Chapter 1572
The four of them laughed loudly, with a generous attitude of seeing death as home.

"Marshal, can you give me another glass of wine? Brothers have been together for so many years, and Marshal has to drink with the last brothers no matter what!"

"That's right, the commander-in-chief also said just now that the wine for the expedition is too hasty. Since there is no banquet, you might as well let the brothers drink two more glasses, and Deputy Commander Song said that you will never get drunk after a thousand glasses, and the last general has not seen it yet." How much do you drink, why don't you accompany the brothers to have a drink!"

"The last general can't talk, he's a big drinker, and he can't drink alcohol when he's going on an expedition. The commander-in-chief might as well let the general drink to his heart's content today!"

Han Zhong rubbed his hands and laughed. He didn't say anything, but the meaning was quite clear, and he also wanted to drink two more glasses.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the four of them quietly, he knew that the four of them were afraid that they would not have a chance to drink the celebration wine, and wanted to drink a cup of farewell wine with him, and nodded with sore eyes, Liu Mingzhi waved his hand at Zhang Kuang beside him.

"General Zhang, borrow a jar of fine wine and let the brothers practice it!"

Zhang Kuang nodded with reddish eyes, and pointed to Song Qing: "Qing'er, go to the old man's wine cellar to get the wine, the jar of wine that has been preserved for 57 years."

Song Qing didn't say anything, just wiped the corners of his eyes indistinctly, turned around and left the hall door.

The stall of wine that Zhang Kuang mentioned was the vintage wine given to Zhang Kuang by his adoptive father, General Jin Yi, when he made his first meritorious service, and it finally came in handy today.

Zhang Kuang was also a drinker when he was young, but ever since Jin Yi was given poisonous alcohol self-awareness, Zhang Kuang vowed not to drink for a day if he did not unify the world.

This jar of wine has also been treasured by Zhang Kuang for 57 years.

People dare not even count ten years in detail, let alone 57 years.

"Han Zhong!"

"The end is here!"

"Are there any people under your command who are better at using flintlock guns and serial blunderbusses, and who have more powerful leaders?"

Han Zhong thought for a while and nodded: "There is a little brother named Chang Qing, who is valued by the general at the end. When he was in the east, he was the one who led the test guns and artillery. He is very capable."

Liu Mingzhi silently nodded: "You assign Chang Qing to Unbearable's command, and lead a thousand brothers, five thousand Lei Zhenzi, one thousand flintlock guns, and enough ammunition to assist the Unbearable Futu Army!"

"You lead a thousand brothers into Baoyu's command, and the troops you lead are the same as Chang Qing's."

"The end will be ordered!"

"Jiang Lei!"

"The end is here!"

"You have seen the use of rockets when I attacked the capital. This time your role is to lead some Lei Zhenzi, rockets and artillery into Yunzhou, and assist General Yunchong to defend the city."

"I can't guarantee how much I can grant you. Let's see what Deputy Commander Song and Quartermaster Tang Ru think!"

"I will understand at the end!"

Zhang Kuang couldn't help but help from the side: "You can't decide to give Jiang Lei more, the situation here is much better than Yunzhou, let him bring more lighters, let's bring more lighters!"

Liu Mingzhi sighed and shook his head: "General Zhang, I want them to bring more than anyone else, but I have to have so many in my hand. If there are enough firearms, I don't have to rack my brains here to figure out how to deal with them. gone."

"This commander can lead [-] soldiers and horses to return to work, the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks."

"Is it possible that I don't know how powerful firearms are? After all, don't I still have no money? The treasury is already supplying enough food and grass. How can there be extra silver to make firearms? I have already wiped out everything I can afford!"

"No matter how abundant the national treasury was before, you can't stop the continuous consumption of hundreds of thousands of troops!"

Seeing Liu Mingzhi hating iron for steel, Zhang Kuang didn't say anything, but sighed uncontrollably.

Liu Mingzhi made it very clear that a single word was caused by lack of money.

The consumption of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses is not a small amount.

"Master, uncle, the wine is here!"

Song Qing walked in with a jug of wine, which relieved the dull atmosphere in the hall.

Song Qing didn't dislike the dust on the wine jar, picked up his sleeves and wiped it, and patted off the mud seal on the wine jar, a mellow wine smell immediately emanated from the hall, which was refreshing.

Zhang Kuang hadn't drunk alcohol for more than 20 years, and he couldn't help swallowing twice when he smelled the aroma of this wine.

Thinking of the heavy oath he made in front of his adoptive father's grave in the past, Zhang Kuang pursed the corners of his mouth, picked up the teapot, poured himself a cup, and began to drink.

Liu Mingzhi took the wine jar and the coarse porcelain tea bowl from Song Qing's hands, watched as there was less than a third of the wine in the huge wine jar, and directly divided the wine bowls.

"General Ke Yan, General Xiong, everyone, how about drinking a cup of expedition wine with Baoyu and the others?"

"my pleasure!"

Looking at the people holding the wine bowls, Liu Mingzhi carefully poured a bowl of 57-year-old vintage wine for them with the wine jug, and he also poured a bowl for himself.

Coincidentally, there are exactly eleven bowls in a jug of wine, not to mention a lot.

"Brothers, I'm the commander-in-chief to respect."

"My lord, mighty, mighty!"

A bowl of wine was drank in one gulp, and the sound of broken porcelain bowls echoed in the pavilion.

The four of Zhou Baoyu tossed the scarlet cloaks behind them and knelt in front of First Young Master Liu with one knee cupped in fists: "My brothers, we will live and die together, and we will go and return together. Commander, drink another glass of celebration wine!"

"The last brother will leave!"

"The big dragon wins!"

"The handsome is mighty!"

Liu Mingzhi took the flag from Song Qing and put it in the hands of the four of them, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and waved gently.

"Let's go!"

"Farewell at the end!"

"The last general will distribute military supplies to them!"

When the sound of footsteps could no longer be heard in the pavilion, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes with scarlet eyes, and resisted the bit of horse urine not to flow out.

"Brothers are mighty!"

For Zhou Baoyu and the others to return safely, Liu Mingzhi had no idea at all. Their opponent was not an ordinary person, but the Great Khan of Taichang, Huyan Yunyao, who had the reputation of being naturally handsome.

Relying on all kinds of knowledge from my previous life, it was only a [-]-[-] result when I confronted her in the way of using soldiers.

In the last national war, the experienced veteran Yasukuni Gong Yunyang almost suffered a big loss when his troops were equal. If there is no reason to bear them rushing to help Jeju from the Kingdom of Jin, the army on the left may be killed or injured. The result was also extremely disastrous.

The two of us are like this, let alone Zhou Baoyu and his inferior generals!
Thinking of the old man Wen Renzheng's evaluation of Huyan Yunyao by his side in the past, Liu Mingzhi's pressure became even heavier.

"Ziyi, Zile may not be as good as you in political affairs and in the way of being a man, but in the way of using soldiers, she has a talent that ordinary people can't match."

"This is the ability bestowed on her by God, and no one can change it!"

God, bless Baoyu and the others to persist for 35 days, otherwise Liu Mingzhi would have to owe so much blood debt!

There were more than 7 people who conquered the Western Regions, and more than 9 people in the last national war. If Zhou Baoyu and the others were unfavorable this time, the blood debt on themselves would be 20 people less.

20 million!

Gently exhaling, Liu Mingzhi walked towards the sand table again.

"General Zhang, this time we may have to use some things from our ancestors!"

Zhang Kuang was taken aback, and looked at Liu Mingzhi blankly.

"A thing from the ancestors?"

"That's right, it's something from our ancestors. You are anxious for the skilled craftsmen in the city to wait in the army. I want them to modify something?"

"May I take the liberty to ask what it is forged? The general will recruit artisans who specialize in art, blacksmiths? Carpenters? Artisans?"

"The chariot!"

(End of this chapter)

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