Chapter 1568

When Liu Mingzhi murmured to himself in a daze, he didn't notice Qi Yun quietly walked into the study with a teacup in his hand.

Qi Yun quietly looked at her husband, whose expression was full of melancholy, and her crescent eyebrows concealed a little worry. It seemed that her husband had never been really happy since the first emperor's great trip, and even after arriving in Yingzhou.

There are too many hidden things in his heart that no one knows.

With a faint sigh, Qi Yun deliberately stepped up her steps, and walked towards Liu Mingzhi with a faint smile on her face.

"Husband, who knows you better than anyone else? You won't be cheating on your concubine and sisters outside to mess with flowers and grass. You can't feed the flowers in your own house. How dare you provoke wild flowers? Even if you are a concubine I can acquiesce to you, but the sisters will not spare you."

Qi Yun's slightly teasing voice woke Liu Mingzhi up from his trance, and looked in surprise at Qi Yun who was holding a teacup and hurriedly got up and walked out.

"My lady, it's been so late at night, why haven't you rested yet?"

Qi Yun angrily put the teacup into Young Master Liu's hands: "I have been frowning when I see you these days. I get up early and go to bed late every day for fear that your health will not be able to bear it. I heard that you will be bored in the study as soon as you come back. I toss and turn over and over again." I couldn't sleep, so I cooked you a cup of nourishing soup and brought it over, whether it works or not is a little bit of my heart, drink it quickly."

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the nourishing soup that Qi Yun had stuffed into his hands, and his boring and boring heart these days suddenly calmed down, replaced by bursts of warmth.

After being married for more than ten years, this woman has been supporting him in obscurity behind her back, managing all the affairs of the family for her.

Never ask yourself why, don't ask yourself what you want to do, as long as it is what you want to do, the virtuous woman in front of you will never go against her own will, and will only choose to support herself silently.

Ten years of husband and wife, I am away all the year round, I owe her too much.

Thinking back to when we met at the beginning of the year, the woman in front of me was still a lady with a little tsundere temper.

But after getting married, everything changed.

It was this woman's urging that brought a great turning point in my life. Without her, what would I be like now.

Tightly holding the teacup in his hand, Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun's smiling and virtuous appearance guiltily, stretched out his hand and gently took her into his arms and hugged her quietly.

Qi Yun was taken aback by her husband's sudden hug. Feeling her husband's firm chest and tight and powerful arms, Qi Yun wrapped her hands around Young Master Liu's waist, and gently rubbed her husband's shoulders with her side face.

"Husband, are you tired!"

Liu Mingzhi silently hugged Qi Yun and nodded slightly, and gently replied Qi Yun with four words.

"Exhausted physically and mentally!"

This was the first time that Liu Mingzhi spoke to the girls of Qi Yun that he was tired. In the past, Liu Mingzhi silently endured many things without wanting his family to worry about them.

Qi Yun's actions today made Liu Mingzhi want to open his heart for the first time.

Perhaps, having someone to help share it would really be a lot more comfortable.

After saying these four words, Liu Mingzhi relaxed a lot, and the pressure on his body seemed to disappear.

Sure enough, hearing her husband's hoarse voice, Qi Yun sighed faintly.

"Husband, it's been 11 years since meeting, getting acquainted, and getting married. This is the first time you've told my concubine that you're tired."

"My mother has taught my concubine since she was a child, to marry and follow her husband, don't ask about things your husband doesn't want to say, don't interfere with things your husband doesn't want to mention."

"Seeing how worried you are every day, this concubine really wants to help my husband, but I'm afraid that it will disturb my husband's thinking, and I'm also afraid that my husband doesn't like me as a woman, and people interfere too much with you, a man."

"Seeing your frowning look every day, it hurts in my eyes, but I can't help you with anything."

"It's been 11 years. If you can tell me that you are tired, I am really happy."

Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything, and the arms holding Qi Yun's delicate body became even stronger.

The two hugged silently for a long time, and Qi Yun patted Liu Mingzhi's shoulder slightly.

"Husband, drink the nourishing soup first, it will have no effect if it cools down."

"Hey! I'll drink it now!"

Liu Mingzhi let go of Qi Yun lightly, walked to a chair beside him and sat down, the nourishing soup in the teacup in his hand was still warm, Liu Mingzhi drank it all without hesitation.

Feeling the warmth in his stomach, Liu Mingzhi suddenly felt that the tiredness since coming to Yingzhou was swept away.

Liu Mingzhi also understood in his heart that this was just an effect of his own heart, and the reason for this was not because of how miraculous Qi Yun's nourishing soup was, but because of Qi Yun's intentions.

This cup of nourishing soup contains Qi Yun's heart for herself, and the things contained in it are far better than the efficacy of nourishing soup.

Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup and found that Qi Yun was gently writing something on a piece of rice paper with the wolf hair she had just written the battle report.

Walking over curiously, First Young Master Liu asked, "Lady, what are you writing?"

Qi Yun smiled lightly and put down the pen in his hand: "It's nothing, these days I have neglected to teach Cheng Zhi to read, and I almost forgot to pick up the pen, so just write casually to find the feeling."

"The saying that you forget your words when you pick up a pen is so true. When I was writing the memorial just now, I almost couldn't remember many words for my husband. Speaking of Chengzhi, how is Yaoyao studying medicine with Mr. Sai now?"

Hearing her husband mention her daughter, Qi Yun's expression was slightly proud.

"It's okay. Now I'm wandering around the city when I have nothing to do, looking for people who are sick but don't have money to treat them, and giving them free medical treatment. I will soon become a little miracle doctor in Yingzhou City."

"But my husband, you can't praise Yaoyao when you see her, lest you make her feel arrogant and careless. Healing diseases and saving lives is nothing more than anything else, so don't be sloppy."

"Don't worry, I still have this idea for my husband. The free clinic is good, it means that Yaoyao remembers the original intention of old man Sai to teach her to study medicine."

"I'd rather put medicine on the shelf to make dust, and hope that people in the world will be free from disease!"

"The heart of medicine is not for profit, this is the benevolence of a real doctor!"

"I have caused too many killings for my husband in this half of his life. It is good to have a daughter to atone for the killings of my husband."

"Husband, don't say that, you are fighting for the country, and killing evil should not be counted against yourself"

"Young Master, Young Master Song Qing is asking for an audience outside the door, saying that he wants to go to the General's Mansion with you to discuss matters."

Qi Yun's words were interrupted by Liu Song who hurried in, pointing to the direction of the mansion gate to explain his purpose.

Liu Mingzhi's face showed joy, and the worry between his brows disappeared. He patted Qi Yun's shoulder lightly: "Lady, you go back to rest first. I have to go to the General's Mansion to discuss matters. Let's talk when we come back."

Qi Yun nodded silently, watching her husband reluctantly pick up the teacup and walk towards the door.

"Since the husband is on official business, the concubine will go back first, pay attention to rest."

"Understood, you go back first!"

Liu Mingzhi turned around and walked towards the table case, ready to pick up the battle report he had sorted out and was about to go out, when he inadvertently caught a glimpse of Qi Yun's beautiful big characters on the rice paper left on the table case, he was stunned.

"Taiping is originally set by the generals, and the generals are not allowed to enjoy peace." '

"Husband, do I understand you?"

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, picked up a pen and left four large characters on the rice paper.

' Hit the nail on the head. '



Liu Mingzhi rolled up the rice paper and handed it to Liu Song: "Send it to Young Madam!"


After Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi picked up the battle report and hurried out of the mansion. Song Qing came back safely, and there must be something important happening during the late-night visit, so Liu Mingzhi naturally didn't dare to delay.

In the corridor of the inner courtyard, Qi Yun watched quietly her husband's disappearing figure with beautiful eyes, opened the rice paper in her hand, glanced at it, and sighed faintly.

Husband, husband, you are advocating the Northern Expedition, but you just want to tell His Majesty that Liu Mingzhi still has a place to use.

Otherwise, if a vassal king with 30 elite troops in his hands and occupying a small half of the country has no use for his abilities, it is time for the monarch and his ministers to turn against each other.

As the saying goes, the most is the most ruthless emperor's family. Since ancient times, those who hold heavy soldiers have a few good endings.

Emperor, there are a few people who are really affectionate and righteous.

Shaner's sister's father is the best example.

I hope that His Majesty will remember your kindness of rushing thousands of miles to rescue him in the past, and stand up for his enthronement as emperor, and will not take steps that should not be taken.

But you are born with seven stars, can the final result of the world really be as peaceful as you think?

(End of this chapter)

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