Chapter 1574
Under Qi Yun's service, Liu Mingzhi put on his armor quickly, and then hurried out of the mansion.

When passing by the inner courtyard, Liu Mingzhi saw all the girls gathered in the corridor looking at him worriedly, and didn't say too many provocative words, leaving only a sentence to take care of the children and left the mansion.

They are all old couples, and they also know who they are, saying too many provocative words is no different.

In addition, the sound of war drums became more and more rapid, indicating that the Jin Kingdom's southward army was completely approaching, and nine out of ten had already begun to gather outside the city.

He rode his horse towards Zhang Kuang's mansion, along the way Liu Mingzhi saw teams of Longwuwei soldiers in full armor on the main road in the city, with long knives on their waists and iron tire bows in their hands, speeding towards the city wall go.

"Shut up!"

"See side by side."

Before the guard finished speaking, Young Master Liu had already thrown the reins of the horse, and rushed towards the mansion without delay.

The guards also knew that the battle was urgent, and they had no dissatisfaction with Young Master Liu's behavior of ignoring himself and others.

"General Zhang, what's the situation now? Where is the army of the Kingdom of Jin?"

Zhang Kuang, who was pointing to the map to arrange the combat deployment, saw Liu Mingzhi coming in a hurry, and hurried up to meet him, and handed the letter from Liu Mingzhi's scout.

"The army of the Kingdom of Jin has already crossed the Shanhaiguan Pass, and is now gathering towards the gate of the city. There are 24 main combat troops, and more than 30 logistics auxiliary troops, a total of [-] troops!"

Liu Mingzhi flipped through it quickly, put it aside, and looked at the map.

"It seems that the situation has been basically confirmed. The 48 main battle army of the Kingdom of Jin is indeed divided into two groups to attack Yingzhou and Jeju!"

"24 are on our side. The Tiger and Leopard Guards under the command of Wan Mingliang, Lord Wuguo of Jeju, have limited strength. If we don't rush to help, I'm afraid they may not be able to withstand another army of the Jin Kingdom under Yeruha's command."

Zhang Kuang nodded solemnly: "Except for the cavalry under your command, you can now draw out your body to separate out a group of soldiers and horses. The soldiers and horses of the other five cities, Fuzhou Feiyingwei, have rushed to help Yunzhou, Ganzhou, and Suzhou. Can't move, there are no more soldiers and horses to mobilize."

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and pondered for a while: "Tell me about Yaluha. I don't know much about him. I only know that he is as famous as Jin Guozhen King Wanyan. As for his methods? I don't know, since I've never dealt with it before."

Zhang Kuang walked up and down with his hands behind his back, silently sorting out his thoughts about his understanding of Yeruha.

"This person is an existence that is not inferior to Wanyan Chizha in Wentao and Wulu. The only reason why he is not well-known among us Dalong is because he has led troops to garrison the northwestern border of Jin Kingdom all the year round, defending the border of Turks."

"Although his reputation on our Dalong's side is not very prominent, but on the Turkic side, this person is also known as a brave warrior who kills God."

"In the 20th year of Xuande, at that time Turkic was still dominated by the Shibisi royal family. You also know the terrain of Turkic. The west is poor and the east is rich, and most of the land with rich pastures is concentrated in the east of the grassland."

"Although the Kingdom of Jin has been established for a hundred years, the people of the Kingdom of Jin still maintain the custom of semi-nomadic herding horses, just to fear that the skills left by their ancestors will gradually be lost."

"In this way, friction with the nomadic Turks who herd horses is inevitable because of the ranch."

"Although the Charmi Grassland in the eastern part of the grassland is not big, it is famous for its rich pastures. It is just that half of the Charmi Grassland is stuck between Jinzhou and Songzhou in the northwest border of the Kingdom of Jin. For this piece of heaven-sent pasture, The two countries have been fighting each other for years."

"In the 20th year of Xuande, Yeluha combined 18 soldiers and horses with his cavalry to defeat the [-] soldiers and horses of King Shibisi's court in one fell swoop, thus shocking the Turkic tribes."

"It was known as the Weihe military disaster when the army went north. When the Huben army under your uncle Yun Chong detoured to the east of the grassland to attack the Kingdom of Jin, they also suffered a secret loss at the hands of them. Fortunately, the loss was not big, but just now. Because of this, your uncle also regards this person as an enemy."

"Brother Wan has encountered a formidable enemy of comparable strength this time, and a formidable enemy with troops several times larger than his. I wonder if Jeju can turn the crisis into safety this time."

"The crisis situation in Jeju is much worse than that in Yunzhou."

Listening to Zhang Kuang's repressed words, Liu Mingzhi had a little understanding of Yaluha, but only a little.

He had never fought against Yeruha, and it was difficult to completely eliminate this person's tricks just by relying on a few crazy words.

That being the case, you can only understand while playing.

"Song Qing listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Send Ning Chao, the general of the sharp warrior army, and Feng Buer, the general of the Baizhan army, to meet me in the west of Yingzhou city!"

"Send Cheng Kai, the soldier who was trapped in the battle, and Ye Baotong, the fang guard, to come to the general's mansion to meet me quickly."

"Decree! I will retire at the end!"

Song Qing ran out of the mansion without any hesitation, and Liu Mingzhi didn't want to let Song Qing, a deputy commander of a 30 army, act as a messenger.

However, Song Qing, a master in the army, is one of the best existences, so Liu Mingzhi feels more at ease when he passes orders.

Now that the enemy army is approaching the city, there must be no mistakes. If the military order cannot be effectively conveyed, it will be a disaster for Dalong.

"General Zhang, how are the eighty chariots built?"

"All the renovations have been completed, and they are placed on the grounds of the Chinese Army Academy. The horses to pull the chariots have also been selected. They are all vigorous horses. The safety of their chariots has been tested. As long as they are operated properly, they can charge into battle. There will be absolutely no problem at all.”

"Then the commander-in-chief can rest assured. The question of how you defend Long Wuwei can be carried out as we discussed the day before yesterday. If there are any specific changes, you can find a way to direct it yourself."

"When the commander-in-chief is supporting you outside the city, he will also choose to adapt to the situation. We must protect the safety of the golden eagle and the falcon. Don't delay the battle because we can't contact you at that time."

Zhang Kuang nodded calmly: "Don't worry, my lord, the last general's soldiers of Longwuwei swear here that if the Kingdom of Jin wants to break into the city, unless our soldiers of Longwuwei fight to the last, we will definitely not." It will let people from the Kingdom of Jin take a step beyond me."

Liu Mingzhi silently glanced at the generals in the hall, and stretched out a generous palm to Zhang Kuang.

"Uncle, take care!"

Zhang Kuang was startled, smiled lightly and gave First Young Master Liu a bear hug, patted Liu Mingzhi on the back lightly and said.

"Take care too, don't embarrass your father, don't embarrass the four major families."

"You are the pillar of the great dragon appointed by the late emperor. Your majesty cannot do without your help when he is young. No matter what, he must return safely."

"If you lose the battle this time, don't be discouraged. We still have a chance to make a comeback. Don't die in vain."

"This is not what you, a general who never retreats, should teach juniors."

"We can die in battle, but you can't. We are old, and we deserve to die in battle."

"You can't do it. Now my Dalong doesn't have enough young generals to take over. You have to cultivate a group of outstanding young generals to take over from us. The situation outside the city is unknown, so I won't talk nonsense."

"Take care, you must come back alive!"

"Leave hope and foundation for Dalong."

(End of this chapter)

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