Chapter 1564 Intuition
When Chaolu was born, several scouts rode side by side and galloped towards Young Master Liu.

"Report! Commander of the cavalry, more than [-] Turks were found ten miles north of the Muling River. In order to prevent the leak of our army's traces, the brothers did not dare to get too close. As expected, it is most likely that the Turks were sent by the Soviet Union. The food transport team from the Ministry of Lu."

"Report, the situation investigated by the humble office is similar."

Young Master Liu, who was looking at the map, rolled up the map in his hand excitedly.

"Great, I've been looking forward to it, and I finally got them here."

"Cheng Kai listens!"

"The end is here!"

"You will lead [-] brothers to detour to the northeast for [-] miles, and you will outflank this Turkic food transport army with this commander. In order to avoid leaking the news, you must not let a single person go."

"The end will be ordered!"

"Brothers, come with me."

"Han Peng obeys the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Lead [-] brothers and make a detour to the northwest for [-] miles, and check whether the Turkic grain transport team is there in case the troops are divided into two groups. Once you find a second grain transport team, you must support them!"


"The rest of the soldiers listened to the order, passed on the commander's order, and expanded the encirclement to the north in a half-moon shape. Once the Turks were found to be transporting food and retired from the army, they immediately charged."


Du Yu on the side looked at Young Master Liu who was about to put on the helmet with hesitation on his face.

"Marshal, we agreed that we will not go deep alone. If we go further north, we will completely enter the territory of the Turks. Is our force too small?"

Young Master Liu fastened the ribbon under his helmet and shook his head: "About ten miles, at most seven or eight miles when handing over with the Turkic food transport team, how can this be regarded as a lonely army going deep?"

"But... the last general said something inappropriate. After all, you agreed to Huguohou."

"Du Yu!"

"The end is here!"

"Is it Lao Tzu's soldiers that you are ashamed of, or the arrogant soldiers of the Marquis Huguo?"

"The last general is of course your soldier!"

"It's Lao Tzu's soldiers who carry out Lao Tzu's orders. The Turkic people have rushed thousands of miles to attack our door. What's the problem if we come to counterattack and attack them ten miles away?"

"On the battlefield, everything is changing rapidly. There is no plan at all. Where to fight depends on the situation. Stop talking nonsense and execute orders!"

"The end will be ordered!"

"Brothers, protect the commander and follow me!"

In an instant, the [-] trapped soldiers slowly surrounded the north in the shape of a crescent moon, leaving only an ugly green grass that was trampled on.

On the grassland from north to south along the Muling River from Huyan Wangting Sulu Department, a group of 5000 Turkic people escorted thousands of simple carriages and were rushing towards Yunzhou at the highest speed.

The commander of the capital, Suchar, drank the kumiss and shook his head helplessly as he looked at the speed restricted by the frame behind him.

If it weren't for these heavy frames, I'm afraid that I would have led 30 warriors to Yunzhou, where the Lubu is approaching Dalong. Suchar had no choice but to do so. The food and grass needed by more than 5000 troops was not The [-] people relying on the timely supply of war horse Yunshu must rely on these cumbersome carriages that transport a lot of food and grass.

Su Lucha, the deputy general of the food transportation team, stared at the surrounding environment cautiously. For some reason, the endless grassland in front of him should make people feel refreshed and let out a loud roar, but at this moment, Su Lucha felt a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

Su Lucha has been dealing with wolves on the grassland since he was a child, and has a natural keen sense of crisis.

Although there was nothing around that could bring danger by itself, the uneasiness in Su Lucha's heart became more and more obvious.

Swinging his horsewhip, he leaned towards Su Char, the commander of the capital on the other side, and sighed helplessly as he looked at the leisurely look drinking kumiss.

It is true that the leadership skills are good, but it is this lazy character that makes people helpless.


Suchar was taken aback, put down the wine bag in his hand and looked at Su Lucha with some doubts: "Su Lucha, what's the matter?"

"Commander, do you feel that something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Suchar frowned, straightened his body and looked around, except for the vast green, there was nothing unusual at all.

"Su Lucha, did you get confused after drinking kumiss? If you look around, you can't see any traces. How could there be something wrong?"

Hearing Suchar's doubtful tone, Su Lucha also knew that what he said was right. Except for himself and these Turkic warriors, there was not even half a person around, so there might be something wrong.

Su Lucha wanted to use Suchar's words to convince his heart, but the uneasiness in Su Lucha's heart became stronger and stronger.

Scanning the surrounding grassland slowly, there is nothing awkward at all except for the slowly flowing river not far away.

Looking back at the team that stretched for several miles behind him, Su Lucha's expression suddenly froze.

"No, Commander, have you noticed that the pack of wolves who were attracted by the delicious jerky and hung behind us have disappeared?"

Suchar was taken aback, and turned his horse around to look at the team behind him, only to find that the pack of wolves that followed him had indeed disappeared.

"Su Lucha, could it be that those wolves found that there was no opportunity to take advantage of, and they had to go hunting elsewhere because they were too hungry? You must know that there are many wild yellow sheep on the grassland that can give A chance for them to feast."

Su Lucha hesitated for a while and shook his head solemnly: "Commander, you don't understand beasts like wolves, and you will never deal with them since you are young. Wolves will not easily give up their prey unless it is."

"Unless what?"

"Unless there is something around them that makes them feel fear, they will have no choice but to choose to give up their prey. The intuition of wild beasts is much more sensitive than that of humans. Perhaps they have sensed danger in places we can't see."

After listening to Su Lucha's words, Suchar looked up again with a solemn face. He knew that Su Lucha was not a person who targeted without purpose, and he was so sure that there must be something wrong with him.

However, there was nothing around, so Su Char hesitated again: "Su Lucha, is it because you are too nervous, so you are a little upset?"

Suchar looked around again and couldn't see anything, and Su Lucha couldn't see anything either, but Su Lucha believed in his intuition.

Intuition saved his life more than once.

"Commander! To be on the safe side, I suggest that our route be slightly deviated."

Suchar looked at Su Lucha's worried expression with some hesitation.

"Su Lucha, it's not that the commander doesn't believe you, but there is obviously nothing around. If your intuition is wrong and the supply of food and grass needed for the profuse sweat is delayed, you know what will happen."

"Detours are not that simple. If we deviate a little bit, we will take a lot of wrong roads."

"If more than 30 warriors are starved to the brim, each of them spit out enough to drown us."

The uneasiness in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, and Su Lucha looked at Suchar anxiously: "Commander, the general is willing to guarantee his life, so you just listen to me once, and go around, it's something that even the wolves can't avoid." Definitely not an ordinary thing."

"The most common one is murderous aura. Only the murderous aura gathered by thousands of people who have seen blood can make wild beasts panic. Apart from a large number of soldiers and horses, thousands of people who have seen blood rarely There's something else."

"Jin Guo, Da Khan has all gone south, so the people around are probably Da Long's enemies."

"But without information, Dalong's enemy army has long been afraid of the power of our two countries, and chose to hide in the city behind closed doors. How could they come to the hinterland of our grassland to die by themselves?"

"Commander, the information is already a few days ago. The situation is changing rapidly. Who knows if Dalong will suddenly change the combat deployment."

"Oh, it's too late to say so much, you just listen to me once, and pass the order to change the route."

Seeing Su Lu's maddened and anxious expression, Suchar hesitated for a moment and slammed the wine bag in his hand a few times.

"This commander will listen to you once, and order the brothers to turn around and head towards the Mili."

The sudden trembling of the earth answered Suchar's words, and the Turkic, who was very familiar with the shock brought by the galloping horses, subconsciously looked behind him.

He saw a long black dragon charging towards his team at the place his team had just passed by.

Naturally, Suchar's ability to serve as a grain transport officer is not as simple as just drinking kumiss. Looking at the long black dragon several miles away, he quickly reacted.

"Warriors, put the easy-to-carry dried meat on the horseback and retreat towards the Mili, don't love to fight!"

The stupefied Turkic man stopped and reacted to Suchar's high-pitched horse riding roundabout, showing superb riding skills, took the easy-to-carry grain and grass from the frame and charged towards the southwest.

However, before half of the Turkic people rushed to attack, a more vast black dragon appeared in the south and surrounded it.

"Brothers, the commander-in-chief has an order. We are in urgent need of coolies to repair the city walls. If you can capture them alive, try not to kill them. If you are really stubborn, you will be killed!"

"Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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