Chapter 1573 War Comes Again (For the Happy Little Fatty)

See you in the East!

On the grounds of the Yingzhou Zhongjun Academy, Young Master Liu Zhangkuang and his gang were all suffering from red eyes and exhaustion.

Everyone looked at the dozens of strange chariots made by dozens of skilled craftsmen overnight, except for Young Master Liu, their eyes were full of suspicion.

Can these chariots that have been gradually eliminated since the rise of the cavalry and have withdrawn from the stage of history really have a surprising effect in this national war?
First Young Master Liu rolled up his sleeves, crouched in front of the chariots and began to pat them carefully. Hearing the voice, Liu Mingzhi immediately concluded that these chariots were of high quality.

After all, he is an expert in making military equipment among the frontier army, and his craftsmanship is absolutely unquestionable.

The chariot compartment was covered with thick iron sheets, and the wheels were inlaid with sharp horse-cutting blades. When the chariot charged, only these horse-cutting blades specially designed to deal with horse legs were enough for the enemy to drink a pot.

There is a built-in wooden cover on the carriage, and four holes are exposed on the carriages on both sides. A light door in the middle can be opened at any time to walk out of the carriage.

If the four wheels were regarded as legs, the chariot in Zhang Kuang's eyes looked like an oversized bastard.

It is the bastard they use to stew meat soup.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and the confusion in their eyes was clearly seen by each other.

Do these things really work?The reason why chariots were banned by the cavalry was that they were too bulky and not conducive to lightness in combat.

This master is good, but he made the chariot even thicker, which is completely different from the chariots on the atlases sealed by the Ministry of Industry.

Although six horses have been replaced, Zhang Kuang and the others still don't have much hope for the practicality of this thing.

Looking at First Young Master Liu who was surrounded by the chariot with great interest, Zhang Kuang squatted down and patted the stainless steel horse cutting blade on the wheel hub, and looked at First Young Master Liu who was on the side.

"My lord, it's not that the last general doesn't believe in you, but is this thing really useful? It's so bulky, surrounded by cavalry is waiting to die."

"Especially the rotatable iron rod in front of the chariot, not to mention blocking the halberd-handler from swinging the weapon, and even the archer's position. Do you think this thing can deal with cavalry?"

"This is too unreliable!"

Young Master Liu stood up, patted the iron pillar inlaid with bearings and laughed.

"Don't talk about dealing with cavalry, it is also powerful against infantry."

"If it works, you'll know if you try it. If it doesn't work, just cut off the ropes and discard these chariots. The two brothers can quickly get on their horses and retreat."

"This..." Zhang Kuang nodded hesitantly: "This is a good idea, but in the end I have to say, I really don't like this thing."


"Obviously, there must be a reason why the chariot was abandoned. Now it's no different than before. The kingdom of a thousand chariots means a strong victory, but the war at that time was completely different from what it is now."

"Since Taizu Emperor Gao ruled the world, the chariot was almost abandoned when the Dalong was built. Later, when he fought against the Wuhu in the next year, it was directly abandoned."

"This thing is cumbersome, so that the brothers can send military exploits to the enemy for nothing."

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "How long has it been since I, Dalong, founded the country?"

"More than 600 years!"

"That's right, it's been more than 600 years, which means that during our 600 years of fighting, no chariot has ever appeared on the battlefield."

"General Zhang, I would like to ask you a very interesting question. If we set up a situation outside the city and the two armies confront each other, and the Kingdom of Jin suddenly uses chariots, which are so ancient that they have been abandoned by the stage of history, how would you respond? enemy?"

"The last general is of course yes. yes. yes. yes."

From blurting out to gradually becoming blocked, Zhang Kuang looked at Young Master Liu in confusion, unable to say anything.

How to deal with such an ancient thing as a chariot? I am crazy and confused. I have been in the army for dozens of years, either infantry charges or cavalry side support, but I have never had any experience in dealing with chariots.

So Zhang Kuang was stunned, at this moment he remembered that his impression of the chariot only existed in the annals of history.

Not only arrogant, the veterans like Ke Yan around him also fell into the confusion of contemplation after racking their brains.

Surrounded by cavalry?But those horse cutting blades on the hub are so sharp, how can the horse get close?

Bow shooting?Seeing that there are only a few holes that are the same as the large bastard, several people really can't figure it out, except for the Turkic Condor Archer, Dalong, how many sharpshooters in the Kingdom of Jin can pass through the holes under the rush of the chariot Shoot the enemies inside.

Turkic eagle archers, how many sharpshooters are there in the two countries of Dalong?

"Attacking the horse? Cutting the horse's legs? Trapping the horse? Tripping the horse rope?"

Looking at Zhang Kuang's tentative inquiry, Liu Mingzhi smiled and patted the iron sheet of the chariot.

"The commander just said that there are such things as chariots that suddenly appeared. Will you prepare these things in advance during the confrontation between the two armies?"

"I don't. I won't!"

"So, the chariot originated from our Chinese Kyushu, and we have abandoned it for hundreds of years. Jin Guo, how could the Turks think that we would suddenly use such an ancient thing?"

"After a surprise victory, the commander-in-chief planned to discard these things. I never thought that I would hold on to these chariots until the end of the fight!"

Liu Mingzhi patted the inlaid iron pillar in the chariot while talking: "Mainly"


"My lord, don't be a fool!"

"That's right, what is your plan, tell the generals clearly, so we can effectively find a way to support your charge based on the pros and cons of these chariots!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhang Kuang and the others' thirsty expressions, and smiled wryly: "The main reason is that the ammunition for serial guns is really limited, and there's not much to supply!"

"Forget it, I haven't slept all night. I'll go back to the mansion to take a rest. You can go to the quartermaster of Longwuwei to supervise the construction of the chariot and go to rest. Once the army is approaching the city, it will not be so easy to sleep peacefully in the future!"

"Alright, but how many chariots do we need to build in total? You can at least give us a specific number!"

Liu Mingzhi thought for a while and drew the number with his fingers: "Eighty cars, too much is a waste!"

"Understood, the prince should go to rest first, and leave the rest to the old man."

Liu Mingzhi nodded, and stopped being polite, turned around and walked towards the door of the house!
It was already dawn, and it was time for Zhou Baoyu and his two guards to move out.

Thinking of these, Liu Mingzhi's heart became even heavier.

In the hands of Huyan Yunyao, more than [-] soldiers and horses don't know how many will come back this time.

Young Master Liu, who was thinking all the way, returned to the palace by instinct.

Looking at Qi Ya and Murong Shan who were already sitting in the pavilion with their son and daughter in their arms and chatting cheerfully in the morning, Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a while, but he didn't go there after all.

How bad his face is now, Liu Mingzhi can know without thinking, if this is the case, don't bring negative emotions to the two beauties, so as not to spoil their good mood.

Top-heavy walking towards Qi Yun's boudoir, Qi Yun was making the bed when Young Master Liu stepped into the room.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Qi Yun turned around subconsciously, and seeing her husband's tired face, Qi Yun poured a cup of tea to meet her, and gently handed it to her husband.

"One more night of discussion? Didn't sleep all night?"

Liu Mingzhi took the tea and drank it down, nodded with a wry smile, returned the teacup to Qi Yun and walked towards the bed.

Falling down on the soft brocade quilt, feeling the fragrance of Qi Yun's body, still carrying the remaining warmth of the quilt, Liu Mingzhi didn't even bother to take off his boots, and curled up as soon as he lifted the quilt.

"Miss, if there is an important military incident, wake up immediately as your husband!"

"Concubine knows"

"Whirring whirring"

Before Qi Yun could finish her sentence, Young Master Liu fell into a sound sleep as soon as he touched the bed.

Qi Yun sighed with a distressed face, walked to the bed and took off her husband's boots, and lightly closed the curtains for the bed, and then walked out the door in distress.

The sun sets and the moon rises until the east sees white the next day. The sound of rumbling war drums and heroic horns resounds inside and outside the city of Yingzhou.

Liu Mingzhi, who was still soundly asleep in the room, sat up suddenly, his sleepy eyes blinked a few times before they shone brightly.

Listening to the more solemn sound of war drums, Liu Mingzhi knew that the war was coming.



Qi Yun hurried in from the door: "I'm here!"

"Quick, put on the armor for my husband!"

"Husband, take a shower, eat something to pad your stomach, and it won't be too late to put on your armor. The concubine is all ready!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head and walked towards the wooden frame where the armor was placed: "It's too late, the opportunity to fight is imminent, I must meet up with my brothers as soon as possible, and put on the armor immediately!"

"Alright! Concubine wears armor for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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