My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1565 Persuade to surrender

Chapter 1565 Persuade to surrender
Liu Mingzhi never underestimated the natural racial advantages of the Turkic people in riding and shooting skills.

After all, Turkic people have been with war horses since they were born, and Turkic children in their teens are more skilled than Han people in riding skills.

The Turkic people are naturally also proud of the superb riding skills of the Turkic warriors, but when 5000 people faced the 4 people with such a disparity in strength, they suddenly found that the riding and shooting skills they were proud of were powerless to fight back.

The riding and shooting skills of the dragon cavalry on the opposite side were not much worse than theirs, and even some of the older dragon cavalry soldiers were so superb that their dazzling abilities were beyond their reach.

Suchar was unwilling to be captured just like this, and ordered each of Su Lucha to bring a team to disperse and break through.

As long as the big dragoons are not completely encircled, a little gap is enough to give themselves and the warriors a chance to make a surprise attack.

Suchar ordered the men who did not take the food and grass to give up the precious food and grass, and quickly broke out towards the gaps on both sides.

But Suchar was disappointed.

Dalong had previously shouted the slogan of disarming and not killing. Seeing that he and his followers had no intention of giving up resistance, the iron tire bow in his hand was directly pulled into a full moon, and several waves of arrow rain covered him.

Hearing the sound of arrows and falling horses from time to time, Suchar bled from distress, but he knew that this time was definitely not the time to fight back.

The difference in strength is too great. If the strength of the two sides is roughly equal, Suchar would not mind showing the fists of the Sulu warriors.

But with 5000 people against 4, neither Suchar nor Su Lucha could summon up the courage to meet the enemy.

Especially when they looked back and saw the handsome willow flag fluttering in the wind, they were even more frightened and uneasy, leaving only the thought of running away.

After all, Young Master Liu led his iron cavalry and almost wiped out the four most important generals in the king's court who beheaded 20 Turkic warriors in the Dulu Department. It's no secret.

After all, the Great Khan sent orders to the surrounding tribes more than once. Once they encountered Liu Mingzhi and his iron cavalry, they would fight as long as they could.

When Suchar and his men looked at the approaching gap, their eyes showed a strong desire to survive. They waved their horsewhip fiercely and charged towards the gap with howling hoarse voices.

After Su Lu sent two people to surprise half of the troops one by one, the two were completely desperate.

It turned out that there were five thousand dragon cavalry galloping outflanking the periphery of the gap, and the two of them immediately realized that the gap was deliberately left by the dragon people.

Its purpose is to divide one's troops into four and encircle them, so that the troops behind cannot hear their command, and the army's morale will inevitably be in chaos.

Wielding horizontal knives, horse spears, and cavalry guns at the five thousand Turkic people, the entrapment army suddenly slowed down until it was more than 200 steps away from the encirclement. Approaching.

The charge speed of the entrapment army dropped to the lowest, but the pressure on the Sulu tribe was even greater.

Holding the scimitar and holding the rein of the horse, his body trembled slightly, his face paled with panic, but he still had to comfort himself as the war horse sat restlessly and pawed its hooves.

These Turkic people found that the large dragoons who slowed down and encircled them made them more panicked than when they charged up.

Those heavy hoofbeats beat their hearts like a reminder.

Although it was very slow, it left a lingering fear in their hearts.

Those who choose to go to the battlefield are seldom afraid of death. These Turkic people who dare to follow Suchar to launch a surprise attack are naturally not afraid of death.

However, these big dragoons gradually lost their hearts that were not afraid of death.

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of this kind of torture before death.

The behavior of the dragon man made them feel that they and others were like a lamb being teased by a great army. They could only quietly wait for death to come, but they could do nothing.

Mental torture far outweighs the fear of death.

The Turkic people were enduring mental torture, and the surrounding dragoons suddenly yelled their familiar Turkic words.

"Put down your weapons, those who disarm and surrender will not be killed, and those who resist in the corner will be killed without mercy!"

"Put down your weapons, those who disarm and surrender will not be killed, and those who resist in the corner will be killed without mercy!"

The more than 2000 Turkic people who followed the two of Suchar subconsciously focused their attention on the two of Suchar, but the other two groups of Turkic people who were separated were not so calm.

Hearing the murderous shouts in his ears, the arm holding the scimitar trembled involuntarily, and he looked on the sidelines with a bewildered expression.

Without a backbone, their military spirit was a little bit slack.

Suchar gritted his teeth and looked at the surrounding soldiers, and was about to wave his scimitar to order a charge, when a gap suddenly opened on the surrounded and impenetrable Muling River.

Suchar was taken aback, and subconsciously looked towards the gap.

I saw a horse in the gap slowly rushing towards him, wearing a majestic and sophisticated armor full of wounds, but this majestic armor couldn't conceal the idle temperament of the rider.

He swayed and swayed on the horseback, swaying like a drunk man.

If Suchar hadn't known about the armor of the dragon generals, and knew that the tiger-head chain mail armor on this man was the emblem of the Generalissimo's armor, he would definitely think that some drunk man broke into this battlefield by mistake .

"Shut up!"

Young Master Liu stopped at a distance of about thirty steps from Suchar, looked Suchar up and down, saw the determination in his eyes, and sighed silently, what a tough man.

Liu Mingzhi, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, can naturally see the determination in Suchar's eyes at a glance.

Thinking about it, if he hadn't entered the encirclement, this person had already given the order for a suicide charge.

Liu Mingzhi did not look down on Suchar just because he was a Turkic. In Liu Mingzhi's heart, on the battlefield, every soldier who dared to fight to the death was worthy of admiration.

This has nothing to do with the soldiers of the Great Dragon, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin, and the soldiers of the Turks.

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at the middle-aged guard beside him: "Ask him what his name is? Tell him that the commander admires his courage to fight to the death."


"This Turk, my marshal asked you what your name is, and he admired you very much."

"Suchal, Your Excellency should be the famous King of the Dragon Side by Side, Taichang Khan's Sulu Department Suchar is very polite."

Liu Mingzhi listened to the interpreter of the guard, and gave orders to the guard again.

"Suchal, I admire your courage, but I have to say that your decision is a stupid one."

"Death is not terrible, but you must at least think about your followers, whose husband, whose father, and whose son they are."

"Your sudden and reckless decision will shatter five thousand families. This commander knows a little about your Sulu tribe. If you all die in battle, the number of young and middle-aged men in your Sulu tribe may be less than [-]."

"Think that after you die in battle, your tribe will be in danger of being annexed. Are you willing to let you and your brothers who have been through life and death die in vain?"

"Surrender! After the war is over, your tribe can redeem you by spending some cattle and sheep."

"Think about the wives, children, and children in your family who are eagerly waiting for you to go back. You died like this. Are you worthy of them?"

Seeing the loose eyes of the surrounding people after hearing the middle-aged guard's words, Suchar's expressions changed in shock.

"Warriors, we are all descendants of the wolf god. We must not lose face of the Great Khan or the wolf flag above the king's court. Cover your ears, don't listen to their demonic words, and fight against them with this general." gone."

"The Great Khan will avenge us, the people of the Wolf God, follow in the footsteps of the Great Khan and charge forward."

"Khan will never forget what we have done, she will definitely treat us Sulu well"


The deafening singing drowned out Suchar's shouts, and Suchar looked at the Turkic songs sung by the dragon soldiers around him in astonishment. It was their idyll, which their wives sang every day when they went back to shepherd the sheep.

When the singing ended, dozens of soldiers around Young Master Liu shouted in Turkic.

"Turkic brothers, my humble Liu Mingzhi, I don't want to kill in vain. It's easy for me to get rid of you, but Liu Mingzhi's hands are already stained with enough blood."

"I know your Great Khan. We are brothers who came from the same school. She must have told you not to die in vain."

"Although we are enemies, I want to tell you a word!"

"Put down your weapons, there is hope only if you are alive."

(End of this chapter)

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