Chapter 1553 Liu Yingdi

In the Palace of Light, the Empress was listening to Song He indifferently as he narrated the results of a group of important ministers discussing how to deal with the Turkic coalition in the past few days.

The calm face of the empress suddenly changed, because she heard Huier's internal force sound transmission.

Looking at Songhe and watching the memorial eloquently narrate the countermeasures, the queen stood up gently: "Song Aiqing."

Song He, who was playing the memorial, was startled, and turned his gaze back from the memorial to the queen.

"Your Majesty, does your Majesty feel that there is something inappropriate?"

The queen shook her head slightly: "I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable in my body. You can submit the memorial. I will go back and have a look at it myself. If there is anything that I think is inappropriate, I will circle it with a red pen and send it back for re-discussion."

"The minister obeys the order."

Songhe closed the memorial, and the queen's internal affairs officer Shuangyue hurried down to take the memorial and delivered it to the queen.

The queen took the memorial and glanced at the civil and military officials in the palace: "The king of the town has sent a document to urge the matter of food and grass. Please work hard and transport the follow-up food and grass to southern Xinjiang as soon as possible. Remember not to delay the matter of going south."

"Your Majesty obeys the order, please take care of the dragon body and send it off to Your Majesty!"

"Let's retreat."

"The ministers will retire, long live long live."

The empress took the memorial in Shuangyue's hand, and walked towards the back of the palace unhurriedly.

As soon as she passed through the bead curtain, the queen's figure sped up, watching Hui'er, who looked anxious, hurried towards the Shang's study.

"Talk while you walk."

"Follow the order, Your Majesty please."

Hui'er followed behind the empress every step of the way, and after handing the note to the empress, she briefly and concisely described the things about Young Master Liu, and narrated her own doubts.

On the corridor leading to the mountain study, the empress put away the papers she had read, her footsteps involuntarily slowed down, her bright eyes were full of thought.

After a long time, the empress looked at Hui'er hesitantly: "According to what you said, these unconscionable days brought Yue'er to wander around the Imperial Garden Lake, maybe it is to find out where the secret path is?"

Huier nodded hesitantly: "This is just Huier's temporary speculation. As for whether there is really a secret way, Huier dare not say for sure."

The queen thought for a while and shook her head: "I don't think it's possible. Digging a secret road leading to the imperial garden from the swamp outside the city is not a small project."

"How could it be possible for those people without conscience to complete it? In just over 20 days, there is not a lot of manpower and material resources." Helped?"

"Hui'er has also considered this possibility just now. With Jiangnan Liuye's help, it is not impossible to dig out a secret path."


Seeing Huier's hesitation to speak, the queen said directly, "But it's okay to say."

"According to the order."

"Or is it possible that this secret passage is not one, but one leading to the outside of the palace, and then a secret passage is opened from somewhere in the city wall, so that the energy expended will be reduced by at least [-]%."

"Furthermore, Mr. Liu is a half-step innate master. He is good at lightness. His speed on the ground is much faster than in the secret passage, and it is easier to deceive people. After all, the movement of digging the secret passage can be large or small, and it is difficult not to be discovered. .”

The queen was stunned and nodded slightly: "This possibility is not ruled out, and it makes more sense in this way."

The queen looked down at the note in her hand again: "If there is really Jiangnan Liuye to help, the outcome of this game is really unpredictable."

"Two pieces of information were intercepted in a row. It seems that the secret passage of the Royal Garden is very likely."

"Your Majesty, what should we do now? Hui'er just now discovered that Master Liu seems to be moving towards the Imperial Garden intentionally or unintentionally. Maybe it's Hui'er's illusion of being overly suspicious."

The queen stuffed the two pieces of paper into her sleeves, and walked quickly towards the Shang's study.

"Let's go and have a look first. Order Feiluan to continue to search every part of the Imperial Garden. I'd rather believe it or not."


During the cup of tea, Empress Hui'er and the two rushed to Shang's study one after another, watching the pavilion not far away gradually approaching the path leading to the imperial garden, but Young Master Liu who was a little hesitant, the empress frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty, the brothers have intercepted the information again."

The queen turned around and looked towards Huier, only to see a dead carrier pigeon in Huier's hand, which was pierced by a special crossbow arrow.

Huier took out a note from the carrier pigeon's leg and hurriedly handed it to the queen.

"Master Qi, the brothers have almost been arrested now. In order to prevent the information from falling into the hands of the Golden Queen and leaking information, please hurry up and find the opportunity to leave the Palace of Jin Kingdom through the secret passage, so as to prevent the secret passage outside the city. The exit was searched by the Golden Queen, which cut off the young master's retreat."

The empress grabbed the note suddenly, looked around and kept looking up at the sky, and Young Master Liu, who seemed embarrassed, gritted her silver teeth lightly.

"Hui Er!"


"Send more people to thoroughly search the imperial garden, dig three feet to find the entrance of the secret passage, and send an order to Yelumo to lead [-] cavalry to search the swamp outside the city in a carpet style along the way."

"Your Majesty, the brothers have all gone out to hunt down Lord Liu's spies, and there are not many people in the palace now."

"How many people do you monitor unscrupulous people?"

"48 people!"

"Another 28 people were dispatched to search the Imperial Garden, and [-] best kung fu masters were left to watch over the unconscionable."


After Hui'er left, the empress looked angrily at Young Master Liu who seemed a little restless.

"No matter how powerful Liu Ye is under your father's command, there are only a limited number of Liu Ye brothers hiding in the Kingdom of Jin. Wan Yan wants to see how many people he has to compete with Wan Yan."

"This is Wanyan's home field, and you can spend as much manpower as Wanyan wants."

The empress stared closely at Young Master Liu's figure, and saw the little cutie running towards Young Master Liu along the corridor from her palace garden.

Due to the distance, the queen could not hear the father and daughter chatting and laughing.

Around the time of cupping tea, the empress saw Young Master Liu gently stroking her daughter's hair, and holding the little cutie's hand, she was about to walk towards the imperial garden.

The Queen's crescent eyebrows condensed, and hurriedly leaped towards the direction of the father and daughter.

"You have no conscience, Yue'er, what are you going to do?"

"Hey, mother, you're going down!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the empress who suddenly leapt forward with a suspicious expression: "Wanyan, why did you retreat so early today, don't you usually come back in the middle of the day?"

Young Master Liu's anxious and restless expression was comparable to that of a film king. He didn't know how afraid he was that the Queen would suddenly come back to Shang's study so early.

The queen smiled lightly and raised her hand to tidy up Young Master Liu's wind-blown hair.

"Today is the small court meeting. There are not too many things to deal with. It is a little early to say that the court is coming. What are you father and daughter going to do?"

"Mother, Daddy said that the koi in Yuhuayuan Lake must be delicious, and I'm going to take Yue'er to catch a few together!"

When the empress heard this, the panic in her bright eyes disappeared in a flash, and she raised her hand to caress the little cutie's hair and laughed.

"Yue'er, and Bie Lu's family paid tribute to mother a lot of exotic flowers and plants bought from the Western Regions. Mother has arranged for people to plant in the imperial garden in the morning. Now the imperial garden is under construction. The ravine is uneven, and the matter of catching fish In two days, when those exotic flowers and plants are planted, mother will also accompany you to catch fish."

"Okay, but mother, you have to keep your word and accompany Yue'er and Daddy to catch fish."

"Mother speaks well and speaks well, whatever you say is what you say."

"Yeah, Yue'er believes in mother."

"Without conscience, what do you think?"

Young Master Liu's disappointed eyes wandered for a moment, and he nodded helplessly.

"Since there is a lot of construction going on, it's definitely not safe for Yue'er to be so young, so let's wait."

The empress looked at the uneasy look in Young Master Liu's eyes, smiled lightly, grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist and looked around at the surrounding scenery.

"You father and daughter really want to eat fish, so you politely asked someone to buy some delicious wild fish back."


"Also... let's forget it, I don't really want to eat, the main thing is Yue'er."

"Isn't the imperial garden planting exotic flowers and plants from the Western Regions? When I went to the Western Regions, I stayed there for several years, and I know some things about the Western Regions."

"Why don't you play with Yue'er first, and I'll go to the Imperial Garden to see if I can be of any help. After all, there are so many people working together, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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