Chapter 1577 Playing the way out (monthly ticket plus update)
Standing on the city wall, Zhang Kuang looked at the corpses of the Kingdom of Jin and the wounded soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin who were mourning endlessly, with an expression of excitement on their faces.

After hammering the city wall a few times, Zhang Kuang looked at Ke Yan and other generals around him who were also stunned: "I knew that Boy Liu would not come up with some broken things to fool me. As expected, although these things called mines are not as powerful as artillery The blooming bomb, but the victory is impossible to guard against!"

"Beautiful, so beautiful, beheading [-] enemy troops before the fight is really a morale booster."

Xiong Kaishan put down the binoculars in his hand in amazement: "I'm afraid these Jin people will never imagine that there will be something that can kill them buried under their feet!"

"It's a pity that there are too few landmines. Otherwise, a dense formation of 4 people would kill and injure tens of thousands of enemies!"

Zhang Kuang stroked the beard on his chin solemnly: "Satisfied, when these boys from Leiliu got it out, they all had a distressed face like a dead father. Thinking about it, these things are also very precious to him. Let's Don't be greedy, kill five thousand enemy troops without hurting a single soldier, this is already a big victory."

"The general just inspected those potholes. At least half of the mines have not been triggered. This is enough for Wanyan Zhizha, an old boy."

"Brothers are ordered to be on the alert. Don't let your guard down just because of the achievements of the landmines. Wanyan is well-known. He is not an easy guy to deal with. Even if we kill 2 of them, our strength is far worse than theirs. .”


On the high slope to the west of Yingzhou City, Liu Mingzhi put down the binoculars in his hand with a regretful expression. Compared with the mines in his impression, the power of these landmines is still a bit unsatisfactory.

The movement was not small, the smoke and dust raised were like mushroom eggs exploding, but the lethality was a bit unsatisfactory.

The [-] Jin Guo army with a dense formation only left a mere [-] soldiers and horses, which is really not very powerful.

Song Qing Chengkai and the others on the side put down the binoculars and looked at Young Master Liu's regretful expression with strange expressions.

"Marshal, that's not bad. How powerful do you want to be? Killing about 5000 enemy troops without doing anything is more powerful than artillery."

"That's right, you told us to be content and happy, but it's no longer possible when we come to you."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand casually, and walked towards the mount in the distance: "Why don't you say that you haven't seen the world, where are you? A bunch of bumpkins, the ones who can't get on the table are talking about you."

"If it's a future generation... well, that's all. What's the use of talking about it? Who told me not to be a fool back then!"

Listening to the weird words from Young Master Liu's mouth, he finally looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what the commander-in-chief was muttering.

Young Master Liu took off the wine bag from the horse's back and lay down directly on the grass.

"Monitor every move of the Jin army. When these thunder formations are settled, it is when we attack. If there are two successive thunder formations, the morale of the Jin army must be terrible. At that time, you will have a chance to show your strength."


Everyone watched as Young Master Liu took a sip while holding the wine bag, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, took out the binoculars and looked towards the north of the city with piercing eyes.

In the big tent of the Jin Kingdom's army, Wanyan Chizha looked at the group of soldiers who couldn't explain why with a gloomy expression, and slapped the table fiercely.

"Are you all blind? Didn't you find out where this thunderous explosion came from? It couldn't have been born out of thin air, right?"

"Report, the last general, Yelumo, please see me!"

"Come in!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Wanyan Chizha looked at Yelumo who walked in with a heavy face: "How is the situation? Did you ask anything?"

Yelumo glanced at the surrounding soldiers and nodded slightly: "The general asked some brothers, and their answers were almost the same. They all suddenly softened their steps when they were slowly approaching, as if they had guessed something. At first they thought It was a soft mound of soil, and no one paid attention to it, but as soon as he lifted his foot in the second step, there were explosions one after another around him, and then he didn't stop for a moment, and the phalanx of [-] brothers was full of deafening explosions. "

Wanyan Chizha heard the words, sat on the chair and pondered.

After a long time, Wanyan Chizha stood up and glanced at the crowd: "Unsurprisingly, these things that exploded must have been buried in the ground. As for why the explosion happened, it's hard to say, but it must have something to do with the things that the brothers stepped on."

"These things are more terrifying than artillery. At least the artillery can be traced, and you can dodge one or two things based on the idea of ​​​​exploding, but you don't know where these things are buried. You can't say whoever kicks them down is a trap."

"Especially whether these things are blown up one at a time, or several at a time, we have absolutely no idea."

"No wonder the old man Zhang Kuang is confident and waits for our army to approach the city without fighting back. It turns out that he is waiting here for the old man."

"It's also the old man's fault. He came here too carelessly. He knew that things were abnormal and didn't take care. I'm sorry for the brothers who died in battle!"

"Marshal, don't blame yourself. No one knows that the southerners will bury such a powerful thing underground. This is the first time we have encountered such a thing. It is only natural that we are not prepared!"

"That's right, Commander, just look away. No one wants to do this. It's all because of the strange but powerful things that the southerners keep emerging in endlessly. It's hard to guard against."

Wanyan Chizha stood up suddenly: "Quickly, send a message to Yale Ha Jindiao, telling them to be careful if there are these powerful things outside the city of Jeju, and don't accidentally fall into Wan Mingliang's tricks and let the soldiers Go to die!"

As soon as Wanyan Chizha finished speaking, everyone's expression changed. This time, they realized that their own troops were attacking in two ways. If Jeju also had these things, without knowing it, Master Yaluha might have really hit the southerners. tricks.

After the messenger left, Wanyan Chizha looked at Yelumo with a gloomy expression.

"Have the casualties been counted?"

Yelumo nodded heavily: "More than 8000 people were directly killed in the battle, more than [-] people were seriously injured, and more than [-] people were slightly injured. It is estimated that about half of the seriously injured brothers can be rescued, and the rest can only be left to fate."

Wanyan Chizha slammed the table case hard and sighed.

"I haven't won the teacher, I haven't won the teacher!"

"Now we can't guarantee whether there are any of these things in the lower part of the city wall. You all talk about whether there is any way to deal with these powerful things and attack the city wall!"

There was a short silence in the big tent, after a while a general stood up and looked at Wanyan Chizha tentatively.

"Marshal, why don't we try another city gate to attack?"

"How do you know that these things are not buried outside the rest of the city gates? Try it? How can you try it? Take the lives of five thousand brothers to test it?"

"If there is, have you thought about what the result will be?"

"Part of the north of the city has already exploded. Instead, we should continue to attack the north gate to minimize casualties."

"It will be a waste of time!"

"Marshal, the humble job has a solution!"

Wanyan Chizha subconsciously looked at the guard beside him. This was his youngest son, Wanyan Changzhong. This time, he brought him along to let him experience the cruelty of war, so as to save him from doing business all day and causing trouble for himself!

"any solution?"


"Sheep? Hiss you mean."

"Yes, there are a large number of sheep waiting to be slaughtered in our food and grass. In this case, we can let them run towards the city wall instead of the soldiers."

"When we were young, when we were racing sheep, we tied the firecrackers to the tails of the sheep, and they rushed forward like crazy. There was no need to drive them away. It would be perfect to use them instead of the soldiers to test these terrifying things."

"Good idea, I will second it at the end!"

"The last general will second the proposal!"

"Humble post!"


For a moment, the big tent was full of admiring voices, looking in amazement at this playboy who has a long-standing reputation in Daizhou, it turns out that if he knows how to play, he may really be useless!

After playing well, you can also play with flowers and get out of the way.

Wanyan Chizha looked at his somewhat complacent young son with satisfaction, after 18 years, this kid finally let himself be comforted once!

"The quartermaster has been ordered to see me."

(End of this chapter)

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