Chapter 1558
Liu Mingzhi looked at the soldiers standing in front of him, and took out his seal from his arms with a light smile.

After a few soldiers were slightly stunned, they hurriedly knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Low-sighted, see the prince."

"Free, get up!"

"Thank you, Lord."

Liu Mingzhi put away the seal, and looked at the ten soldiers with a smile on his face: "You should be soldiers from Yingzhou, right?"

"Reporting to the lord, the humble ranks are the soldiers of the palace. The palace has not had any of the prince's personal soldiers to take over for a long time. The governor arranged for the humble rank to take nine brothers to temporarily guard the gate of the palace."

"Thank you for your hard work. Someone will take over your tasks after the king sends a letter in the afternoon."

"It's not hard work. It's an honor for a humble person to serve the prince. Please come to the palace!"

"Okay, I still have some business to deal with, so I won't chat with you guys, thank you for your hard work."

The ten soldiers looked at Young Master Liu's back as he entered the mansion, and wiped the sweat from their foreheads that did not know when.

"Head, is he really the side-by-side king Liu Mingzhi? This is too approachable, even less airy than our governor."

The middle-aged lieutenant, who was called the head by a group of soldiers, wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I have heard it for a long time. When the prince was the governor of the two governments in Yingzhou, he has always been like this. He never puts on airs with his brothers in private. He often laughs and scolds. Today, I know that the rumors are true."

"Don't talk about it, stand guard properly, the prince doesn't put on airs with us, we also have to know the difference between superiority and inferiority, so stand guard firmly!"


Young Master Liu walked towards the inner courtyard of the mansion familiarly. Some layouts in the mansion were also quite different from the past, revealing an indescribable aura everywhere.


First Young Master Liu was taken aback, and subconsciously looked towards the gazebo, only to see Qi Yun and the girls standing in the gazebo looking at him in surprise, and Liu Mingzhi hurried over in a daze.

"Yun'er, Lian'er, why are you in Yingzhou?"

Qi Yun and the girls looked at each other, and then the young master Liu who looked surprised came up to him.

"You told us to come to Yingzhou after the construction of the palace. The palace has been rebuilt for more than ten days. What should we do in Yingzhou?"

"I'm afraid it's because you are so happy to be with the beauty, forget about our sisters!"

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his nose resentfully looking at the angry expressions of the women.

"I have to, I have to. Husband has almost exhausted his wits fighting with Wanyan these days. The way of Wanyan is extraordinary. Husband can only deal with it without distraction, and almost forget about these things."

"By the way, since you are here, have Sister Ya and Shan'er given birth?"

"You still have a little conscience. Congratulations to your great prince. You have added a son and a daughter. Both mother and child are safe."

Liu Mingzhi was so excited that he almost jumped up, and looked at the smiling girls a little at a loss: "Where are Sister Ya and Shan'er? Who gave birth to a daughter, and who gave birth to a son?"

"My sister's daughter, Shan'er's younger sister's son."

"You got the names when you left the capital, Liu Zhenghao, Liu Lingyun."

"Lingyun was born one day earlier, she is my sister."

"My ancestors bless you, mother and child are safe, my ancestors bless you, where are Sister Ya and Shan'er?"

"You're breastfeeding the baby in the room, you'd better not go there now."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it after the child has eaten and drank enough, have the old man and mother come?"

Qi Yun and the girls shook their heads regretfully: "No, father told mother that the Northland is far away, and they are used to living in the capital, so they don't plan to move here. They will come back to see us when they are free."

Liu Mingzhi nodded disappointedly: "That's right, at this age, don't let them come here. It's not beautiful to let them come here because there is a war together and there will be no peace every day."

Qi Yun and the girls were taken aback for a moment, and they all looked at Young Master Liu with a sense of loss.

"Husband, Kingdom of Jin, are the Turks going to send troops south?"

Liu Mingzhi sighed and nodded: "The soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin have already gathered in the twelve cities in southern Xinjiang, and the grain and grass are being transported non-stop. I'm afraid they will come to the city within a month."

"The situation on the Turkic side is not clear for the time being, and it is likely that they will go south to attack the border at the same time."

"Hey, let's not talk about this for now, you guys chat in the yard first, and go to deal with some business for your husband."

"Okay, husband, you can go to work first, there is no problem with the sisters."

"Yun'er, you come with your husband, and get someone to prepare some hot water. You've been traveling all the way, and your body is sticky and uncomfortable."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!"

Qi Yun was quick-witted, knowing that her husband must have something to say to herself, she responded to Young Master Liu's words with a chuckle, talked to Qinglian and the girls, and followed.

Walking into the quiet corridor, looking at the vibrant flowers and trees in the mansion, Liu Mingzhi's heart also calmed down a lot, and he stopped looking at Qi Yun who followed him.

"Yun'er, has Xiaoxi brought you back?"

Qi Yun looked around and shook her head slightly and sighed.

"Xiaoxi said that she will definitely meet Sister Yan'er when she comes back, and it will be difficult for you to be caught in it, and she said that she enjoys this self-sufficient and safe life very much now, and when she wants to come back, she will naturally come back .”

"Okay, I'll go to Xiaoxi's when I have time to see how she is doing, and try to persuade her to come back. As for Yan'er, my husband will find a way to deal with it."

"My husband can understand, and I can rest assured,"

"My husband only told you about Xiaoxi, so don't tell Lian'er and the others for now, it won't be too late until the overall situation stabilizes."

"Husband, don't worry, I have a plan in mind and body."

"That's good. I'll go to the study first for my husband. You can arrange for the servants to boil the water."

"Well, my concubine will go first."

After Qi Yun left, Liu Mingzhi walked directly towards the study.

Looking at the familiar study, Liu Mingzhi secretly sighed twice, went around for several years, and finally came back here again.

Yingzhou is the first national gate of Shanhaiguan, and it is the place where the two countries must pass through to attack the dragon. The officials of the Ministry of Industry originally did not suggest that Liu Mingzhi set up the palace in Yingzhou City, but Young Master Liu insisted repeatedly, and the officials of the Ministry of Industry also refused The current palace had to be rebuilt on the original Duke's Mansion according to the etiquette system.

After First Young Master Liu entered the study, letters were carried by the golden eagles towards the three camps outside the city, to the mansion of Marquis Huguo Zhang Kuang, and sent to the generals of the other five border towns.

In the Kingdom of Jin, the Turkic attack on the city in the south is already a certainty, and the matter of defense must be finalized.

In the ten days or so since Young Master Liu returned to Yingzhou, he was busy like a machine.

Arranging a defensive formation, strengthening the city, and even not sleeping for two or three days.

In the hall of Huguohou's mansion, young master Liu's generals and Zhang Kuang's generals gathered together, discussing plans to defend the city against the sand table in front of them.

Zhang Kuang's eyes landed on the sand table in Shanhaiguan and began to scan.

"As far as the known information is concerned, about 48 soldiers from Jin Guoxing went south in two ways, and the Turkic side is still unclear."

Liu Mingzhi frowned: "Why are there so many soldiers and horses? Jin Guo suffered more casualties than us in the last national war."

Zhang Kuang sighed: "It is estimated that there are more than [-] new recruits who have just been recruited. They are determined to win or lose a battle."

"According to the news sent back by the scouts, it can be inferred that the focus of the Kingdom of Jin this time is on our two cities of Yingzhou and Jeju to the west."

Liu Mingzhi's eyes fell on the two sand tables: "The terrain of these two cities is flat, we have to be very passive. If the Turkic side divides another army, it will be very difficult for the defense."

"Report, report to the commander-in-chief, and scout to reply!"

"Report, report to the general, and scout the letter!"

Two people ran in one after another with letters in their hands, and handed the letters to First Young Master Liu and Zhang Kuang respectively.

The two opened the letter without hesitation and read it.

After a while, Young Master Liu and Young Master Liu looked at each other, seeing the seriousness in their eyes.

Liu Mingzhi handed his letter to Zhang Kuang, and took the information in Zhang Kuang's hand to read it.

After a long time, the two put down the letter in their hands and hurriedly examined it on the sand table.

April [-]th of the first year of Yongping.

Jin Guoxing had 48 soldiers and horses, and the Turks used 33 iron cavalry to attack the border southward.

Dalong Beijiang, which had just quelled the war, was once again in a state of turmoil

(End of this chapter)

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