Chapter 1569 Plan ahead
Liu Mingzhi walked out of the mansion in a hurry, and at a glance he saw Song Qing pacing back and forth outside the door, showing a slightly anxious figure.

"Brother, how is the situation?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's voice, Song Qing stopped pacing and hastily greeted Young Master Liu.

"The situation is urgent, let's talk about it at the uncle's house, get on the horse!"

Seeing Song Qing's appearance, Liu Mingzhi suddenly became nervous as if a sharp sword was hanging in his heart. He didn't say much, and directly got on the horse that Liu Song had prepared a long time ago, and together with Song Qing, they headed towards the crazy mansion. He rushed over.

After a cup of tea, the two tightened the reins and stopped in front of the arrogant Hou's mansion, and handed the reins to the guards beside them.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the brightly lit gate of the mansion, and the armored soldiers kept coming in and out, and the haze in his heart became more serious.

Glancing at each other with Song Qing, the two hurriedly walked towards the main hall where the strategy was arranged crazily.

"Uncle General Zhang, how is the situation?"

Zhang Kuang, who was pointing at the sand table and saying something to the surrounding Longwuwei generals, heard Young Master Liu's figure and hurriedly turned around and punched Young Master Liu.

"The last general, Longwuwei, Zhang Kuang, sees the prince!"

Generals like Keyan and Xiong Kaishan behind Zhang Kuang also hurriedly saluted.

"See Prince, see Marquis Anyuan."

"Free gift!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Zhang Kuang is a veteran with a rough appearance, but a meticulous heart. In private, he chats and laughs with Young Master Liu as his nephew and uncle.

As Liu Mingzhi is the side-by-side king in charge of the military and horse power of the 27 Northern Lands, he himself is a general in his fief, so naturally he would not refute Liu Mingzhi's face as a prince in front of his subordinates.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Liu Mingzhi walked directly in front of the sand table, put the battle report in his hand on the table beside him, and first set his eyes on Song Qing who was beside him.

"What happened? Could it be that something went wrong in the looting of food and grass, and it caused some big trouble instead?"

Song Qing shook his head hastily: "That's not true, but there was a mistake in the middle, the information was wrong, the army of Jin Guo escorting the food and grass was not only some soldiers under Yelumo's command, but there was even Jin Guo hanging several miles away. The left guard Black Wolf Cavalry, if the scout brothers hadn't reported in time, they would have almost suffered a big loss."

"How's the result?"

"We took back dozens of carts of food and grass, and retreated immediately after firing the rockets. I don't know how much was burned!"

"Beheaded more than 700 enemy troops, lost more than 150 brothers, and injured more than 600 brothers."

"If it wasn't for being unfamiliar with the terrain outside Daizhou City, there wouldn't be so many Brotherhoods."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and interrupted Song Qing: "Okay, this is an inevitable thing. The black wolf cavalry on the left and right of the Kingdom of Jin are well-known. They are soldiers stationed in the west of the Kingdom of Jin. The battle in the pasture outside the city of Zhou is far more powerful than the hundred-step cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin."

"It's already a great achievement for you to snatch dozens of carts of grain and grass with one enemy and two."

"The brothers who died in the war were buried generously, and the pensions were distributed according to the law, and the brothers exchanged some silver taels for their wives, children, and children."

"Yes, the general has already made arrangements. It's a little difficult to burial them now, and they have been buried hastily. When the war is over, the general plans to take them back with the [-] brothers who were welcomed back in the Kingdom of Jin for a proper burial."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly: "That's fine, the current situation is really not easy to deal with these formal claims, the matter is over when it's over, let's talk about what happened first!"

Song Qing staggered his body and looked at Zhang Kuang at the side.

"Let Hu Guohou tell, he will be more clear."

Liu Mingzhi subconsciously looked at Zhang Kuang at the side: "Then there will be General Lao Zhang!"

Zhang Kuang nodded, walked to the sand table, picked up two letters and handed them to Liu Mingzhi.

"An hour ago and half an hour ago, I received letters from the Golden Eagles from Yunzhou. One was a letter from the scout brother of the Huben Army outside Yunzhou City, and the other was a letter from Yun Chong, the general of the Huben Army of Yunzhou."

"The previous information was wrong. The 33 Turkic army did not divide into three groups to attack the three cities of Yun, Gan, and Suzhou, but gathered all the troops to Linyun Prefecture."

"Based on the speed at which our golden eagles pass on the letter, it can be inferred that the Turkic army will gather outside Yunzhou City tomorrow morning at the latest and make some adjustments. The attack time at the latest is no later than the day after tomorrow."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and hastily opened the letter to the light and read it.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi put down the letter, and raised the candlestick at the side to look at the huge sand table covering the northern border of the Great Dragon, the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin, and the southern border of the Turks.

"How many guards are there in Yunzhou City?"

"There are more than 9 people, and the real elite of the Huben army is only more than 4. The rest are some defenders with decent combat effectiveness."

Liu Mingzhi's gaze was fixed on the sand table of Yunzhou City, and he began to observe all the terrain inside and outside Yunzhou City.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi sighed with deep eyes: "What a strategy of using troops that kills two birds with one stone. It can not only encircle a point to fight for reinforcements, but also drive straight in. No matter how we use troops, it will have a great impact on us!"

"Previously, the commander still held a glimmer of hope. He hoped that in this national war against Jin, the Turkic and Turkic sides would have a melee to help each other as before. Now it seems impossible. This time, Turkic and Jin will use troops. The purpose is very clear."

"The Kingdom of Jin attacked our Dalong East Three Kingdoms Gate, and the Turks attacked our Dalong West Three Kingdoms Gate. There is a clear division of labor, and we will go south without interfering with each other's troops."

"It seems that the battle will be very difficult this time. If one is not careful, Yunzhou may be the first city to fall in the 27th prefecture of my northern border!"

Zhang Kuang, a battle-tested veteran, after a little thought, understood what Young Master Liu meant by enclosing the dots for reinforcements.

He bent over and covered the sand table.

"The idea of ​​the prince coincides with that of the last general. The 33 Turkic army gathered in Yunzhou is simply an irresistible force."

"For the Turks, the front line does not need to be stretched too long, and the supply line can supply food and grass in time."

"The most important thing is that the Turks are obviously trying to force us Ganzhou this time. The brothers from the two guards in Suzhou came out to fight with them. The Turks are not good at attacking the city, and there are very few siege equipment. If they attack the city, they will Casualties were heavy, and only in this way can their cavalry advantages be brought into play."

"Brothers from the Ganzhou and Suzhou guards don't leave the city to rescue them, and they will attack the city with all their strength and drive straight in, and they can take my Dalong capital directly."

"If they go out of the city to support, the troops will be fully exposed to the Turkic offensive, which just falls into their hands."

"The plan to kill two birds with one stone is a big problem."

"This is forcing us to go out of the city and fight with them."

"Needless to say, such a ruthless scheme must have come from your naturally handsome junior brother Huyan Yunyao."

"Since Yunchong sent the golden eagle letter, there must be a lot of pressure. There are less than 33 soldiers and horses resisting [-] cavalry. It will be a matter of time before they are captured."

"I just don't know how long Yun Chong can hold on."

"No one would have imagined that the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks could gather so many troops after going through the last national war. But our Dalong encountered the King of Shu and the others..."

"Once Yunzhou falls, the dozens of states behind will not be able to survive for many days just relying on those government soldiers. The combat effectiveness of those government soldiers does not need to be said, and you understand it in your heart."

"If the Turks capture dozens of our state capitals, all the western part of our northern border will fall under the Turks' iron cavalry. Once the Kingdom of Jin restrains us, the Turks can step through Fengyundu without any scruples, and go straight to our great land. Master Long."

"The result is nothing more than two kinds. Either His Majesty will stick to the capital, or he will be forced to move the capital south to cross the Yellow River and Yangtze River. Half of our country will be lost in the hands of the barbarians."

"The three cities of Yingzhou, Fuzhou, and Jeju, as well as the dozens of prefectures behind me, will also be completely abandoned, and I will be isolated and helpless, and I will end up fighting to the death."

"That is to say, you, the one-word side-by-side king who sits in the 150-two state capital, will use all your strength to protect the safety of my dragon's rear."

The palms of Liu Mingzhi's hands holding the sand table creaked and trembled slightly: "I will protect the 8000 million Dalong people in my land with millions of people."

"Alas, the worst outcome is this. My Dalong just encountered civil strife, and the Turks again. Jin Guo's allied forces are coming south aggressively. If you want to keep your fiefdom in 150 states in the north, it will be impossible if you don't pay the price of blood." It's possible!"

"Now I hope that the capital can be more confident and replenish the strategic materials we need in time, otherwise the fall of the North will be a matter of time."

"It's not impossible to win this war relying solely on the 27 Northland prefectures. I just hope that there will be no one out of ten."

"There is no way for us to retreat, but to fight to the death!"

Liu Mingzhi straightened up quietly, with his chest straightened and shook his head slightly towards Zhang Kuang.

"Not necessarily. I, Liu Mingzhi, have never been defeated since I led the army for more than ten years. I will not lose this time, nor will I be defeated!"

"Life is full of victories, but Liu Mingzhi will also fail!"

"It's just that Liu Mingzhi lost."

"Then die!"

"I don't want to die, so I can't lose either!"

"Song Qing listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"The golden carving sent a letter to Zhou Baoyu stationed in Mamingpo, and Duan couldn't bear to come to see me at the general's residence in Yingzhou."

"Order Han Zhong to come to the General's Mansion to meet me!"

"Decree! I will retire at the end!"

Song Qing quickly left the main hall, Liu Mingzhi moved his eyes to Zhang Kuang's ear and muttered.

After a long time, Zhang Kuang looked at First Young Master Liu with a complicated look in his eyes.

"You're really planning for a rainy day, but you're also bold enough!"

"However, I have to admit that this is indeed my dragon's lifeline. As long as I use it well, it is not impossible to turn defeat into victory!"

Liu Mingzhi took out the former Golden Dragon Emperor Token from his arms and waved it in front of Zhang Kuang, looking at the bright moonlight outside the hall with deep eyes, and gently stroked the dragon pattern on the token with his fingers.

"Bold? Is there anything more daring than disobedience?"

"Besides, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot. Liu Mingzhi also had the name of Liu Bold in the past. After so many years of being so cautious, I almost forgot."

"Be bold and be bold."

"I just don't want to die with my brothers!"

PS: resume update tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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