Chapter 1578 Fire at the touch of a button (monthly pass)

Outside the camp of the Kingdom of Jin, hundreds of fat bleating sheep were slowly driven out by the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin. They didn't know what terrible fate they were going to face next.

Wanyan Chizha looked at Wanyan Changzhong who was about to move with a gong in his hand and smiled softly, and gave a slight signal to Wanyan Chizha.

"Go, let the old man see what you have played all these years?"

"If you use these flocks of sheep to make great achievements this time, the old man will no longer ask you about all the fun things that are allowed by the laws and regulations."

"Keep your word?"

Seeing that the kid dared to doubt his own character, Wanyan Chizha gave him a hard look.

"Go, if you dare to talk nonsense and beat you to death, you little bastard!"

Wanyan Changzhong shrunk his neck subconsciously, not daring to show any dissatisfaction, he beckoned and ran towards the flock of sheep with dozens of soldiers holding gold leaf behind him.

Dozens of soldiers looked at Wanyan Changzhong with embarrassment on their faces. It is still a little airy to do this in the military camp. These are all the playthings of domestic children during the Chinese New Year.

I and the others are all elite soldiers who have experienced many battles, and I always feel a little ashamed to follow the captain to do these things.

Wanyan Changzhong didn't care, he twisted his body a few times without any shame and looked at the dozens of soldiers around him.

"The captain of the school shouted one, two, three, and we beat the gong together. After these sheep were frightened, they would run towards the city wall."

"Yes! A humble position is ordered!"



"Three! Knock!"

As soon as Wanyan Changzhong finished speaking, he took the lead in knocking on the gong in his hand, and the rest of the soldiers followed suit. In an instant, there was a piercing sound of gongs around him.

Hearing this, Yan Zhizha and his generals subconsciously covered their ears, it was really too noisy.

On the other hand, those flocks of sheep who were leisurely eating green grass suddenly raised their ears, and sprinted with all four hooves towards the city wall of Yingzhou.

Wanyan Chizha had already ordered the surrounding soldiers to surround the city for a semicircle, and the flock of sheep ran desperately under the leadership of the leader.

When the first sheep crossed the half-filled ditch, nothing happened. Before Wanyan Chizha had time to frown, the same explosion sound as just now erupted on the pockmarked field.

The gunpowder smoke mixed with the smoke and dust once again obscured everyone's sight, making it difficult for people to see clearly what happened inside.

"Master, it's a success, it's a success!"

Wanyan Chizha looked at the excited expressions of the surrounding generals, smiled lightly and waved his hands, and nodded slightly at the figure of his younger son who was jumping excitedly not far away.

"It really made this kid play like a flower!"

"Order the quartermaster to bring up another batch of sheep. No matter what, all the explosives buried in the ground outside the city must be removed. We must not kill or injure a brother because of these vile things!"


On the city wall, Ke Yan looked at the gloomy Zhang Kuang and sighed silently.

"Master Hou, I never imagined that the old fox Wanyan Chizha would come up with such a way to clear the mines. You are right, you really can't underestimate him!"

Zhang Kuang's expression of regret was beyond words, he raised the command flag in his hand and waved it a few times: "Let the brothers go up to the city wall to defend, let the brothers pay attention to the artillery of the Jin Kingdom."


Ke Yan ran up the city wall holding the command flag.

"The general has an order, beat the drums and prepare for battle!"

"The general has an order, beat the drums and prepare for battle!"

Major General Liu in the west of Chengxi slammed the grass roots in his hand on the ground, regardless of whether Wanyan Chizha could see it or not, he viciously gave the Golden Army camp a thumbs up.

"Old man, you are amazing. I admire you. You can come up with such a brilliant idea. You are so fucking capable!"

"You're not afraid of those sheep hitting your ancestor's ass with their horns in hell, you're awesome!"

"Heh bah."

"Everyone will obey!"

"I will obey orders!"

"Once the gunpowder smoke dissipates, once the Jin army starts to attack the city, quickly split into two groups, pretending to attack the Jin country all the way, and the rear army makes a sneak attack on the grain and grass, and goes all the way to the Jin country's black wolf cavalry, trying to lure them out. Remember, never Don't fall into the army of Jin Guo's infantry, otherwise we will be surrounded by their infantry and cavalry, and we will have no chance to fight back!"

"No matter who lures out, as long as the black wolf rides the bait, the soldiers and horses of the feigned attack will quickly encircle them, and the chariot battalion will quickly insert them, cut them in half and shoot them with serial guns."


Liu Mingzhi got on his horse and took out the binoculars, looking at the left and right black wolf riders on the right wing of the Jin Kingdom Camp who were constantly patrolling in circles, and pondered for a while.

"The messenger!"


"Order Ye Baotong to lead the fang guards to tease the armored cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin in the same way, and must not fall into the army formation."


After giving the order, Liu Mingzhi raised his binoculars and stared intently at the direction of the Jin Kingdom camp, looking for the best time to attack.

Even with a hundred thousand cavalry in hand, Liu Mingzhi dared not be careless in the slightest.

Jin Guo left 24 soldiers and horses, black wolf cavalry on the left and right, and armored cavalry and two guards accounted for a small [-] troops, which was comparable in strength to his brothers.

Once surrounded, Wanyan Chizha might give up attacking the city immediately and turn around to deal with himself with all his strength.

This was not the result that Liu Mingzhi wanted to see. In this situation, Liu Mingzhi was not conceited enough to deal with troops three times more than his own with [-] troops.

The first wave of gunpowder smoke dissipated, and the second wave of explosions sounded again.

Until the third wave of sheep entered the field, there was no explosion in the north of Yingzhou City.

After the gunpowder smoke and dust completely dissipated, there were dense piles of fat sheep carcasses outside the city wall.

There are also many flocks of sheep wandering in panic, rampaging without any purpose at all.


Following Wanyan Chizha's order, the regrouped [-] soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin approached the city wall again.

"Sword and shield soldiers cover the artillery and advance the artillery, and bombard the gate of Yingzhou city with all their strength! Catapults, bed crossbows advance 150 steps, and suppress the guards on the city wall with all their strength!"

"Archers stay behind, cooperate with sword and shield soldiers to shoot and kill the defenders on the city wall!"

Under Wanyan Chizha's order, the attacking Jin army gradually changed their attack formations, and 3 people approached the city wall like an iron barrel, changing formations with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Zhang Kuang looked at the imminent battlefield, and waved the command flag in his hand.

"The order was given to the artillerymen to allocate one-third of the artillery to find a way to destroy the enemy's artillery, and the rest to fire at the enemy's sword and shield phalanx with all their strength. Once the gap was blasted, the bed crossbow archers covered and shot the enemy. "


"Bear Kaishan!"

"The end is here!"

"Send a signal, tell the side-by-side king that he is ready to attack at any time, and cooperate with us in defense."


Before the fireworks that Xiong Kaishan took out had time to ignite, there was a fierce sound of horseshoes from the fields on the east and west sides of Yingzhou City.

Shocking shouts of killing spread directly into and outside Yingzhou city.

A total of [-] troops from the two armies charged directly towards the Jin Kingdom Camp under the guidance of the two flag bearers.

It took less than a day for Jin Guo's left army to approach the city, and a big battle that was enough to be recorded in reality was about to break out and unfolded quickly.

"Report, Commander-in-Chief, the dragon cavalry soldiers charged towards our camp in two directions!"

Wanyan Chizha looked at the messenger without thinking.

"Send the order, the black wolf cavalry, and the armored cavalry attack on both sides, tie a pocket and wait for them, try to encircle the enemy cavalry on the two wings of my camp."

"Order the pikemen and halberds to quickly form formations, cooperate with the black wolf cavalry, and the armored cavalry will lock the enemy cavalry into our army phalanx!"

"Don't ask for total annihilation, eat as much as you can."


(End of this chapter)

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