he went out of the city to herd horses!"

"No, Brother Liu is the same no matter where you leave the city. Brother Liu, go back. I know you are a first-class martial arts master, but all the men in black around you are masters. Of course, Brother Liu can also Look back."

Liu Mingzhi looked back subconsciously, and saw dozens of bed crossbows with winches on the city wall facing his position.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help sweating on his forehead. Although he was good at lightness kung fu, he didn't dare to be as bold as Qi Ya was back then, to move freely in the arrow formation intertwined with the rain of arrows.

As long as the spies around them exhausted their internal strength, no one would let themselves play with so many bows and arrows.

No matter how invulnerable the silkworm soft armor on his body was, he might not be able to withstand the terrifying impact of the bed crossbow.

"It seems that you have put up an iron wall to guard against this young master."

"This should be Brother Liu's honor. Since the last rebellion, the capital of the Kingdom of Jin has not made such a big move in ten years."

"Brother Liu, listen to Brother Wei's persuasion, and go back obediently. There is no turning back when you shoot a bow, and you can stop it like a knife and gun. Don't let Brother Wei hurt the harmony between us in the past."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a wry smile, got off the horse and glanced at the surrounding admirals and secret agents, raised his hand to caress the horse's mane, Liu Mingzhi whispered in Fengxing's ear.

He knew that Fengxing was extremely spiritual, so he should be able to comprehend what he meant.

BMW understands human nature is not just a common saying.

Feng Xing rubbed the horse's head against Young Master Liu's shoulder, and there was a rhythmic cry, and everyone could clearly feel the sadness in the horse's cry.

"Good brother, the purpose of the elder brother's trip out of the city this time is to let you go back. I know the way, you have to take good care of yourself on the way, someone will pick you up, see you later."

Gently stroking the horse's mane, Young Master Liu scanned the surrounding spies.

"If you don't disperse, how will my young master go back?"

The spies around looked at each other, hesitated for a moment and retreated a way out.

Liu Mingzhi patted the horse's back, Fengxing's hooves were raised high, and he rushed out from the retreat path with a groaning rhythm, and galloped along the Jin Guo official road under the eyes of everyone in astonishment.

Those archers on horseback came to their senses, and immediately turned their horses' heads to catch up.

With a sound of rubbing, the sound of sword chanting came, and Young Master Liu directly cast Wind and Snow and shot towards Yeluhu.

With a clang, Yeluhu's half-unsheathed long knife was swept away by Young Master Liu with a sword, and the Heavenly Sword in Young Master Liu's hand was also placed on Yeluhu's neck.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Yeluhu's astonished eyes, glanced around, gave up chasing Fengxing, raised his bow and arrow to his archers, and said coldly to the spies in black who surrounded him and Yeluhu again.

"General Yelu, this young master will not run away, tell your soldiers to put down the bows and arrows in their hands, and don't chase after my young master's mount."

"Otherwise, my young master will die together with brother Yelu."

"This young master admits that he is not your opponent, but before he dies, it is still easy to take the head of an admiral out of thousands of troops."

Yeluhu quietly looked at Young Master Liu's cold gaze, as if he didn't feel the cold blade on his neck, and suddenly waved the command flag in his hand.


Young Master Liu's pupils shrank: "Who dares!"

Those archers who were about to leave stopped again, and many old people among them had followed First Young Master Liu to quell the rebellion, so they naturally knew First Young Master Liu, and after hearing Young Young Master Liu's cold shout, they subconsciously stopped.

"General Yelu, are you not afraid that this young master will kill you?"

"Hehe, everyone is a soldier and has long been prepared to die at any time. Brother Liu, the emperor's order is in your body, so forgive me."

"All generals obey orders, chase after them! Live or die!"


A cold voice came from the city gate, Young Master Liu relaxed and looked back subconsciously.

I saw the queen, mother and daughter coming towards this side at a high speed, and the cold shout just now was the queen's voice.

"Shut up!"

The queen reined in the horse, and looked at Young Master Liu who was holding the Heavenly Sword on Yeluhu's neck with complicated eyes.

"Are you planning to forcefully fight out?"

"Your Majesty, the minister is incompetent, so Brother Liu's horse escaped and is about to be recovered by the soldiers."

The empress was startled, she seemed to understand why this happened, she frowned and scanned around, and sure enough there was no young master Liu's mount.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's indifferent expression, the empress looked a little puzzled.

"Your horse is gone, you don't seem to be worried at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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