My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1562 It's still a long way to go

Chapter 1562 It's still a long way to go

Huyan Yunyao showed extraordinary and superb equestrian skills, and stayed on the grassland facing Yunzhou City in the middle of Dulu Department and Jielisi Department.

In the fertile land between the two tribes, there are more than 30 Turkic cavalry wandering around at the moment. These Turkic people scattered around seem to be wandering carelessly, but those who have been on the battlefield can see at a glance that these Turkic people Light, heavy, what a terrible combination of cavalry.

As long as an enemy appears, these sloppy Turks can form an encircling formation in an instant, encircling the enemy in their formation and nibbling away bit by bit.

Huyan Junyao stopped on his horse and scanned the invisible tribes around him.

Huyan Yunyao, who came back from studying in Dalong, seemed to never know the saying that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. As the Taichang Great Khan of Huyan Royal Court, he took the lead in both trips to the south.

I don't know if Huyan Yunyao doesn't believe in the ability of the tribe, or wants to set an example for the tribe.

"See Great Khan!"

"See Great Khan!"

"See Great Khan!"

The generals took the lead, and the shouts of the Turkic people were louder and louder, and the strong wind from the shouts blew against the wild goose feathers on the little felt hat on Huyan Yunyao's head.

"All warriors are free!"

"All warriors are free!"

Huyan Yunyao, who had stopped on his horse, immediately galloped on his horse and interspersed among the Turks' ranks.

"Thank you Khan!"

"Thank you Khan!"

Huyan Yunyao, who had been interspersed in a circle, stopped in front of the second brother Huyanyu, smiled at Huyanyu, took the command flag in Huyanyu's hand and waved it.

"All the warriors obeyed the order, and the whole army marched southward, approaching Yunzhou."

"The Great Khan ordered the whole army to march southward, approaching Yunzhou."

As the messenger passed on Huyan Yunyao's order, a long cavalry dragon with no leader gradually appeared on the grassland.

This long dragon exuded a howling sound like a wolf, and galloped towards the south, waving the scimitar or longbow in his hand.

Looking at the more than 30 people who roared and galloped away, Huyan Yunyao lived up to the feminine temperament of the woman on the other side of Yunxiaoxi, exuding a decisive and decisive aura.

Hu Yanyu stopped beside Huyan Yunyao, looked at Huyan Junyao who was looking at the silk map in his hand, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Khan, are we not going to attack Yunzhou, Ganzhou, and Suzhou in three ways?" Is it right? Why did you order all the troops to go straight to Yunzhou?"

As soon as Hu Yanyu's questioning words fell, a group of warriors under Huyan Yunyao's command, such as Ba Khan, also surrounded him on horseback.

Hearing the prince asked the doubts in the hearts of himself and others, everyone quietly looked at Huyan Yunyao and waited for her words to solve the doubts.

Yan Yu stopped at one side, glanced at the map in Huyan Yunyao's hand, thought for a moment, her eyes lit up, as if she wanted to understand something.

Huyan Yunyao's gaze had been wandering around the generals, and she naturally noticed the strange look in Yan Yu's eyes, and raised the whip to the brim of her hat, Huyan Yunyao looked at Yan Yu with a light smile.

"Sister-in-law, it seems that you understand Ben Khan's intentions, why don't you explain it to the warriors?"

Yan Yu was startled, but didn't say anything, took out a map from the harness on the horse's back, got off the horse and spread it on the green grass.

Seeing this, a group of generals formed a circle behind Hu Yanyu, and set their eyes on the map in Yan Yu's hand.

Yan Yu assigned Cong Congyu to Dalong Yunzhou: "As we all know, our Turkic cavalry is stronger than iron cavalry. On the grassland, our Turkic cavalry has invincible strength. Since ancient times, there have been few opponents."


"On the premise of not having met the dragon side-by-side king Liu Mingzhi and his iron cavalry, I, Turkic, have always been the pride of heaven on the grassland, the darling of the wolf god."

Those who pulled sweat were taken aback for a moment, their faces were a little embarrassed, their eyes dodged and they didn't dare to look at Yan Yu's narrow eyes.

The last time the national war hadn't officially started, the 20 troops under his command were almost completely annihilated by the army led by Liu Mingzhi.

If Princess Lianlu hadn't seen through Liu Mingzhi's trick early on, she and the others and the 20 followers would have died before they had finished their mission.

Although it was Liu Mingzhi who made the sneak attack first, he and the others were able to see the iron cavalry under Liu Mingzhi's command who had returned from an expedition in the Western Regions and had been trained.

The armor is several times better than his own, especially the riding and shooting skills that are as superb as the Turkic people, so that Pulling Khan, Shi Sizhe and the others still have lingering fears when they think about it.

It doesn't matter if they are evenly matched in riding and shooting skills, and Dalong's armor and weapons, which are famous for their skills, have already lowered himself and others by a few heads.

Hu Yanyu saw the embarrassment and embarrassment of those people who pulled sweat, and lightly touched Yan Yu's arm.

"Yan Yu, don't mention the past. Know your shame and be brave. The general who pulls his sweat will definitely get rid of the shame."

"What the lord said is that if it wasn't for Liu Mingzhi's sneak attack, we wouldn't have lost so badly. Don't worry, lord, princess, this time our brothers will definitely lead the brothers to give Liu Mingzhi a blow and let him know that our Turkic warriors are not so easy. Bullying."

Yan Yu shook her head slightly, looking at the aggrieved expressions on the faces of those who pulled Khan, but she didn't say any more sarcastic words, but nodded obediently to Hu Yanyu.

"Yes, the concubine knew it was wrong."

"Although we Turks are famous for their iron cavalry, I think you have read all the information we got this time. The Dalong side chose to avoid its edge and defend instead of attacking because of our sudden attack this time.

"I don't need to say much about the strength of the six cities in the northern border of Dalong. I have gone south to violate the border several times in the past few decades, but I have never crossed their border town."

"This is a shame, and of course it also reflects the power of the dragon generals from a side."

"This time they closed their doors and chose to use defense as an offense, which just hit our weakness."

"This time we have assembled a total of [-] infantry, and the rest are all cavalry. Cavalry attacking the city is the next strategy, and we can't give full play to our advantages."

"The Khan previously threatened to divide his troops into three groups to attack the three cities of Yunzhou, but it was just to confuse Dalong's actions. Is your statement correct?"

Huyan Yunyao looked at Yan Yu's shining eyes lightly and nodded slightly, without saying whether she was right or wrong, she turned the horsewhip in her hand to face Yan Yunu's mouth.

"go on."

"The Great Khan assembled all his forces in Yunzhou, and his purpose was to besiege the city and fight for reinforcements. The reinforcements were naturally the reinforcements from Ganzhou and Suzhou."

"With our current strength, we can all gather under the city of Yunzhou, and we can quickly break through Yunzhou, or we can surround it without attacking."

"If it is Ganzhou, the soldiers and horses from Suzhou come to support Yunzhou, how can the soldiers and horses of Dalong who leave the city be the opponents of my Turkic cavalry? The iron cavalry can also directly break through Yunzhou, and then directly go south to harass the hinterland of the dragon."

"At that time, the soldiers and horses in Ganzhou and Suzhou had to go out of the city to fight."

"As long as this plan is successful, we can turn passive into active, and turn our Turkic disadvantage of not being good at attacking the city, forcing the Dalong defenders to go out of the city to fight."

"If they are determined not to do so, it happens that if we invade the hinterland of Dalong, we will be able to enter the land of no one and take the capital of Dalong directly."

"As soon as we succeed, the Dalong guards in Yingzhou and Jezhou will lose their morale, and at that time they will completely fall under the iron cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin."

"Probably that much."

After listening to Yan Yu's analysis, a group of Turkic generals looked at Huyan Yunyao with a slight smile on his face in horror, feeling a chill in his heart.

Hu Yanyu breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good or bad. It's a good way to attack the army."

Huyan Yunyao shook her head slightly, swung her whip and galloped towards the south.

"Soldiers who surrender without fighting are superior soldiers, and they are far worse than my senior brother!"

Hu Yanyu was taken aback for a moment, staring blankly at the disappearing shadow of Huyan Yunyao.

Some doubts, I don't know what the younger sister means by this sentence!
(End of this chapter)

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