Chapter 1554
The empress listened to Liu Mingzhi's words, the lotus arm holding Liu Mingzhi's wrist stiffened slightly, she turned her eyes and glanced at Young Master Liu's somewhat erratic eyes, the empress smiled faintly.

The more Liu Mingzhi was like this, the more certain the empress was that Liu Mingzhi had ulterior motives.

Its purpose is nothing more than to escape from the palace with the help of the secret passage in the imperial garden.

"No, you are a man of euphemism, and euphemism allows you to come to the Kingdom of Jin to enjoy the glory and wealth, and to live a sensual life."

"It's not for you to work hard. You are already tired enough to do everything in Dalong yourself. How can Wanyan be willing to make you work hard?"

"The craftsmen who take care of the imperial garden are all outstanding ones selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. With them in charge, basically there will be no major problems."

Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and nodded: "Well, since you are assured of their technology, I don't have to worry about it anymore, and enjoy the glory and wealth you mentioned."

The Empress let go of Young Master Liu's arm, turned around and walked in front of Young Master Liu, holding Young Master Liu's chin, and gently blew the aroma.

"That's right, with my old lady here, it's not your turn to suffer."


Liu Mingzhi raised his brows slightly, stared at the empress' eyes with deep meaning in his heart, and couldn't help but feel a bad feeling.

"What's the matter? What's right or wrong? Why do I feel that your words are suddenly so awkward."

The empress quietly stared at Liu Mingzhi's uncomfortable face, let go of Liu Mingzhi's chin, turned around and looked towards the direction of the palace gate with her hands behind her back.

Just now, when he looked at the empress who was still tender and tender, Young Master Liu, a lonely and domineering aura suddenly emerged spontaneously from her body.

This sudden change made Liu Mingzhi startled, wondering what happened to the queen.

Just now he was talking softly, talking and laughing, how could he suddenly become so imposing.

The empress stared coldly at the gate tower of the palace gate, her cherry lips slightly parted and said, "Do you still remember what you said outside the palace three nights ago?"


Liu Mingzhi didn't know what the empress meant, so he asked his own question.

"The world's virtuous people live there, those who are capable live there, and those who want the people's hearts live there."

Liu Mingzhi couldn't figure out what the Queen meant when she suddenly brought up the old story, so he nodded hesitantly.

"Naturally I remember, but I said that day, these are just some gibberish made out of feelings, there is nothing worth pondering, let the past pass."

The Queen suddenly turned around and looked at First Young Master Liu quietly. She was so caught off guard that Young Master Liu was a little taken aback. She really didn't know what happened to the Queen, why she suddenly became so strange.

Looking at the Queen's dark pupils, Liu Mingzhi obviously did not do anything to offend the Queen, and at this moment he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Involuntarily, he put his palm on the little cutie's hair and caressed it, using this movement to cover up his inner discomfort.

The queen walked gently in front of Liu Mingzhi, and stopped half a foot away from Liu Mingzhi.

"When you first heard what you said, Wanyan felt a little cloudy. I felt that you were talking nonsense. After the matter passed, Wanyan didn't think much about it."



"However, early this morning, when Song and Song Aiqing played the correct match, Wanyan put an inadvertent sentence in his heart. When Wanyan listened to Song Aiqing's correct match, Wanyan thought carefully about the casual sentence he said."

"I don't know why later, Wanyan couldn't help thinking of your nonsense that night outside the palace."

Liu Mingzhi tightened his palm slightly as he caressed the little cutie's temples, and frowned inadvertently.

"So, what does this have to do with my nonsense that night? To put it bluntly, what do you want to say? Let's be blunt, I don't think there is any need to say these hidden words between us."

The queen turned around and wandered around in the gazebo, her eyes scanning First Young Master Liu from time to time.

"It doesn't really have much to do with it. It's just that combining your words that night with Song Aiqing's inadvertent words made Wanyan suddenly think of an allusion."

"Wanyan, I don't know what allusions you think of? I would like to hear more about it. Your words have aroused my curiosity. I really want to know what allusions you will use to view the nonsense of this young master that night."

"My young master just had a feeling occasionally. I just arranged Li Yunlong's rebellion at random. I don't know what deep meaning it will have. If you can see it, it will be really interesting."

The empress who was wandering suddenly jumped in front of Liu Mingzhi, the distance between the two was less than three fingers wide, the empress stared at Liu Mingzhi's suddenly shrunken pupils and laughed lightly.

"You are guilty. You have never explained anything like this before. Are you trying to cover up something by saying so much?"

Liu Mingzhi hissed softly, and the hot air stirred the empress's flowing blue hair and danced slightly.

"I don't know what to say. I really don't know what you want to say. To put it bluntly, if you continue to play charades like this, I think you'd better go back and review today's memorial."

"It just so happens that the clothes I changed yesterday haven't been cleaned yet. I have nothing else to do and I went to do the laundry."

Just as Liu Mingzhi wanted to let go of the big hand holding the little cutie's temples and was about to walk towards the Shang's study, the queen suddenly said.

"Chu Zi aspires to the crown!"

"How do you feel about this allusion?"

Liu Mingzhi's tiger body trembled slightly, and he couldn't help but squeeze hard.

"Oh, Daddy, you hurt Yue'er's hair!"

The little cutie pursed her mouth, looked angrily at the dazed old man, and subconsciously raised her hand to rub the aching top of her head that was pinched by the old man.

The cutie's angry voice brought Young Master Liu back to his senses, and he hurriedly let go of the palm that was holding the cutie's head, and placed it tremblingly on the side of his thigh, as if there was nowhere to put it.

"Honestly, I don't understand what you're talking about. I have nothing else to do and I'm going to do the laundry. You should also go and review the memorial. Don't you value the matter of sending troops south this time? It would be bad if it was delayed. "

The empress stared coldly at Young Master Liu's figure walking towards the Shang's study, and her pleasant voice sounded.

"The king of Zhou has nine tripods, and the king of Chu asked about it. Its meaning is not in the tripod of the king of Zhou, but in the world."

"Unconscionable, what is the opinion of the people, when is it something that you, a vassal with a different surname, should consider?"

"Whoever wants the hearts of the people can win the world. Why does Wanyan feel that standing shoulder to shoulder with the king to ask the hearts of the people is the same as Chu Zi asking for the crown?"

"Could it be."

"You should understand the meaning of euphemism!"

Liu Mingzhi took a few deep breaths, turned around and looked at the empress's enigmatic eyes.

"In the past, the Japanese young master's army broke into the capital and wanted to sit in that seat. Looking inside and outside the capital, who is the enemy of Liu Mingzhi? I want to establish myself as king, and I can get it at my fingertips. Why should I try my best to support His Majesty to become the emperor?"

"Wanyan, what you said about Chu Zi winning the championship is just your own wishful thinking."

"Oh? Maybe!"

"To put it bluntly, if there is nothing else, I'll go to do the laundry first."

This time, the empress did not stop Young Master Liu's figure who was walking towards the Shang's study, but stared at Liu Mingzhi's somewhat lonely back and narrowed her bright eyes slightly.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Can Yue'er go to practice with Daddy?"

"Go, if your father wants to get close to the imperial garden, come and inform mother immediately."

Cutie nodded hesitantly: "Okay, Yue'er knows!"

After the little cutie bouncing away, the empress watched as Young Master Liu walked into the background of the palace, slowly turning the jewelry on her fingers.

Liu Mingzhi, maybe I misjudged you before.

You may not be as dedicated to Dalong as you seem on the surface, and you will die!
It's just that, I can't see what you are thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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