My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1551 Give You Double

Chapter 1551 Give You Double

Young Master Liu shook his wrist holding the hilt of the sword, and looked at the Queen with a trembling corner of his mouth, taking it for granted.

"It's so good, my young master is wondering, you mother and daughter didn't talk like this before, why did it become like this now?"

The empress looked blankly at First Young Master Liu's tangled and blackened face: "Why did I speak out of tune? It's because you're dead!"


Young Master Liu, me, me, me a few times, but I didn't come up with a reason. In my heart, what the empress said was indeed correct, but I always felt weird when I heard it.

Shaking his head helplessly, First Young Master Liu withdrew the Heavenly Sword that was on Yeluhu's neck, raised the sword and punched Yeluhu.

"Brother Yelu, I offended you."

After finishing speaking, he put away his sword and sheathed it, turned around and walked towards the gate of the capital. Although he had already prepared in his heart, Young Master Liu realized at this moment that he still underestimated the Queen's determination to stay behind.

The city is under martial law, the city gate is sealed off, and there are heavy troops defending outside the city. This is because he is afraid that he will leave the Kingdom of Jin and return to the dragon.

Liu Mingzhi guessed without even thinking about it, not only the capital city of the Kingdom of Jin, but also the twelve cities in southern Xinjiang were heavily guarded to prevent him from leaving.

Yeluhu got off his horse, walked up to the queen with a guilty expression and bowed.

"Your Majesty is incompetent, please punish me."

The queen shook her head slightly, looking at Young Master Liu's back as he walked towards the capital as if resigned to his fate, and pondered.

"Yelu Aiqing!"

"Chen is here!"

"Order the three armies to re-search all the places where tunnels can be dug inside and outside the city. The horse may have his redeployment plan on him and pass it on to the spies hiding in our Kingdom of Jin."


"Your Majesty, do you want me to send someone to chase after that bloody horse? See if there is anything on that horse!"

"No need, as long as you can stay in the city, no matter how detailed the plan is, it's useless to welcome Liu Mingzhi back to the country, unless the army breaks through the pass and enters until our Dajin Capital falls completely."

"Yes, I understand."

Empress Hao looked at the official road outside the city for a moment, then slightly turned her horse and nodded to the little cutie.

"Yue'er, let's go back to the city."

"Good mother!"

The queen, who had walked less than twenty steps, suddenly pulled the reins tightly, and looked up at the tall city wall in a daze.

"Yelu Aiqing!"

"The minister is here, Your Majesty, please give me instructions."

"Arrange two thousand archers on each of the four city walls, let them stare at the sky closely, light the torches at night, and don't let go of any clues."

"The minister obeys the order."

The queen muttered for a while, but she really couldn't think of any omissions, so she swung her whip and led dozens of big insiders galloping towards the capital.

Just before entering the city, the queen saw Young Master Liu walking slowly towards the palace on the street.

Looking at Young Master Liu's back, the queen was slightly dazed, one person with one sword, her clothes fluttering gently in the wind, matched with the empty streets around, what a lonely figure it was.

The queen came back to her senses, thinking it was her own illusion, but when she took a closer look, Young Master Liu's back was still so lonely.

It wasn't that he was lonely because of the empty streets, but that the empty streets were lonely because of Young Master Liu's back.

It seems that Young Master Liu exists alone in the world. He has no relatives, no friends, and he is the only one walking forward alone.

"Oh, heartless, what kind of thoughts are you hiding!"

"Shut up!"

The queen finally stopped beside First Young Master Liu while muttering.

Seeing Young Master Liu looking at her with a chuckle, as if nothing happened, the empress couldn't help being startled.

Could it be that it was really my own illusion just now?

"Daddy get on the horse, let's go back together!"

"it is good!"

Young Master Liu got on the horse directly, hugged the cutie for a while, whipped towards the direction of the palace.

When passing the Dahuguo Temple, Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a while but did not stop after all, and continued on his way back to the palace.

"Daddy, do you really want to go back to Dalong so much?"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, looked down at the little cutie who looked up at him, and nodded slightly at his unhappy appearance.

"Yue'er, you don't understand Daddy, but one day you will understand that everything Daddy does has its own reasons."

"Okay, but Yue'er can't help you. The palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh. Whether you can leave the Kingdom of Jin depends on whether you can beat your mother."

"It's not suitable for Yue'er to help anyone, so I can only choose to be a bystander."

"Good girl, what you did was right. No matter whether Daddy wins or loses, don't interfere in the bet between me and your mother, so as not to make her feel cold."

"What are you father and daughter muttering about?"

"It's okay, my young master said that Yue'er is getting more and more beautiful, and more and more like you. I don't know how many men will be fascinated by it in the future."

The empress glanced at the little cutie, and seeing her smiling face gave Young Master Liu a blank look: "Let's go back to the palace first, because you didn't even review today's memorial."

"it is good!"

Dozens of fast horses escorted Young Master Liu's family of three towards the palace.

After returning to the palace, Young Master Liu didn't look depressed at all when he failed to escape from the Kingdom of Jin, and he became a model of a good man at home again.

The clothes changed by the queen and her daughter are washed clean every day.

The last escape incident made the empress suspicious of Young Master Liu's intention to wash clothes every day.

However, after two days of monitoring again, the queen still didn't find anything wrong. It's not that the queen didn't find those weird clothes hangers.

However, Young Master Liu said that it would be faster to spread the clothes out to dry, the empress looked at them several times and did not see anything wrong with these drying racks, so she had to give up.

Some wood tied together really doesn't look like anything useful.

However, the empress still kept an eye out, and ordered Hui'er to secretly arrange people to closely monitor First Young Master Liu, and to write down any clues and report them to herself.

It was night, after bathing and changing, First Young Master Liu came out of Shang's study with clean clothes on.

Feeling the draft wind blowing from the corridors on both sides of the Shang study, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, and slowly stretched out his arms to let the wind blow on his body.

This is the strongest southeast wind that Liu Mingzhi has seen in the nearly 20 days since he came to the Kingdom of Jin.

The wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated. They summed up the changes of the solar terms every year quite completely. This is the experience summed up bit by bit by generations.

It was recorded in the book that these few days were the days when the wind gradually picked up in the Kingdom of Jin. Sure enough, it was only the second day, and the wind in the palace gradually picked up.

"Why don't you rest, what are you doing here?"

Liu Mingzhi was feeling the draft from both sides, and the empress came out wiping her wet hair with a clean towel, obviously she had just finished bathing.

"The wind is a bit noisy today, come out and have a look."

The queen nodded knowingly, and stuffed the towel into First Young Master Liu's hands, untied a ribbon from her wrist, tidied her hair and tied it casually behind her back.

"Yeah, the weather is changing these few days, and there will be more and more strong winds in the Kingdom of Jin in the future."

Liu Mingzhi put the towel on his shoulders, walked behind the queen and hugged the queen's willow waist naturally, smelling the faint fragrance of the queen's body, Liu Mingzhi looked up at the bright stars in the night sky faintly.

"To put it bluntly, what kind of world do you say is the world of Guotai Minan?"

The empress looked up at Liu Mingzhi in surprise, "Aren't you the one who dislikes talking about these things with Wanyan? Why did you suddenly mention this question today?"

"It's nothing, it's just a feeling."

"When Li Yunlong and the others rebelled, they said that the world is not home to the virtuous, but to the capable."

"But my young master thinks it's wrong."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"In my opinion, neither the virtuous nor the capable live in these hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!"

"What is that house?"

"He who wants to live in the heart of the people. But the heart of the people is the most difficult thing to figure out. Dalong now has more than 9000 million people, and 9000 million people's hearts."


"It would be a disaster for any of the princes to support their troops and stand on their own."

The queen pondered for a moment, then shook her head blankly: "It's in the clouds, what exactly do you want to say? Can you explain clearly clearly, don't play charades with my old lady."

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a smile,

"Just treat it as nonsense."

"You look at how charming the night is, it's the best time to be quiet in the dead of night."

The empress was startled, turned around and put her arms around Young Master Liu's tiger waist, and looked at Young Master Liu with weird eyes.

"Are you drinking too much?"

Young Master Liu sneered twice, picked up the Queen by the waist and walked towards Shang's study.

"To put it bluntly, how about borrowing a carrot?"

"I will give you double!"

(End of this chapter)

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