My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1571 Waiting for you chapter to drink

Chapter 1571 Waiting for you to come back to drink

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's resolute tone, Zhang Kuang wanted to persuade him to say something, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know how to speak.

On the side, Xiong Kaishan and Ke Yan looked at Liu Mingzhi appreciatively. They were also the cavalry of Longwuwei, and they knew the fate of the cavalry very well.

In the confrontation between the two armies, the cavalry can end up in two ways.

Either return with a big victory, or die in battle.

As for surrendering without a fight or leading troops to flee, it is not within the consideration of these veterans who have been stationed at the border for decades.

Zhang Kuang said more than once that there are two possibilities for recruits to choose to join the army, either to have enough food, or to get promoted and make a fortune.

But this kind of thinking will basically be reversed after going to the battlefield twice.

They understand what it means to defend their home and country is more important than anything else. Compared with civil servants, generals have always been honored to die in battle.

It looks like Wan Buhai, the 70-year-old old Wu Guogong who carried the coffin to the battle, and Wan Shoujiang, the son of Wan Buhai who was the son of the Duke and took on the important task of flag bearer.

The night was getting darker and darker, knowing that persuasion was useless, Crazy stopped mentioning these things, and began to carefully discuss the detailed plan of defending the country with the map and Liu Mingzhi around the sand table.

In the main hall of Huguohou's general's mansion, there were occasional sounds of fierce quarrels and soft discussions. In the middle of the night, there was still an endless stream of generals coming in and out of the gate of the mansion.

The servants who changed the lamps came one after another.

Before the storm, everyone was busy.

The first rooster crowing came from the general's mansion, General Zhou Baoyu of the Polu Army, Duan Buren, General of the Futu Army, General Jiang Lei of the Artillery Army, and Han Zhong, General of the Musketeer Team, followed Song Qing and entered the General's Mansion together .

"The final general Zhou Baoyu!"

"Duan can't bear it!"

"Jiang Lei!"

"Han Zhong!"

"See Marshal, see Marquis Huguo."

Liu Mingzhi and Zhang Kuang straightened up from the sand table and waved to the four of them: "Excuse me!"

"Thank you Marshal, thank you Marquis!"

Liu Mingzhi took the lead and walked to the chair beside him, picked up the jug, poured a glass of wine for the four of them and handed it over.

"Relieve fatigue, Xingye came to work hard for you!"

"Thank you, Master!"

The four of them took the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp, feeling the mellow wine above the taste buds in their mouths, the four of them stared blankly at Young Master Liu in a daze.

"How is it wine?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the four of them hesitantly and waved his hands to the chair beside him: "Sit down and talk!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair and looked at Zhou Baoyu and the others with complicated eyes: "This glass of wine is given to you by the commander-in-chief. It's a little hasty. I hope brothers don't take offense. Liu Mingzhi will make up for you!"

As he spoke, Liu Mingzhi stood up and saluted Zhou Baoyu and the others.

The four of them stood up and helped Liu Mingzhi in a hurry.

"Marshal, what are you doing, brothers, how can you dare to accept your gift, get up quickly!"

"That's right, Commander, you are trying to ruin the brothers, you must not do this."

"Marshal, don't be like this, brothers can't stand it!"

"Young master, this is what we should do!"

The four of them supported Liu Mingzhi to sit on the chair, and said words that were ashamed and unworthy. It was obvious that Liu Mingzhi, the military marshal, saluted them, and they were as uncomfortable as they were.

In contrast, they prefer to listen to the marshal swearing at them.

You son of a bitch!
These vulgar words of your asshole.

Although these words sound rough to the ear, they are more cordial.

I have been with the commander-in-chief for so many years, I am used to being scolded by the commander-in-chief from time to time, and I am not used to hearing such kind words from the commander-in-chief suddenly.

Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair, groaned for a long time and stood up straight, his stomach and the four of them waved and walked towards the sand table, and the four of them hurriedly followed after seeing this.

"Zhou Baoyu, Duan Can't bear it, Jiang Lei, Han Zhong!"

"The end is here!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the bamboo pole and fixed it on the sand table in Yunzhou: "This commander wants to give you a very important and dangerous order!"

"Please Commander-in-Chief to give an order, the last general is willing to go through fire and water for the Commander-in-Chief, and will die!"

"It's for the dragon!"

"Yes, it's for Dalong's death!"

"This commander wants you to lead the brothers of the two guards from Ma Mingpo to the ancient horse road, pass through Jeju and go straight to Yunzhou, and help the brothers of the Huben army who are rushing to Yunzhou to resist the Turkic soldiers coming to the city."

"You two guards only have 33 cavalry, but this time the Turkic enemy troops approaching the city of Yunzhou are as high as 35, or even [-] horses."

"This task is very arduous and severe. If you do not command properly, you will face the danger of annihilation at any time."

"It happens that I have more important things to do, and I can't supervise you by your side. In other words, for this expedition, everything can only be done by yourself!"

"Although the Huben army is supporting you in Yunzhou, your crisis cannot be ignored."

"Once surrounded by 30 Turkic cavalry, I don't need to say much about the end!"

"Are you willing to rush to help Yunzhou? If you don't want to, I won't force you. I will call Cheng Kai, Baotong, and Ning Chao Buer and they can discuss it again."

The four of them looked at each other with deep brows, and nodded resolutely to First Young Master Liu.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the last general is willing to go!"

"Liu Mingzhi, thank you brothers!"

"I am willing to die for the great dragon!"

"Come here, I will tell you about the detailed strategic deployment."

The four followed Young Master Liu, their eyes on the sand table.

Liu Mingzhi sorted out the thoughts he had discussed with Zhang Kuang in the first half of the night and said: "You have to divide your troops into two groups, one between Jeju and Yunzhou, and the other between Ganzhou and Yunzhou to start a harassing war against the Turks. Stop their detour to my rear hinterland."

"At that time, there will be soldiers from Yunzhou, Jeju, and Ganzhou to assist you. As for how many soldiers and horses can be sent, we can only leave to fate."

"Keep in mind what I said, this trip to help Yunzhou is not for you to fight the Turkic people for real, but to fly their kites and not fight them head-on."

"In this case, it depends on whether you can command properly and fight out in the encirclement of the Turks."

"When they attack, you fight and retreat. When they retreat, you attack and block their footsteps. In a word, your task is to support the speed of the Turks' attack."

"You two armies have 15 cavalry. If the Turks want to encircle you, at least [-] soldiers and horses outside Yunzhou City must be separated to bring you some obstacles."

"Once the 15 soldiers and horses are separated, the pressure on the Yunzhou army will suddenly decrease, and the morale of Yunzhou will also rise at that time."

"At that time, the commander-in-chief will pass the letter to the soldiers and horses of Ganzhou, Suzhou, and Jeju according to the battle situation, whether they can win a big victory at the West Three Kingdoms Gate. The tasks of your two soldiers and horses are very heavy. It's huge too!"

"The general understands that he will try his best to delay the Turkic footsteps, but I don't know how many days the commander will delay them?"

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and pondered for a while and slowly opened his eyes: "At least 35 days!"

The four of Zhou Baoyu looked at each other, seeing the seriousness in each other's eyes.

"The end will understand!"

"Listen to orders!"

The four hurriedly straightened their chests, looking at First Young Master Liu enthusiastically: "The last general obeys orders!"

"Tell the brothers, I am waiting for you to come back and drink celebration wine together!"

(End of this chapter)

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