Chapter 1561

The former part of the Turkic steppe Peru.

In front of a small folk courtyard full of quaint temperament but beautiful.

Yun Xiaoxi, who was preparing fodder for the old sheep that had just given birth, stood up with a chuckle when he heard the sound of horseshoes outside the courtyard.

"It's only been seven days since we met, why are you here again?"

"You don't wonder what I'm doing here?"

A clear and pleasant woman's voice sounded outside the door, and then the door opened in response. Huyan Yunyao walked in wearing a leather armor against her plump figure, wearing a small felt hat with wild feathers on her head, and wearing small cowhide boots.

Looking at the bleating little lamb in Yun Xiaoxi's arms, Huyan Yunyao's beautiful eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"Hey, your sheep has given birth. It seems that Ben Khan will be able to eat delicious roast lamb next time."

Yun Xiaoxi frowned slightly, and cast a blank glance at Huyan Yunyao, who was playful. Regardless of whether what Huyan Yunyao said was true or not, she held the little lamb in her arms tightly and looked at Huyan Yunyao cautiously.

"You have a good idea. These cattle, sheep and horses are all Miss Ben's partners. If you want to eat roast mutton, go to your own family. When it comes to cattle and sheep in the whole grassland, whoever has more cattle than your family, you can't beat Xiao Mian." idea."

Huyan Yunyao unceremoniously walked to the stone table in the courtyard and sat down, poured tea from the pot and drank it herself, looked at Yun Xiaoxi's soft eyes as she caressed the lamb, and shook her head helplessly.

"Choose a name for the sheep, how busy are you? I said it earlier. If you are alone, go to Huyan Royal Court to find Ben Khan as a companion. For the sake of your brother, Ben Khan guarantees that you will be safe and sound on the grassland." .”

"You don't listen to the advice, why do you have to live alone in such a yard with no village in front and no shop in the back?"

Yun Xiaoxi put down the lamb in his arms, walked to Huyan Yunyao and sat down.

"You don't understand. This is the happiest place Xiaoxi has lived in for more than 20 years. Here are the best memories of Xiaoxi and her cousin. You, an old girl who can't get married, won't understand."

There was a hint of envy in Huyan Yunyao's beautiful eyes, which was well hidden before Yun Xiaoxi raised her head.

Leaning on the chair, her slender legs dangling on the armrests of the chair, and waving the whip in her hand with nowhere to place it, Huyan Yunyao was like a female bandit, exuding a wild and unruly aura all over her body.

"Tch, isn't he just a man! My aunt has as much as she wants, there's nothing to show off."


Yun Xiaoxi took a cup of tea and casually looked at Huyan Yunyao and smiled: "Since you want as much as you want, why is Yunying still unmarried?"

"Sister, you are 30 years younger this year!"

The corners of Huyan Yunyao's mouth trembled, and the corners of her peach blossom eyes twitched a few times, which was the reaction of being deeply pierced.

Glancing at Yun Xiaoxi's indifferent expression, Huyan Yunyao put down her teacup and stretched her graceful body, waving a horsewhip and walking towards the courtyard gate.

"My aunt is too lazy to bother with you, a poisonous tongue girl, and she has nothing else to do. She just stopped by the old Peruvian Ministry to see you. Maybe I can see you again in the future, maybe I won't see you again in the future."

"Grandma is on the grassland because of her status. She doesn't have any friends worthy of friendship. You are one of the few. I hope we will meet again in the mountains and rivers, and it will be the same when we return."

Yun Xiaoxi was stunned, looking at the leather armor on Huyan Yunyao, and then at the strong outfit on Huyan Yunyao, which was convenient for riding a horse, seemed to understand something, and hurriedly chased after Huyan Yunyao.

"Are you going to lead troops south to attack my dragon?"

Huyan Junyao paused, turned her head and glanced at Yun Xiaoxi lightly, and nodded without any concealment.

"That's right, my aunt's iron cavalry has gathered between Dulu and Jielisi, and the army can go south to attack the city at any time."

Yun Xiaoxi heard Huyan Yunyao admitting it so frankly, and looked at Huyan Yunyao's back with a complicated expression.

"Sister Yunyao, you care so much about senior brother, aren't you afraid that you will completely break with him this time when you commit serious crimes? Now all the 150 states in northern Xinjiang are his fiefdoms!"

"You are not only attacking Dalong, but also my cousin, your sweetheart."

Huyan Yunyao glanced back at Yun Xiaoxi's complicated expression, her gaze became deeper, and she waved her finger at Yun Xiaoxi, Huyan Yunyao slowly walked towards her mount.

"Xiaoxi, so what if he is my sister's sweetheart?"

"That old woman in the Kingdom of Jin loved him to the death, even her daughter was so old, but the army of the Kingdom of Jin went south as soon as they said they wanted to. Did that old woman hesitate at all?"

"The old woman always thinks that her brother is sorry for her and has failed her affection."

"But thinking about it, even the old woman herself almost forgot that the fundamental reason why she and senior brother came to this point is because they valued senior brother's ability to help the world."

"If there were no seniors to help her quell the rebellion in the Kingdom of Jin back then, would they have achieved what they are today?"

"If senior brother is not handsome in white clothes, but just an ordinary person, will the old woman hand over her clean body to senior brother?"

"In the final analysis, the original purpose of the old woman was to use her beauty to keep her senior brother to serve in the Kingdom of Jin because she listened to the old master Rondo's words."

"First of all, her impure purpose led to today's result."

"It's just like she used the tactic of driving away wolf and tiger to force her brother to drive ducks to the shelves to help her put down the rebellion."

"Sowing evil causes, how can it bear good fruits."

"In the last national war, the old woman felt sad because her senior brother led iron cavalry into the Kingdom of Jin, but she forgot that she said she would send troops to the south, so she raised her troops to the south. Did the senior brother ever complain that the senior brother was just doing his own thing?" What a vassal should do."

"It's ridiculous to owe her just because she didn't go to work for the Kingdom of Jin."

"At least on top of what I know, apart from business affairs, brother has never owed the old woman anything emotionally! He has always been obedient and never violated her."

"So, Xiaoxi, don't look at the mind of an emperor with the eyes of ordinary people."

"You think about the peace of mind of the people, but what we think about is the whole world."

"I have millions of Turkic people, tens of millions of people in the Kingdom of Jin, and countless subjects of Dalong. Remember what my sister said, no love between countries is worth mentioning."

"I bear the wealth and lives of millions of people on my shoulders, and the old woman also bears the safety of tens of millions of people in the Jin Kingdom, and the same is true for my brother."

"If senior brother really abandons the lives of millions of people in the 27 prefectures of Northern Xinjiang for the sake of his children's selfishness, then my sister will really look down on him."

"Senior brother is not an emperor, but he is a king. He bears the same fate as the two of us."

"Doesn't the old woman love senior brother? She loves to death, but in order to rule the world, has she ever cared about the love affair between her and senior brother?"

"Have you ever stopped attacking Dalong and dominating the world just because you love senior brother?"

"Senior brother, don't you care about old women, mothers and daughters? I'm afraid that among the children of senior brother, there is no one like Xiaoyue'er who is most loved by senior brother."

"Don't I cherish senior brother?"

"But neither of us will give up dominating the world because of our deep-rooted love for our senior brother. This is not a contradictory issue."

"On the contrary, it's obvious."

"The world is the world, and the emperor is the emperor."

"Since ancient times, among those who have achieved supreme dominance, there are a few who put their children's love before state affairs!"

"King Zhou You?"

"In the end, for the sake of Pomeranians' laughter, the country was finally destroyed."

"The two of us have our reasons for having to dominate the world, and the brother also has his reasons."

"In a world of great contention, survival of the fittest is fundamental. Never put the shackles of emotion on state affairs."

"In this world where the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, emotion is the last thing worth mentioning."

"Only the minds of ordinary people will be trapped by love!"

"Because many things are far more important than the love between children."

"If senior brother only loves Xiao Xiao's son and daughter, he will never be able to sit in the chair of the king of Yizi. Maybe Yuanwailang is his end point."

"That's all my sister said. I hope my sister will return in victory. Let's have a good drink and talk about our hearts."


Yun Xiaoxi stared blankly at Huyan Junyao's beautiful figure who was galloping away on horseback, unable to recover for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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