My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1570 I would rather charge and die

Chapter 1570 I would rather charge and die
After Song Qing left, Liu Mingzhi told Zhang Kuang some words that, except for Zhang Kuang himself, all the generals of Keyan could hear in a daze.

What about Liu Boldness, what turned defeat into victory, made Ke Yan and the others a little curious. Could it be that there are some strange soldiers in the hands of the King of Side-by-Shoulders?
They wanted to ask clearly and solve the doubts in their hearts, but when they saw the appearance of the old god Hou Ye, they had to suppress the doubts in their hearts and waited silently.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the candlestick at the side, bent down again and looked down at the entire sand table.

Taking the six cities of northern Xinjiang as the thread, a towering tree gradually emerged in the mind.

Branches and leaves are the entire sand table, roads, canyons, fortresses, and border towns are the branches, branches, and leaves of big trees, which are more precise things.

According to the common sense of the confrontation between the two armies, if you want to capture a border city, you must use three times more troops than the defenders to break through the city safely.

But this is not an immutable rule, and there are many uncertain factors mixed in it.

For example, Turkic troops gathered outside the city of Yunzhou, what about their siege equipment, did they get such siege weapons from Jin Guo, the number of catapults, and bed crossbows?

These are all mutation factors that determine how long Yunzhou can hold on.

However, the two armies have not fought yet, and Liu Mingzhi doesn't know a lot of information, so now he can only think about the worst.

Thinking of Liu Ying, the monstrous aunt who came with him and left in Yunzhou, Liu Mingzhi felt extremely nervous.

Yunzhou is the city where my uncle Yunchong is stationed. I hope that my aunt will evacuate Yunzhou in time. 33 Turkic cavalry attacked the city, and Liu Shi has no eyes.

Although my aunt is also a martial artist who has learned kung fu from my old lady Liu, Mrs. Bai Bing, but among the real random arrows, there are few people who can calmly face the thousands of arrows like Qi Ya.

I have also practiced the lightness kung fu that has been lost in the rivers and lakes, facing the wind and stepping on the snow, but if I don't have the stellar energy condensed by the internal force to protect the body, let alone a thousand arrows, even if a thousand arrows are shot in volley, no one can stop me from becoming a one-off. Hedgehogs.

Sighing silently, Liu Mingzhi could only trust that if the city were to be destroyed by accident, the Three Thousand Shadow Killers in his aunt's hands could protect the couple to leave safely.

Liu Mingzhi, who held a candlestick and looked at the sand table, suddenly said, "Deploy troops to Yunzhou!"

Zhang Kuang, who was also staring at the sand table, was startled, and subconsciously blurted out: "Where to deploy troops?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the bamboo pole on the side, waved it and pointed at the position of Fuzhou City: "Fuzhou Yongan Hou Nangongye still has [-] elite Flying Eagle Guards who can be mobilized. Compared with Jeju in the west, the [-] Flying Eagle Guards in Fuzhou can only wait for the time being, so it is better to send troops to Yunzhou to help them."

Zhang Kuang frowned, showing a faint look of hesitation: "All the elites from Fuzhou have dispatched troops to Yunzhou for support. Although Jin Guoming has no intention of attacking Fuzhou, what if they secretly hide an ambush and suddenly attack Fuzhou? ?”

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and his eyes fell on the neighboring state capitals around Fuzhou.

"How many assistants and soldiers are there in Fuzhou now?"

"Together there are more than [-] people, but you know their combat effectiveness, just in case"

"General Zhang, there is no chance. You must not be indecisive on the battlefield. A single thought will kill tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of brothers and die on the battlefield. When you decide, you must decide!"

Hearing the words, Zhang Kuang looked at Young Master Liu with a firm expression and sighed softly: "My lord, please tell me what you mean first."

Liu Mingzhi raised the bamboo pole and clapped it in the palm of his hand. After a while, he swung the bamboo pole to more than 20 hinterland state capitals behind Fuzhou.

"In the name of the king, mobilize the soldiers from the [-] prefectures of Tanzhou, Yizhou, Fengzhou, Dizhou, Shengzhou, and Mianzhou to station in Fuzhou City."

"The 7 government soldiers in each city add up to more than [-] soldiers and horses, which is enough to make the Kingdom of Jin have a lot of worries and dare not rashly attack Fuzhou City."

"This commander will send another letter to Fuzhou Governor Jia Youwei. He is an old acquaintance of mine. I will tell him how to deal with it."

"General Zhang, at this point, we can only win by taking risks!"

"This..." The hesitation on Zhang Kuang's face is extremely obvious: "May I ask how sure the prince is that the Kingdom of Jin will not hide an ambush to attack Fuzhou City?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a heavy expression: "There is nothing in it. I am a human being, and the handsome man in white is just an individual. If I can predict the enemy's opportunities everywhere and guess their every move, why should I take such a risk? Directly lead The army ambushed them, beheaded the enemy troops of the two countries, and relieved the danger of our northern border? The key is that I don’t have that ability, I don’t have that ability, General Zhang!”

Zhang Kuang was silent. He had been stationed at the border all year round, so he could understand Liu Mingzhi's current difficulties.

In the face of 81 enemy troops, it is simply impossible to take care of all of them. We can only put out the fire first!
Nodding silently, Zhang Kuang sighed with some sour eyes.

"Forget it, since that's the case, let's solve the crisis in Yunzhou first, let's go to Fuzhou and take a step!"

Liu Mingzhi let out a melancholy sigh, raised his hand to embrace Zhang Kuang's shoulder and exerted a little force.

"General Zhang, we have no other way to go now. Don't worry too much about Fuzhou. At the beginning, I stationed 30 soldiers and horses under my command at Mamingpo, Jinfengling, and Talu River. The momentum takes into account the cities on both sides of Yingzhou."

"If there is a major change in Fuzhou, Jinfengling's soldiers and horses can quickly rush to Fuzhou!"

Zhang Kuang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the heavy-faced Liu Mingzhi in surprise and exclaimed.

"What? Aren't you going to let your central army retreat to the city for defense?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head lightly: "We are all cavalry. The advantage of cavalry is to charge. Defending the city is not our strong point. Since they became soldiers, the skill they have practiced is to charge forward, not to garrison the city wall!"

"If we all evacuate to the city, let alone whether the city can accommodate so many soldiers, the only problem is the shelving of the horses."

"Now the second batch of grain and grass from the Ministry of Households has just arrived, and it can supply two months' consumption if it is exhausted."

"Nowadays, pastures outside the city are abundant, and our war horses can choose food and grass on the spot at any time. In this way, we can save a lot of food and grass for our brothers."

"The most important thing is that if the war horse retreats to the city, it will become useless. I am willing, and the brothers will not agree."

"War horses are their second lives, and they will not be separated from their brothers."

"I plan to take them to harass between Jeju and Yingzhou, and support the defense of your two cities."

"No, the general disagrees. Are you crazy? The black wolf cavalry and hundred-step cavalry of Jin Kingdom should not be underestimated. Once you are entangled by them outside the city, if the Turks suddenly turn to kill you, you will be killed." It’s really lonely.”

"I don't deny that the soldiers under your command are the best of the best, but your chances of victory in the face of several times your cavalry are really slim."

"My lord, you are also a person who fought against the cavalry of the two countries. They are not like the storyteller who made them like mud in order to promote the bravery of our frontier army!"

"If this is the case, why have we fought hard for a hundred years without unifying the world?"

"Especially now after the Turkic unification, it has already become a climate, so don't underestimate it!"

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes silently: "I know, I have never underestimated any enemy."

"But our 30 soldiers are all cavalry. There is no infantry to fight together, no archers to contain the enemy, and no swords and shields to support the enemy!"

"We are archers, forwards, and assault infantry. We have no choice but to trust our horses and our brothers!"

"Compared to dying while defending the city, we would rather die on the way to the charge!"

(End of this chapter)

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