Chapter 1576
On the city wall of Yingzhou, Zhang Kuang put on his own armor and scanned the outside of the city with a binoculars in hand.

Looking at the [-] Jin Guo soldiers approaching the city wall with the sound of war drums, their faces were also not looking good. Wanyan Chizha's move to attack the city really overturned the previous perception of the generals.

"Master Hou, how do you meet the enemy?"

Ke Yan drew out his saber from his waist, and looked at the enemy army outside the city with a solemn expression. There were [-] soldiers and horses in the tentative attack. How urgent is this old man Wanyan Chizha to capture Yingzhou.

Zhang Kuang put down the binoculars in his hand: "Send the order, load the artillery, string the crossbow on the bed, prepare the rocket, wait under the city wall for Lei Zhenzi's thrower, and hide behind the battlements for the archers. The Kingdom of Jin also has artillery, so don't let the shells fall on Lei Zhenzi." on the wooden box, otherwise we will self-destruct the city if it explodes."


"The last general dares to ask, when will you fight back? Just watch them approaching the city wall like this?"

Zhang Kuang took out a dry tobacco pouch from nowhere and smashed it twice, exhaling a puff of smoke lightly.

"Wait, let the people of the Jin Kingdom taste the minefields first. Boy Liu makes these guys amazing, but he doesn't know how powerful they are, and the trenches they dug are enough for them to work hard."

"Keep your eyes wide open for this Marquis. Once the minefields are no longer powerful, the people of the Kingdom of Jin will immediately rain arrows and cover the trenches densely. If you don't hit the live targets that are handed to you, you will be sorry for our brothers!"


Keyan, Xiong Kaishan and the other generals scattered away in a hurry, observing the situation outside the city from a distance.

Outside Yingzhou city, Yeluhu's son Yelumo stood beside Wanyan Chizha, his eyes never left the city wall of Yingzhou, looking at his own soldiers who had already entered the range of the archers, there was no movement on the city wall, Yeluhu's face Full of bewilderment, he subconsciously looked at Wanyan Chizha, who also had a strange expression.

"Commander, what's going on? Why is there no movement at Longwuwei on the city wall of Yingzhou? Our brothers are already within range of bows and arrows!"

Wanyan Chizha stroked his beard lightly and shook his head slightly: "I don't understand either. It is said that I used a small plan to directly attack the city with a large army. The guards on the city wall of Yingzhou should be a little flustered."

"According to what I know about Zhang Kuang, now he should order artillery bombardment and a rain of arrows to stabilize morale. This kind of uncharacteristically quiet even this commander can't figure out what Zhang Kuang's purpose is!"

Yelumo looked at Wanyan Chizha, a senior who was more famous than his father Yeluhu, and subconsciously scratched his head.

"Zhuang Kuang won't be forced by our power to surrender without a fight, right?"

Wanyan Chizha was taken aback, then rolled his eyes and glared at Yelumo, a junior.

"Do you think it's possible? Stop talking to the old man here. I really have the time to send out two scouts to investigate the situation in the 30 miles around Yingzhou. Don't forget that there are still [-] cavalry under Liu Mingzhi who have not yet shown their whereabouts!"

"This kid's use of troops is completely unreasonable, so be careful to be fooled by him."

"Yes, the last general will go here!"

"Report, Commander-in-Chief, the Vanguard Battalion reported that a large number of vertical and horizontal ditches were found a hundred steps away from the city wall. Our ladders, siege vehicles, and door-ramming vehicles cannot be transported at all."

Wanyan Chizha was taken aback, and hurriedly waved to the soldiers: "Bring up the table!"


As soon as the personal guard put down the table, Wanyan Chizha jumped up, took out the binoculars given to him by the empress, and looked towards the front.

Looking at the criss-crossing ravines, Wanyan Chizha jumped off the table muttering.

"Are you going to delay the speed of the siege by covering the archers while the soldiers are filling the trenches?"

Wanyan Chizha thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't come up with a reason. Apart from this possibility, there is really no other possibility.

"Here's an order to kill the wolf and send out another [-] knife shield soldiers to cover the brothers of the chaos, quickly fill up those trenches, pay attention to keeping the distance, and pay attention to the artillery and archers on the city wall."


Watching the [-] sword shield soldiers dispatched from the two wings again, Wanyan Chizha picked up the binoculars and looked over the city wall.

"Crazy, crazy, just relying on these trenches, what can you do to stop this handsome for an hour longer!"

"Report, a large group of cavalry was found in the west of the city, about [-] of them!"

"Report, a large group of cavalry was found in the east of the city, about [-] of them!"

Wanyan Chizha subconsciously looked towards the east and west sides of Yingzhou City, and sure enough, at a glance, he saw the smoke and dust billowing outside the city, heading straight into the sky.

The corner of Wanyan Chizha's mouth raised a smile, he didn't need to guess carefully whose soldiers and horses it was, after all, there is no one other than Young Master Liu who can dispatch [-] cavalry from Dalong.

"Boy, boy, I was still thinking about how to force you to show up, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to leave the city. The last time I failed to fight the national war, the old man has been regretting until now, and finally today I can get my wish. I want to see you How handsome is he!"

"The messenger!"


"Order the armored cavalry, and the black wolf cavalry will circle around on both wings, and guard against the cavalry attack on both sides at any time!"



"The end is here!"

"Immediately, the golden eagle sent a letter to Generalissimo Yaluha, the right-wing soldiers and horses, to inquire about the progress of their battle."

"Decree, humble horse."



Suddenly there was a thunderous sound outside the peaceful Yingzhou City, and it rang out without warning. Long Chang who was talking was startled, and forgot to say what was connected.

Wanyan Chizha hurriedly looked towards the city wall, only to see gunpowder smoke billowing outside the city, and the sound of thunder blasting could be heard everywhere, which directly overwhelmed the screams in the smoke, and the thick smoke blocked Wanyan Chizha's sight, covering everything around It's all covered.

Wanyan Chizha hurriedly looked at the observer on the elevated side: "Observer? Did the dragon guards on the city wall fire?"

"Report, report back to the commander, there is no trace of fire on the city wall, and the sound of the explosion seems to be coming from the ground!"

Wanyan Chizha didn't have time to think about what made the explosion, and waved the command flag in his hand again and again.

"Order, all soldiers and horses retreat, withdraw from the Yingzhou archers, within the range of the artillery that can fight back!"


There was a huge sound of gold foil, and the figures of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin gradually disappeared from the smoke and dust, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands
Until the last figure ran out of the smoke and dust, there were thunderclaps from time to time on the ravine-criss field between the two armies.

After all the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin withdrew, they all became ashamed, and their bodies were covered with a thin layer of dust on their armor.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Wanyan Chizha watched a general running towards him and hurried up.

"Batushu, what's going on?"

"Reporting to Commander-in-Chief, the general doesn't know what's going on. The general is leading his brothers to fill the trenches on the ground. Suddenly there is a thunderous crackling sound. The general doesn't know what's going on at all?"

Wanyan Chizha looked at the second general who came running, his eyes full of surprise and uncertainty.

"Hulumu, what are you talking about?"

Hulumu kept patting Humming's ears: "Marshal, what are you talking about? I can't hear you well, please speak up!"

Wanyan Chizha pushed Hulumu aside, raised the binoculars and looked outside the city wall.

When the billowing smoke and dust dissipated completely, Wanyan stared blankly at the corpses on the ground for a long time and couldn't regain his senses. There were still many soldiers screaming and rolling all over the ground. There are no less than five thousand dead bodies densely packed on the ground.

Inexplicably, [-] soldiers were lost, and Wanyan Chizha was a little sluggish.

The eyes of Wanyan Chizha, who was still secretly complacent, turned red, and he suddenly remembered the phrase "extreme joy begets sorrow".

I thought I could beat Dalong by surprise, but I didn't expect to lose [-] soldiers before the battle!

Wanyan Chizha glanced hysterically at the surrounding generals: "Did any of you see if the enemy army on the city wall fired?"

"Report, we didn't see any of them. After the explosion, there was thick smoke billowing. It's impossible to see what happened!"

"Find a way to treat the injured brothers, and the rest will follow the commander back to the camp for discussion!"

(End of this chapter)

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