My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1567 You Know Me Better Than She

Chapter 1567 You Know Me Better Than She

Looking at Cheng Kai's somewhat disturbed expression, Liu Mingzhi took out the map he had just looked at from the harness on his horse and placed it in front of Cheng Kai.

"There are nearly 100 counties around Tianshui County between Yunzhou and Ganzhou, with hundreds of thousands of people."

"You have been stationed at the border for many years, don't you know Ganzhou, the terrain between Yunzhou?"

Cheng Kai glanced at the map and nodded hesitantly: "The land is mostly sandy, which is not suitable for farming. The people's food production is pitiful."

"Yes, it's good that you know this. Now that the summer harvest is approaching, do you think the people whose grain production is already low will be willing to withdraw the grain?"

"Food is the most important thing for the people, it is their lifeblood."

"Even though under pressure, they tearfully abandon the food that is about to be harvested, but once the Turkic cavalry penetrates deep into the hinterland, the 27 prefectures and 150 states in the commander's fief will all fall into chaos."

"At that time, everyone will be in danger, and the people in the other 20 prefectures will hide their food and live in panic. What will happen to the hundreds of thousands of people in the remaining 100 counties?"

"They will starve to death if they don't have food, or they will take the risk and set off a civil riot for food."

"The power of the common people to stir up civil unrest is no less than that of the Turks going south."

"You may want to say, what does this have to do with killing five thousand Turkic captives? Let me tell you what it has to do with it!"

"It's no secret that I and Huyan Yunyao, Taichang Great Khan of Turkic, came from the same sect, so I won't repeat them to you. I know my junior Huyan Yunyao well, and the teacher speaks highly of her. "

"The current Turkic people are no longer the Turkic people of the past. In the past, they went south to invade the frontier to burn, kill and loot to survive the cold and severe winter on the grassland, which is what the Turkic people often call grassland."

Cheng Kai nodded slightly: "This general understands naturally, but now that the Turkic people are going south to invade my territory, isn't it the same as plundering the people of my Dalong?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with firm eyes, his eyes showed the look of memory, and it took a long time for Liu Mingzhi to come back to his senses.

"It's different. The current Turks are quite different from the Turks in the past. In the past, the Turks went south for food supplies, but after my junior brother Huyan Yunyao proclaimed his sweat, the situation became completely different."

"My junior brother has great ambitions. What she values ​​is not just some of my Dalong's food and supplies, but what she values ​​is the whole world."

"Including the world where the three kingdoms are united."

"Her intention is for the world, and she will restrain the people of Huyan Royal Court not to commit innocent killings in vain, because that will lose the hearts of the people and cause the anger of both men and gods."

"The population of the Turks is far less than the population of our Dalong people. In order to establish the opportunity for the Turks to dominate the world, she will restrain her tribe and try every means to win the favor of my Dalong people."

"Therefore, in order to lay the foundation for unifying the world, as long as there is a normal national war on the battlefield, innocent people will rarely be involved."

"So, it's easy to kill 5000 people, but the scary thing is that it affects the whole body."

"If you kill the captives today, the Turkic people would dare to slaughter our Dalong's people. Eye for tooth, blood for blood. Five thousand captives may be exchanged for the lives of my Dalong's [-], or even [-] people."

After listening to Young Master Liu's word-for-word analysis, Cheng Kai couldn't help but gasped.

Looking at First Young Master Liu with trepidation on his face, Cheng Kai made no effort to hide the guilt on his face.

"Marshal, I finally realized my mistake and almost caused a catastrophe, please Marshal"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to interrupt Cheng Kai, and continued to speak.

"What the commander just said is just one of the disadvantages. Didn't you notice that when we just started to encircle, the two majestic hawks unique to the grassland have already taken off and flew towards Yunzhou?"

"That is to say, although we succeeded, we were also exposed. The speed of those two falcons was so fast that the commander almost didn't realize that they flew through the air, which means that we intercepted the food and grass. But our soldiers and horses at the Talu River have also leaked their whereabouts."

"In this way, if the news of our killing of prisoners spreads to the Turkic people and the Jin people, the consequences will be far more serious than what happened to the common people."

"Dalong kills the prisoners. Once the news spreads, the soldiers of Jin Kingdom and Turks will be in danger."

"Everyone is in danger and the result is that they regard death as home and fight with their backs."

"Since being captured can't escape the end of being murdered, it's better to fight to the death and recruit a few backs to accumulate some military exploits for the wives, children, and children."

"There is a saying in the art of war that mourning soldiers will surely win."

"An enemy who is determined to die will not be as simple as doubling and doubling the fighting power."

"In the future, we will fight roundabout guerrilla warfare and assist Yingzhou, Jeju, and Fuzhou from the side. In the battle against this kind of enemy force, we will pay several times more casualties."

"Our military strength is limited. If we are injured again, the soldiers and horses of the two countries will really break the gate of our country."

"You can only let the enemy see the hope of surviving, the greater the possibility of capturing them alive, on the contrary the brothers' casualties will be smaller."

"You can even use these captives to give them an embarrassment on all sides. It can be said to be a good thing that kills multiple birds."

"It's easy to kill the captives, but it's not easy to deal with the funeral after the captives are killed. 5000 people are exchanged for my Dalong country. Do you think it's worth it or not?"

"Raising five thousand captives will indeed waste some food, but as long as we don't starve them to death and don't let them eat enough, we won't be afraid of their secret obstruction."

"Even if five thousand exhausted captives want to make waves, how big a storm can they make?"

"Cheng Kai!"

Cheng Kai looked at First Young Master Liu with shame on his face: "The end is here!"

"You have been fighting with the commander in the east and the west. For so many years, the commander has told you several times that war is not just about fighting, and it is not just a simple matter of you killing me and I killing you."

"It must include factors such as heart attack, city siege, and strategy. Under equal strength, the key to determining the outcome of a big battle is not the bravery of the soldiers and the daring to work hard."

"It's about using the smallest price in exchange for the greatest victory."

"This is the fundamental purpose of a great war."

"I've told you so much, but you don't feel at ease at all."

"At the end of the day, I know my mistake, and at the end of the day, I am willing to accept the punishment. Please punish me!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head: "At the time when you are employing people, this commander will not punish you. After this war is over, if you and I are safe and sound, it's okay to find a few more military books and study the scriptures of Taoism. Purify your evil spirit."

"Yes, but Marshal, if you punish me to read the book of war, I will still be able to read it, so you don't need the scriptures of the Taoist school?"

Young Master Liu glared at Cheng Kai, who looked embarrassed, and galloped towards the opened city gate.

"You don't need to read military books, but you must read classics. You are a soldier, not a murderous executioner. This is an order!"

"Yes, the final order will be given!"


Young Master Liu had just rushed to the gate of the city, and Zhang Kuangcang's savage and rough laughter came from inside the city. As soon as the laughter fell, Zhang Kuang galloped out on his horse, looking at Young Master Liu who had stopped, Zhang Kuang tightened his grip. Ma Rein looked at the smiling Young Master Liu with a relieved expression.

"My boy, you are really clever, and you really succeeded. You really live up to your reputation as a handsome man in white. This old man is convinced."

Liu Mingzhi glanced around, with a look of worry on his brows.

"Brother, is there no news along the way?"

The worry in Zhang Kuang's eyes flashed away, and he lightly tapped First Young Master Liu on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, you're just sitting on the sidelines. Qing'er wants to go deep into the officialdom of Daizhou. Naturally, there will be a delay. Qing'er has been with you for so many years, and his ability to assess the situation is extraordinary. If you can't beat it, you can always retreat. Don't worry!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and pointed at the prisoner behind him, waving his horsewhip: "You can arrange it, I'll go back and write the battle report first, let me be notified as soon as the eldest brother comes back."

"Okay, just leave the rest to the old man."

It was night, Young Master Liu sorted out the battle report that he had transcribed after deliberation, stretched slowly and walked towards the inner courtyard.

"Master, I have your letter!"

Young Master Liu just went out when Liu Song hurried in holding a letter.

"Where did you come from?"

"I don't know. It was shot directly into the courtyard wall. The arrow looks like a Turkic arrow. The envelope is obviously wrinkled, like the creases in a bamboo tube. It is most likely a golden eagle. It was delivered after the falcon passed the letter. From our house."

Liu Mingzhi took the letter with a puzzled expression, reflected on the lights in the corridor, and muttered to himself as he looked at the five characters on the envelope that Liu Mingzhi had personally signed.

"Xiao Song, you go back first, the young master goes back to the study to see who's letter it is."

"Yes, Xiao Song will leave."

In the study room, Young Master Liu frowned slightly looking at the content on the letter paper, his arms trembling involuntarily.

"Senior brother, younger sister Yunyao is polite."

"Farewell to the past."

"This time I sent my master to the south, my little sister is doing it both for the public and for the private!"

"As for the victory or defeat of this national war, it all depends on God's will and means."

"It's just that regardless of victory or defeat, I hope the senior brother will not forget the friendship of the little sister."

"What do you think, brother?"

After reading the letter, Young Master Liu looked around with some guilt, lit the letter in his hand at the candle, and threw it into the brazier.

Sitting on the chair blankly, Liu Mingzhi realized that there was a little sweat on his forehead.

Looking at the burnt letter with complicated eyes, Liu Mingzhi let out a long and meaningful breath.

"After all, I'm a brother of the same sect. You actually understand me better than Wanyan."

"I didn't expect that you would be the first person to see through the deep meaning of my advocacy for the Northern Expedition. Junior brother, junior brother, I have underestimated you for my brother!"

"Your depth is really hard for me to fathom."

(End of this chapter)

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