Chapter 1560
Outside the city of Yingzhou on the frontier of Dalong, Young Master Liu took off his armor, and with a pickaxe in his hand, he was digging a pit on the flat land outside the city. His clothes were already wet with sweat. one slice.

Beside them were Song Qing and Zhang Kuang who were also soaked in sweat.

Zhang Kuang hammered his old waist with the pickaxe, and looked at the thousands of Longwuwei soldiers around him who were also digging pits non-stop.

"Mingzhi, is the landmine you mentioned really effective? It makes the brothers feel ashamed like farmers. If it doesn't work, it will make people feel uncomfortable."

Young Master Liu, who was working hard, straightened up, picked up the jug on his waist, and took a big sip.

"Uncle, don't worry, as long as these landmines are used in real ways, they can wipe out thousands of enemy troops, at least as powerful as artillery shells, and they are even more secretive. If one is not expecting them, a landmine explodes and it will be a large number of corpses. "

Zhang Kuang's eyes lit up, he let go of the pickaxe and grabbed Young Master Liu's collar: "You bastard, why didn't you take out these good things earlier, otherwise, the old man would have killed more than [-] brothers in the last national war? "

The corner of Young Master Liu's mouth twitched and he slapped Zhang Kuang's palm off: "Uncle, don't go too far. You are a mere marquis who dares to touch me. Be careful that I will wear small shoes for you."

"You think I don't want to get more, the key is that I don't have money!"

"If I have that ability and keep the money, I will make you two atom ejectors, which will directly lead to world peace. The key is that I don't have that ability."

"All the money I've accumulated over the years has been spent on these things. It would be nice if I could get some out of it."

Looking at Young Master Liu's rolling eyes, Zhang Kuang smiled resentfully, spit two mouthfuls of saliva into the palm of his hand, picked up the pickaxe and continued digging.

"Boy, the old man understands you. The main reason is that my uncle is also very fond of soldiers. You must know them. Forget it, you are not much better than the old man when it comes to these things."

"At least the old man sent back the bones of your brother. You still have [-] brothers lying on the border of the Kingdom of Jin, buried in other places!"

Liu Mingzhi paused when he swung the pickaxe, and nodded with reddened eyes.

"Yeah, I promised them to take them home before I withdrew. I don't know when I can fulfill my promise. I don't know how long this war will last. One year, two years or more, I don't know what It's time."

Zhang Kuang glanced at the Longwuwei soldiers not far away and sighed.

"Be prepared for a protracted war. This old man has been in the army for more than 5 years, and the longest war lasted for five full years. At the beginning, there were 5000 brothers under my command, and less than [-] of them are still alive."

"Iron battalions, flowing soldiers, newcomers replace old ones."

"For more than thirty years, this old man sent away nearly 20 brothers with his own hands. Seeing them die in front of his eyes one by one made me feel uncomfortable, but what can I do?"

"Being a soldier, I have expected this day for a long time. Maybe this time, the old man will be able to reunite with the original old brothers. I want to see them and say sorry to them. My brother made a slip of the tongue, so I said yes We went and returned together, but I lived on for more than 20 years."

Liu Mingzhi listened to Zhang Kuang talking with a choked voice, raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Kuang: "Uncle, don't feel bad, those seniors know that there are brothers watching this prosperous and prosperous world for them, but Tian Youling doesn't know How happy I should be."

"Man, this generation counts down to only [-] days, and there are always so many unsatisfactory things. Let's look at it, and there is no way not to look at it."

"Don't always think about unpleasant things. The seniors are still watching you in the sky defending their home and country. For the wishes of those seniors, you should work harder to live."

Zhang Kuang wiped the corners of his eyes indiscriminately: "Yes, the brothers are still watching the old man from the sky. If the country gate that the brothers are desperately protecting is lost, the old man will have no face to meet them."

"Even if the old man dies, he must die on the battlefield, and the brothers must not look down on the old man."

"Put on iron armor and conquer all directions."

"Hold the long halberd, Haoerlang."

"Protect the family and the country."

Zhang Kuang hummed the ancient battle song softly, his voice gradually became louder, and gradually the mighty ancient battle song rang out one after another around him.

Then the soldiers on the city wall also joined in, and all of a sudden there were impassioned singing everywhere inside and outside Yingzhou, and the singing revealed the determination to regard death as home.

Liu Mingzhi straightened up and listened quietly to the deafening singing, perhaps this was the soul of an army.

It was the same when he led his troops to conquer the Western Regions. Alas. Liu Mingzhi put down the pickaxe in his hand and walked towards the distance.

Standing on the high slope, Liu Mingzhi gazed to the north of Shanhaiguan.

Song Qing didn't know when he came to Liu Mingzhi's side: "Marshal, are you worried about Brother Scout!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and looked up at the sky: "It is said that the scouts should pass on the letter half an hour ago, but now there is no movement at all, and I don't have a clue in my heart."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, Juechen rode across the Shanhai Pass and galloped towards the outside of Yingzhou City. The smoke and dust raised behind the horse showed how fast the horse was.

Liu Mingzhi was overjoyed, and clapped his hands suddenly: "It's true that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, that's great."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, the scouts from the north reined in the horse tightly and stopped in front of First Young Master Liu. The horse's hooves were raised high before the scouts got off the horse nimbly, took a bamboo tube from behind and held it up to Young Master Liu. In front of less.

"Report, expedited documents for [-] miles."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the crumbling scout, took the bamboo tube from the scout's hand, and helped the scout: "Good brother, thank you for your hard work."

"Deputy General Song, quickly take him down to rest."


Song Qing opened the Water Margin and handed it to the scouts, and then helped him to find a place to rest. Liu Mingzhi hurriedly took out the paper from the bamboo tube and began to look through it.

Looking carefully at the contents on the rice paper, Liu Mingzhi sighed with a complex expression.

"After all, it's still a joint army. It seems that this battle will be difficult. I don't know how much it will cost to defend the country."

"Report, expedited documents for six hundred miles."

While Young Master Liu was muttering to himself, another scout rushed forward at an accelerated speed.

Liu Mingzhi took the scout's letter as usual and flipped through it. When he saw the contents of the document, Young Master Liu's expression froze, and he handed the Water Margin to the scout and then rushed towards Yingzhou.

"Brother, rest well!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up Zhang Kuang who was digging a hole and walked towards the city gate.

"Bastard, what are you doing?"

"Go back to your Chinese military tent and look at the sand table."

After about half a stick of incense, Young Master Liu pointed his finger on the sand table.

Zhang Kuang looked around: "Taluhe, isn't this the place where one of your troops is stationed? What do you mean by telling this old man?"

Liu Mingzhi handed the document to Zhang Kuang, and tapped heavily on the sand table.

"The first batch of grain and grass from the Kingdom of Jin will be transported to Shanhaiguan in three days. From the Talu River to the official road leading to Shanhaiguan from the Kingdom of Jin, the iron cavalry under my commander can rush down in less than an hour."

"The grain and grass transported by the Turkic side from the Sulu tribe to Yunzhou also had to bypass the Muling River, a tributary north of the Talu River."

"Soldiers and horses go ahead without moving food and grass, and it will take at least a day for the food transport team to travel with the main army behind."

"This is what this commander defended when he garrisoned at the Talu River. The terrain here is wide open, and a hundred thousand cavalry spread out effortlessly. It can be said that we can advance, attack, retreat, or defend."

"They have already learned that we are determined to defend the city. They must have never imagined that this commander would have the courage to station a troop on the Talu River, where the Turks and Jin Kingdoms border each other."

"Maybe this commander can take advantage of Ning Chao, Duan can't bear to give the vanguard troops of the two countries a blow before their soldiers and horses are exposed, and destroy their food and grass."

Zhang Kuang stared at the map for a while and shook his head.

"I don't agree. It's too risky. Although it is a food transport team, there will also be a large number of elite defenses. Once they are entangled by them, when the main force encircles them, the entire army must be wiped out."

"We agreed to defend the city, why do you want to take the initiative to attack again?"

"Liu Shuai, wake up, today is different from the past, our military strength no longer allows us to take the initiative to attack, the most clear action is to use defense as an offense."

"We are defending the city, and the casualties are two or three times lower than the enemy's. If this is the case, why do we have to make use of our weaknesses and avoid our strengths?"

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

"Uncle, taking offense as defense may not be a form of defense."

"I've always believed that offense is the best defense."

"They now think that we are afraid to fight in the tortoise city. In this case, the commander wants to use a trick of surprise soldiers and a trick of dangerous soldiers."

"Give them the opposite."

(End of this chapter)

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