Chapter 1563
To the north of Shanhaiguan, at the border of Talu River between Dalong and Turks, Liu Mingzhi is leading [-] cavalry to slowly make a secret detour towards the Muling River, south of the Sulu tribe of Turks.

Zhang Kuang never suppressed Young Master Liu's idea of ​​taking the initiative to attack. In the end, he had no choice but to make a gentleman's agreement with Young Master Liu within four days. They must lead the brothers back to Shuoshou, Yingzhou.

Liu Mingzhi wanted to refute, but Zhang Kuang didn't bargain with him as Marquis of the Protectorate, but as his uncle, he persuaded Young Master Liu not to go deep alone, lest he be surrounded by the enemy.

Coupled with the elder brother Song Qing mediating in the middle, Liu Mingzhi finally agreed to Zhang Kuang's idea, and within four days, regardless of success or failure, he must return to Yingzhou to defend the city.

It was already the second day since First Young Master Liu came out, but the scouts had penetrated dozens of miles into the Sulu tribe, but still no Turkic team transporting grain and grass had been found.

Cheng Kai put away the binoculars with a regretful expression, and raised the mirror to look north. Except for the vast green grassland, there was no trace of anyone at all.

Looking at First Young Master Liu, who was also frowning slightly, staring at the map and muttering non-stop, Cheng Kai sighed.

"Marshal, I didn't find any traces of the Turkic people at all. Did they take a detour after leaving the Sulu tribe? They didn't intend to pass through the Muling River at all."

"The final general suggested that we separate the team and run to investigate. If they don't pass by here, we will wait in vain."

Liu Mingzhi put away the map and shook his head with doubts on his face.

"Impossible. The Turkic grassland is barren in the west and rich in the east. The Sulu tribe is located at the border between the Jin Kingdom and the Turks. The pasture is rich and fertile, and it is rich in cattle and sheep."

"The Sulu tribe is as important to the Turkic people as the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River in the eyes of our dragon. It is impossible for the younger brother to send troops to the south without mobilizing some food and grass from the Sulu tribe in the east."

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, he held up the map in front of Cheng Kai: "Look, the Muling River, a tributary of the Talu River, is the shortest road from the Sulu tribe and even the entire Turkic court to Yunzhou."

"If they want to make a detour, they will have to go through the former Shibis tribe, pass through the Qingyuan River, enter the Duolu Department, and then turn to Yunzhou. This will take at least three days longer."

"The Turks don't occupy the advantage of the city wall like us. They can store food and grass early half a year or even half a year ago."

"The Turkic cavalry have dried meat to feed their hunger, and they can go for several days without supplementing food and grass, but the horses are not good, and they can't last long at all. Although there is a grassland 42 miles outside Yunzhou City, they feed the horses like this every day. It lasts for a long time. We have already run out of people and horses, so how can we send troops to attack the city?"

"My junior was evaluated by the old man as naturally handsome, and he would never make such a low-level mistake in such an important matter as the two countries' war."

"So in order to supply the grain and grass of the Sulu Department to the frontline troops in a timely manner, they will definitely choose the most time-saving and the shortest route."

"The Muling River is the best choice for transporting grain and grass. Let's wait another day. Today is only the second day. There are still two days left. Don't worry."

"If you want to hunt a satisfactory prey, you must have enough patience."

"Now we are hunters, we can't give up halfway because we can't see the prey for a while."

"As long as this batch of food and grass is intercepted, it will not only supplement our food and grass, but also delay the steps of the younger brother's attack on the three cities of Yunzhou, and buy enough time for the national war."

Cheng Kai nodded hastily: "The last general has orders. Maybe the commander is right. The last general is too anxious. The main reason is that the pressure this time is much greater than last time. The last general is afraid that we will miss and return. Our morale is going down."

Liu Mingzhi rolled up the map and patted Cheng Kai's shoulder lightly.

"There is a lot of pressure. The pressure of this coach is not much less than that of you, but what can I do if there is pressure? I have to fight hard."

"There are more than 150 million people in the 400 states behind us. Once we lose, their fate can be imagined, so we must guard the country."

"Brothers, send another fifty scouts to continue the investigation. We must not miss this opportunity."


Cheng Kai galloped away, and Liu Mingzhi looked at Du Yu who was beside him: "Du Yu!"

"The end is here!"

"Send a letter to Deputy Marshal Jin Diao of the Song Dynasty, asking if he has contacted the grain and grass transportation army of the Kingdom of Jin. Wanyan Chizha is an old fox. He knows the importance of grain and grass better than anyone else. Let him be careful and make sure that the vehicle is indeed You can only attack after the food and grass, don't fall into the trick of Wanyan Chizha."

"Our troops are limited now, and we can't replenish soldiers in time. One less city means one more crisis. We must not make any mistakes."

"Tell Deputy Marshal Song that once you find something is wrong, immediately lead your brothers to retreat. Don't fall in love with Jin Guo's vanguard troops, otherwise once you get entangled, you will be close to death."

"Don't underestimate the power of the black wolf cavalry left and right in the Kingdom of Jin. Remember, remember."

Du Yu nodded solemnly: "The last general has orders!"

"Report! Report to the commander-in-chief, extending 45 miles northward to the Sulu tribe, and still no trace of the Turkic food transport team."

Liu Mingzhi frowned and looked at the scouts who were full of exhaustion, gritted his teeth unwillingly: "Change horses and explore again. Whoever finds the Turkic soldiers and horses transporting grain and grass first, I will record ten heads of military exploits for you."

"Thank you, Marshal, I will resign from my humble position."

The scouts ran away again, Liu Mingzhi rode his horse and galloped towards the high slope in the distance, got off his horse and took out the binoculars and looked towards the north. Except for the endless green grassland, Liu Mingzhi still couldn't see a trace of people trace.

In this way, even Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but feel a little shaken, could it be that he really miscalculated, the younger brother knew his temperament of making good use of surprise soldiers, even if there was a delay of two more days, the food delivery team would take a detour?
Young Master Liu, who was about to put down the binoculars, was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly stopped his sweeping movements and held up the binoculars to focus on the gurgling water of the Muling River.

After seeing the objects floating on the river, the excitement in Young Master Liu's eyes was self-evident. He put away the binoculars and galloped away. He leaned over and picked up the felt hat on the river and held it in his hand to watch. .

Looking at the felt hat in his hand, First Young Master Liu looked north along the Muling River, and there was nothing but the sparkling water.

However, Young Master Liu's heart that had been shaken just now was once again as stable as Mount Tai, and the felt hat in his hand was like a reassurance pill, which completely calmed Young Master Liu down.

"Cheng Kai, where did you fucking go?"

Cheng Kai, who was explaining to the soldiers how to effectively attack the Turkic people, was slightly taken aback when he heard Young Master Liu's howl of surprise, and hurried towards Young Master Liu.

"Master, what happened?"

With an unconcealable smile on his face, Liu Mingzhi threw the felt hat in his hand to Cheng Kai: "Look at what this is?"

Cheng Kai took the felt hat for a moment, looked down at the wet felt hat in his hand, thought for a while, then looked north along the river.

"Three pheasant feathers, these are the felt hats of the Turkic leadership level. Could it be that they floated along the river? Don't they mean the Turkic grain transport team?"

"Master, we have really waited!"

Liu Mingzhi suppressed the excitement in his heart, and lightly scanned the surrounding environment.

"He ordered the brothers to divide into three groups and hide, and they were all fed and drunk enough not to reveal their whereabouts."

"Give the Turkic grain transport team a play of waiting for rabbits!"

"The end will be ordered!"

(End of this chapter)

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