Chapter 1552
The next day.

The windows of Shang's study were creaked by the howling wind, and the wind in the morning was a little more noisy than last night.

Liu Mingzhi sat up from the bed suddenly, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Looking at the empty brocade quilt on one side, Liu Mingzhi knew that the empress had gone to court again.

She sighed silently, she is really a strong woman.

Although Liu Mingzhi had never inquired about the court affairs of the Kingdom of Jin these days, he had never touched the memorials that the empress placed on the table.

However, just from the fact that the queen gets up early and returns late these days, and the busy affairs of the court, it can be inferred that the plan of Jin Guo to send troops to the south to attack the city is in full swing.

In this way, Liu Mingzhi also knew that the matter of leaving the Kingdom of Jin was imminent, and there was no further delay.

If I don't rush back to Yingzhou, the 30 soldiers under my command will not be guarded by this coach at ease, and the morale of the army will definitely be unstable.

He didn't doubt the bravery of generals like Song Qing and Cheng Kai, and the brave morale of his brothers.

However, on the battlefield, it is not just a matter of bravery. There are too many reasons to determine the outcome of a great battle.
It's okay if you let Song Qing and the others charge forward, but if you let them arrange their troops, it's simply embarrassing for their generals.

After getting along for many years, Liu Mingzhi knew them too well.

Especially now that he is bluntly announcing the rumors in Dalong that he has taken refuge in the Kingdom of Jin, if he really does not go back, the rumors will become true.

Once the crime is confirmed, what will my wife, children and children do?

Liu Mingzhi did not deny that Liu Zhi'an's power was very powerful, so powerful that he still didn't know where his bottom line was.

But no matter how powerful Liu Zhi'an was, he was just a family, and Liu Mingzhi had no idea whether the entire imperial court could stand it.

I have a lot of wives and children, and my second brother Liu Mingli's family is deeply intertwined, a slight negligence would be a catastrophe.

After Liu Mingzhi got up and washed, he walked towards the outside of the hall.

Walking to the courtyard outside the Shang's study room, he sighed as he looked at the hang glider placed in the corner.

Sensing the atmosphere around him, Liu Mingzhi pretended to be casually strolling around, knowing that once he tied the cloth prepared in advance to the hang glider, Huier would immediately lead a group of masters to surround him.

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and walked aimlessly in the courtyard, raised his hand inadvertently, looked at his sleeves and felt the current wind force.

Seeing the non-stop dancing of his sleeves, Liu Mingzhi understood that now was the best time to leave, but the people around him who watched him would not give him any chance.

Looking up at the sky, Liu Mingzhi looked outside the palace.

Blue Bird, Blue Bird, the heaven-sent wind has come, and it's time for your wind to blow too.

But don't let anything go wrong, whether this young master can take the opportunity to leave depends entirely on you.

Liu Mingzhi didn't know that the capital city was now caught in a silent battle.

Figures with outstanding lightness skills leaped in the capital, eagles soared in the sky, golden eagles soared into the sky, and many fast horses rushed towards the palace non-stop.

Jade Bird wore a dark blue embroidered skirt, leaped over the roof with a light veil on her face, looked back from time to time to the several figures who were chasing after her, and smiled faintly with her red lips under the veil.

"Come on, everyone, come together, the more you come, the more opportunities you will have for the young master."

As soon as the blue bird's voice fell, several figures leaped out from other directions and came to encircle the blue bird.

At the same time, the same scene as that of the blue bird is taking place on the streets of the other four gates of the capital.

In a remote corner of Shang's study room, a woman nimbly leaped to Hui'er and stopped.

"Flying Luan sees Commander."

Hui'er took her gaze away from First Young Master Liu in the distance, and glanced at the woman beside her lightly.

"What's the matter?"

Fei Luan took out a note from his cuff and handed it to Hui Er.

"A spy was captured, and information about how Lord Liu left the Kingdom of Jin was intercepted from him."

Hui'er was startled and hurriedly took the note and flipped through it.

"My young master, the secret road leading to the bottom of the lake in the Royal Garden of the Kingdom of Jin has been opened, leading directly to the swamp outside the city, the young master can wait for the opportunity, and the subordinates will escort you back to the country outside the city. '

Hui'er took back the note, and looked at Young Master Liu who was wandering by the gazebo.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but Hui'er always feels that Young Master Liu's figure is getting closer and closer to the Royal Garden.

Could it be that Mr. Liu took the little princess to wander around the imperial garden every day because of this secret way?

But opening the secret passage leading to the palace from the outside of the city requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Will Master Liu have so many people hiding inside and outside the capital?

Could it be Jiangnan willow leaves?Hui'er looked at Young Master Liu's voice wandering around the gazebo in surprise and frowned.

"Flying Luan!"

"I'm humble."

"You gather fifty masters who are proficient in water, and carefully search every suspicious place in the lake in the imperial garden."

"I have to order, I will resign from my humble position!"

After Feiluan flew away, Huier glanced at First Young Master Liu and waved to a strong man not far away.

"A tiger!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"First, take the place of the commander and monitor Mr. Liu."

"The low-ranking gopher sees the commander, arrests a spy, and intercepts an intelligence letter."

Hui'er was startled, looking at the thin and thin middle-aged man in front of him, hastily took the note in his hand and flipped through it again.

"My young master, as soon as noon arrives, there will be turmoil in the Yingbin station.Taking advantage of the chaos in the city, the young master can take the opportunity to leave the imperial palace from the imperial garden by the side of the lake. The location is one of the two selected points, and he can shake Kaifeng soil with his palm. '

Hui'er hesitated for a moment: "Mouse, you can arrange another [-] brothers to assist Feiluan, and let Feiluan thoroughly investigate the imperial garden, not to let any plant or tree be spared."


"Jiahu, tell the brothers to disperse. Once Lord Liu makes a move to go to the imperial garden, he will immediately surround him fifty paces away. I will go ahead to meet His Majesty and let her make an idea."


Hui'er put away the two pieces of paper, and her figure quickly ran towards the Guangming Palace.

Liu Mingzhi was stunned by the action of clasping and pulling his fingers, glanced inadvertently from the corner of his eyes, saw many flashing figures around him, smiled faintly, and continued to wander around.

Young Master Liu's position has changed a little bit, and his position seems to be close to the imperial garden.

Seeing this, the hidden admirals around could not help but tense up, and set up their positions, so as to block Young Master Liu from leaving at any time.

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his palms lightly, and felt the oncoming breeze and stretched his waist.

The wind finally picked up.But the wind is not strong enough now.

Another gust of wind, and the time will come.

Wanyan, ah, Wanyan, even if you are impregnable, you would never have thought that my young master would choose to abandon the car to keep the handsome, and use blue birds and the others to confuse your gaze.

He took out a letter from his arms, and Liu Mingzhi flipped through it a few times before putting it away.

After much deliberation, Liu Mingzhi still decided to leave a letter for the queen.

Say something that is in your heart.

(End of this chapter)

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