My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1575 The Cunning Wanyan Chizha

Chapter 1575 The Cunning Wanyan Chizha

Outside the General's Mansion, Liu Mingzhi stood on the steps in front of the mansion and waited quietly for the arrival of Cheng Kai and Ye Baotong.

Listening to the endless sound of war drums on the city wall, Liu Mingzhi's mood never calmed down for a moment. After about two sticks of incense, four strong war horses came galloping from the south of the city.

Now that the war is about to break out, the people in the city have already shrunk at home and dare not go out easily, which naturally brings great convenience to the soldiers.

"The last general Cheng Kai!"

"Song Qing!"

"Ye Baotong!"

"Jia Zhengjing!"

"See Master!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the four men with stern expressions and walked straight towards his horse.

"Let's gossip, Cheng Kai, Ye Baotong listen to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"You each lead the soldiers, the fang guards come out from the south gate, and detour to the east and west outside the city respectively, waiting for the opportunity to attack and harass the siege army of the Kingdom of Jin."

"If the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin gather all their forces to attack the north gate, you should find a way to disperse their forces. If they attack the city in four directions, try to sneak attack their central army from the corner of the city wall, so that they cannot attack the city with all their strength."

"The end will be ordered!"

"Do you know how to use the chain gun?"

"Reporting to Commander, all the brothers in the new musket battalion have learned how to use guns from Brother Han Zhong, and basically there will be no major problems!"

"Well! That's good. Vice-General Song has already told you about the chariot, right?"

"As I said, we have selected brothers with excellent riding skills to practice how to use the chariot in the school ground in the city, and there is basically no problem."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands silently: "Lead the troops to march!"

"I will retire at the end!"

Liu Mingzhi waved at Song and Qing, got on his horse and rushed towards the west of the city.

"Song Qing, order Du Yu to lead [-] personal guards to the west of the city to meet up with the commander. Lao Jia, will you follow the commander out of the city to join Feng Buer? Ning Chao and the others meet!"


Following Liu Mingzhi's orders one after another, the already severe situation in Yingzhou City became more depressed.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi and Jia Zhengjing went out of the city all the way to the east highland of Ma Mingpo in the west.

After countless battles, the scouts under the banner of Ruishi rushed towards the two after they were spotted. After a while, Feng Buer and Ning Chao rushed towards First Young Master Liu with fifty personal guards each.

"Shut up!"

"The last general will be sealed!"

"Ning Chao!"

"See Master!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse, took out the map on the horse's back, walked to one side of the grass and spread it out. Seeing this, Feng Buer and others hurriedly gathered around.

Young Master Liu's fingers slid along the official road between Yingzhou and Jeju: "If you go from Yingzhou to Jeju quickly, it only takes one and a half days to charge back and forth, and if you add halfway repairs, it will not exceed two days." time."

"Your task now is to lead the sharp warriors, the brothers of the Hundred Wars Army, rush to the rescue of Jeju City, and launch a harassment war with the right-wing army of the Kingdom of Jin, Yaluha."

"Remember my commander's words, we have never dealt with Yaruha, and we don't know the reality of his military use. You must not rush to charge after you go to Jeju."

"Send a small force to harass their flanking army first, and see how Yeruha will send troops to deal with your harassment."

"Before investigating the truth, you can't blindly launch an attack with the whole army. That's a big taboo for military strategists."

"It should be noted that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will win every battle. You have been with me for many years, and you have a little bit of my habit of using troops."

"In a word, attack fiercely if you can fight, retreat strategically if you can't fight, disrupt their offensive formation, and disperse their forces."

"Eliminate their strength little by little until they are on par with us."

"You all know how embarrassing our big dragon's current situation is. In a word, there are generals but no soldiers."

"The three armies on the left, middle and right, except for our army in the center, the banners of the other two armies are rarely sound. The generals of the Six Guards have the means to use troops to conquer the world, but they have no soldiers to use."

"Otherwise we don't need to divide our troops into three groups to help the brothers in the other two groups."

"The generals of the six guards of Northern Xinjiang are all brave and skilled in battle. They are veterans who have experienced many battles. They are proficient in the way of using soldiers. However, my Dalong just experienced civil strife. The time of conscription has been delayed for too long. The follow-up recruits cannot Replenishment to the six border towns in time resulted in a lack of troops, so the Jin and Turkic armies waited for an opportunity to go south."

"I made a rough estimate. The recruits from the Ministry of War can be sent to our northern border for help in at least 35 days. By then, our situation will be completely reversed."

"So, no matter what method you use, you must contain the forces of the two countries and not break through any of the gates of my six border cities, let alone let them enter my hinterland."

"If you can't beat them, then withdraw. If you withdraw, then harass them. They will not tire of harassing them. At that time, it will be your chance."

"Mo Ye has to wait for the arrival of our reinforcements with the commander-in-chief for 35 days."

Listening to Young Master Liu's hoarse voice, Feng Buer and Ning Chao nodded solemnly.

"The last general has an order, and I am willing to go through fire and water for the commander-in-chief."

The relief in Liu Mingzhi's eyes flashed away, and he looked at the two quietly.

"You are soldiers and horses of the imperial court!"

The two nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, the general is willing to go through fire and water for Dalong."

Liu Mingzhi rolled up the map and looked at Lao Jia with a calm face.

"Old Jia, you are the predecessor of all of us. This time, you will be the supervisor of Ning Chao's attack on Jeju. If there is anything the two of them can't do, you must stop them in time." , don’t get carried away by anger.”

"If you lose your mind on the battlefield, you will lead all your brothers into the abyss."

"The last general has orders, please rest assured, Commander!"

Liu Mingzhi took off the wine bag on the horse's back and gathered it in his hands, scanning all the soldiers around him: "Brothers, I respect you all."

"Respect, Master!"

After everyone had a drink, Liu Mingzhi took the command flag and handed it to the two of them.

"Let's go!"

"I will retire at the end!"

Hundreds of them marched away, leaving behind bursts of smoke and dust and one person and one horse who stopped on the slope to watch them go out.

After the last puff of smoke disappeared, Liu Mingzhi, who was looking towards the west and south of the city, suddenly heard the deafening sound of war drums coming from the north gate of Yingzhou City.

Liu Mingzhi's face changed in shock, and he hurriedly took off the binoculars and looked towards the north of Yingzhou City.

I saw that the densely packed army of the Kingdom of Jin had begun to gather slowly towards the city of Yingzhou in the rhythm of the drums and horns, and launched a tentative attack.

Liu Mingzhi put down the binoculars in astonishment, his expression full of confusion.

Why did the siege start directly before the soldiers approached the city?Could it be that this old Wanyan Chizha doesn't know what a tired teacher is?

Aren't you afraid that you will wait for work with ease?

For Wanyan Chizha who played out of common sense, Liu Mingzhi was at a loss, and really couldn't figure out what Wanyan Chizha was planning.

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, and slowly approached the north of the city with his horse.

He raised his binoculars again and looked towards the north of the city. From such a distance, he could clearly hear the shouts of killing from the army of the Kingdom of Jin.

Looking at the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin, Liu Mingzhi, who showed no signs of fatigue in the mirror tube, his expression changed slightly.

After a little thought, he understood what was going on, the old fox Wanyan Chizha had already led the army of the Kingdom of Jin to rest outside the pass overnight.

Today's army of the Kingdom of Jin is not a tired army that came from afar, but a group of tigers and wolves with high morale.

"It's so fucking cunning, this is trying to catch me off guard, I want to strike first."

The muttering Young Master Liu heard the sound of galloping horses behind him, turned around and saw Liu Zishuaiqi and Cheng Kai's [-] soldiers and horses had already detoured towards the west of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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