Chapter 1559
On the city wall of Daizhou in the Kingdom of Jin.

The queen wore a majestic dragon robe, and three thousand blue silks were casually draped behind her back with a red rope. She stood on the city tower and looked towards the south.

Standing next to him was a cutie who also wore a decent dragon robe and a flat crown.

The queen didn't care at all that during her reign, her daughter's status as a princess was actually wearing a dragon robe like herself.

After all, the queen only has a daughter like Xiao Keai, so she naturally doesn't care that there will be heirs fighting for power and profit, which will cause internal turmoil in the court of the Kingdom of Jin.

On the contrary, the daughter is so smart, and more and more like herself, the queen can only be proud and happy from the bottom of her heart.

Because of the heavy burden of the Kingdom of Jin, the future of the Kingdom of Jin will be carried by this small shoulder.

Throughout ancient and modern times, the empress, mother and daughter should be the most harmonious emperor and 'prince' in history.

After all, many emperors worried that the prince's power would be too powerful, which would threaten their throne, and they carefully controlled the prince's power all the time.

Although you are the best candidate to inherit the throne in name, there is one thing you must be clear about.

You can only want it when I give it to you, and when I don’t give it to you, you’d better not think wildly and take back your unrealistic thoughts.

To sum it up in one sentence, I will never die, you will always be my minister.

Tang Taizong and his eldest son are bloody examples.

Qianlong and Jiaqing are also clear examples. Although Qianlong abdicated, the power is still in Qianlong's hands.

There are too few emperors who look forward to their children becoming dragons like the empress, replace themselves as soon as possible, and carry the banner of the Golden Kingdom.


The little cutie who was curiously watching the scenery outside the city heard the Queen's voice and raised her hand subconsciously.

"Mother, what's the matter?"

The queen raised her jade arm, bent her slender jade fingers and pointed towards the south: "Remember what mother said, if mother can't rule the world in her lifetime, you must bring grandpa and mother's lifelong wishes and lead me to the big gold. Iron cavalry, crossing the Shanhai Pass and galloping on the territory of Dalong, to dominate the world, and create my foundation of Dajin Wanshi."


The cutie hesitated for a moment and nodded lightly: "Yue'er understands, Yue'er must remember what mother said."

The queen lowered her eyes slightly, glanced at the little cutie's somewhat unhappy face and raised her hand to pat the flat crown on the top of the little cutie's head.

"Mother knows that you are worried that you will turn against your father, but mother can guarantee that you don't have to worry about going on the road of hostility with your father."

The little cutie's aggrieved eyes revealed a look of surprise, and she looked at the queen expectantly with wide-eyed eyes.


"Because your father wants far more than that. Forget it, it's just mother's own speculation. Maybe mother thinks too much. No one can understand your father's thoughts."

After getting such an answer, it was obviously not what cutie wanted, she nodded in disappointment, and scratched the beads on her flat crown with an undisguised expression on her face.

"Mother, do you think Daddy is right?"

"Report to Your Majesty, Princess Qi, King Zhen, Generalissimo Yeruha has arrived."


"According to the order!"

Yeluha, one of the old marshals who guarded the western border of the Kingdom of Jin, defended the seven border towns, and resisted the Turks.

Just as Huyan Yunyao asked her second elder brother Hu Yanyu to lead one hundred thousand cavalry to defend the Kingdom of Jin, why is it that the Queen is not guarding against Huyan Yunyao, a sudden emergence of military prodigy.

Although the two countries have been on good terms several times and are regarded as friends, the Queen and Huyan Yunyao both know in their hearts that they are just superficial friends.

The reason why they work together to deal with Dalong is that Dalong is the most powerful among the Three Kingdoms.

If the two countries are fighting in private, it will only allow Dalong to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Both women knew clearly in their hearts that as long as Dalong was taken down, there would be a battle between Turkic and Jin Kingdoms sooner or later.

It may not even wait until the day when Dalong falls completely, and the swords and soldiers will face each other. As long as Dalong is beaten to a corner and there is no hope of rising, the two countries will turn friends into enemies.

"The minister is polite!"

"Old minister Yaluha!"

"Long live my emperor, see Your Royal Highness."

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The queen looked at the two people who got up, and without any courtesy, she turned around and led the little cutie towards the inside of the tower.

Wanyan and Chizha followed up consciously.

The queen stopped in front of the well-arranged sand table in the tower, took out a bamboo pole and waved it on the map.

"You two lovers, I think you two have already read the plan of going south, so I won't say much."

"As the saying goes, soldiers and horses go first before moving food and grass. Now Yelumo and Longchang two love ministers have already transported food and grass one step ahead. They will reach the border of Dalong in less than three days, waiting for your main army to knock in at any time."

"According to the intelligence of the scouts, now Yingzhou and Jezhou each have about 6 soldiers and horses stationed in the six guards of Dalong Beijiang, and Yunzhou, Ganzhou, and Suzhou each have about [-] soldiers and horses stationed. The soldiers and horses are mainly filled by veterans and government soldiers recalled after retirement."

"Our main battles this time are Yingzhou and Jeju. Whether you want to take Fuzhou into consideration or not depends on the battle situation. You decide for yourself. There are two reasons for attacking Yingzhou and Jeju."

"One, Yunzhou, Ganzhou, and Suzhou are bordered by various parts of the Turkic Grassland. According to the verbal agreement between me and that little girl Huyan Yunyao, the three cities over there will be the main battlefield of the Turks. Do we need to send troops from Dajin to support them? The middle depends on the situation."

"Secondly, our taxes this year have not yet been collected into the national treasury. The three cities of Yunzhou are far away from our country of Jin. The supply of food and grass will be a big problem. In order to save food and grass, we can only choose Yingzhou and Jeju cities. .”

"This battle is related to the future foundation of my Daikin. Whether my Daikin rises or declines depends entirely on this time. I hope that the two lovers can go all out to create a permanent foundation for my Daikin."

"The ministers will definitely live up to the grace of the saints."

The queen looked at Wanyan Chizha and the two with a solemn expression, and stretched out her palm to the little cutie next to her: "Yue'er!"

The little cutie nodded hastily, and walked towards the table beside her. She carried a tray from the table and stopped in front of the queen. There were two tiger talisman seals in the tray.

The queen picked up one of the tiger talismans and put it in front of Wanyan Chizha: "The king of the town, Wanyan Chizha, listens to the order."

Wanyan Chizha hastily knelt down on one knee and raised his hands high in front of the queen: "Your Majesty, Wanyan Chizha, listen to the order."

"Lead the black wolf cavalry, the eagle guards, the iron armor cavalry, kill the wolf, and make troubles. The six guards with the halberds will be the commander-in-chief of the soldiers and horses on the left, and attack the dragon Yingzhou."

"Chen Wanyan Chizha takes the decree to thank you!"

"Yeruha listens to the order."

"My minister Yeruha listens to the order."

"You will command the armored soldiers, Feiyunqi, Canglangwei, Feixiongwei, Baibuqi, and Yunshanwei Liuwei as the commander-in-chief of the soldiers and horses on the right, and go straight to the big dragon Jeju."

"My minister Yeruha ordered to thank you."

The two of them took the Tiger Talisman Seal and looked at the Queen respectfully.

The queen stepped out of the tower, glanced at the flags and banners inside and outside the city, and took a few deep breaths at the invisible 48 soldiers and horses.

"Pass the decree, beat the drum and sound the trumpet, and the army will move out."

"Your Majesty has a decree, beat the drum and sound the trumpet, and the army will march out."

As the orders were delivered one after another, the rumble of war drums was heard above the city wall of Daizhou, and the horns were thick and straight into the sky.

The queen turned around and took two glasses of wine from the tray in Huier's hand and handed them to Wanyan and Chizha respectively.

"You two lovers, for the future of Daikin, please."

The two drank the wine in the wine bottle in one gulp, and then fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty will retire, long live your Majesty."

After the two got up, they walked directly under the city gate. With the sound of war drums reaching the peak, the 48 soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin divided into two groups and went straight to Shanhaiguan, the border between the two countries.

The queen quietly looked at the soldiers of the expeditionary army and sighed slowly.

"Unconscionable, from today onwards, the offense and defense will change."

(End of this chapter)

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