Chapter 1580

Wanyan Chizha's sigh woke up the surrounding generals of the Kingdom of Jin from examining the corpse.

After thinking for a while, the surrounding generals picked up the weapons beside the thirty corpses and looked at them. They saw that there were gaps all over the blades beside the corpses of Heilangqi, especially the gaps on the blades.

Looking at the weapons in the hands of the dragon trap fighters, let’s compare them with horizontal knives. Not to mention the gaps, there is not a single one of the horizontal knives of the curling blades. You can still feel the sharpness of those weapons by waving them lightly a few times. place.

Such a result made a group of generals from the Kingdom of Jin look a little dull.

Jin Guo's iron smelting technology and weapon making technology are not as good as Dalong's. They admit that Jin Guo has only been established for a long time, but they only know that it is not as good as Dalong's craftsmanship, but they can't imagine that the gap is so big.

Dalong is famous all over the world for his skillful craftsman. Over the years, the Kingdom of Jin has spent a lot of money to learn Dalong's skills from Dalong's civilians and military.

The results are also particularly remarkable. The Turks have come to the Kingdom of Jin more than once to trade armor and weapons, making them gradually think that the skills mastered by their military supervisors are close to that of Dalong.

But today they know what it means to sit in a well and watch the sky!

Putting down the weapons in their hands, the group of people looked at the armor of the corpses.

In the end, I could only sigh silently a few times, not knowing what to say.

The size of the wound on the armor has perfectly explained which side's armor is better.

The black wolf rider's body was full of arrow clusters, but there were very few arrow clusters on the armor of the warrior, especially only a few dents were left on the position of the heart guard.

Wanyan Chizha held a horizontal knife in his hand, flicked his fingers, and handed the horizontal knife to the guard at the side when he heard the clear and pleasant trembling sound of the blade.

"Let's face up to the gap with Dalong. We still have a long way to go in terms of craftsmanship!"

"As small as a knife and a sword, as big as a cannon bed crossbow, we are far behind the big dragon. Our swords are not as good as the big dragon, and the range and power of the artillery are much worse. Even our farthest bed crossbow It has only shot more than 620 steps, and it is not uncommon for Dalong to shoot [-] steps."

"Others shoot you easily, but you can't reach them. It makes me aggrieved to think about it! But Dalong attaches great importance to these things, and His Majesty has spent countless costs to get these forging techniques. Let's explore bit by bit. manpower expended"

"Report, Commander-in-Chief, four of our artillery were damaged by the defenders on the city wall."

"Attacked the city wall twice, but was killed and retreated!"

Wanyan Chizha put his eyes on the sundial on one side, and waved his hand gently.

"Ming Jin withdraws troops, we will fight again at another day!"


"Report, Commander-in-Chief, the cavalry on both sides of Yingzhou City have launched a charge again!"

Wanyan Chizha narrowed his eyes slightly, and walked straight out of the tent.

"You follow the commander's former army to supervise the battle and see if you can find the enemy's weakness!"


On the field west of the city, Liu Mingzhi held Ma Li tightly and led the fallen soldiers to launch the second charge. Not far behind were ten chariots set up one at a time, and the terrifying chariots were galloping at high speed.

"Order the three armies to act according to the plan. Once the Jin Kingdom's central army gathers again on a large scale, use the thunderbolts in your saddles on your horses to greet them fiercely!"


Wanyan Chizha quietly looked at the big dragon cavalry who were rolling in thick smoke and charging again from both sides, and waved his hands gently.

"Send the order, the chaotic storm sword and shield soldiers are divided into two groups, one left and one right to cover the pike soldiers, to prevent the enemy's second arrow rain from covering!"


A moment later, the [-] sword and shield soldiers divided into two groups, one left and the other right towards the pike soldiers, and rushed to help them with halberds.

It can be said that Wanyan Chizha learned a lot of wisdom by not taking a chance. The incident of the pikemen being shot and killed just now made him feel turbulent.

The fang guards under Liu Mingzhi's command were not as easy to deal with as he imagined. Although Liu Mingzhi was a little young, he was already an old fox who knew how to use soldiers.

"Master, what do you think is that?"

Yelumo stared intently at Dalong's enemy army, and suddenly found a chariot with six horses among the large cavalry, and hurriedly exclaimed.

Wanyan Chizha was startled, and subconsciously looked at the past.

Seeing those black chariots was also a little confusing, and he didn't think of what it was for a while.

Holding up the binoculars to scan those chariots carefully, looking at those weird chariots from the lens barrel, Wanyan Chizha put down the binoculars in his hand in confusion.

"Could it be a chariot that has been eliminated for nearly hundreds of years?"

"A chariot?"

"A chariot?"

"A chariot?"

Wanyan Chizha's doubtful voice also aroused the doubts of a group of generals around them, and they all blurted out, without exception, all in doubtful tones.

Wanyan Chizha shook his head blankly: "I am not sure whether these things are chariots, after all, they are old antiques that have been eliminated for hundreds of years! But apart from chariots, I can't think of anything that will be used on the battlefield. "

"Marshal, what on earth is Liu Mingzhi thinking? These old antiques are also used. I occasionally read the history books about chariots. The reason why they were eliminated was because they were too bulky and easily surrounded by cavalry."

"Moreover, the power of the chariots lies in the huge number of them. When charging collectively, ten chariots are useless against the rush of tens of thousands of cavalry."

"Liu Mingzhi has nothing to use, so he chose to use everything?"

Wanyan Chizha caressed his beard and pondered, shaking his head slightly: "Don't underestimate the enemy, based on what this commander knows about Liu Mingzhi, he will never use something for no reason. These chariots must be weird, maybe they are not recorded in the history books. Those eliminated chariots are average."

"By this commander's order, you must not get close to these chariots until you know the reality of these chariots. Let the black wolf ride, and the armored cavalry find a way to increase the distance from the chariot. It is best to fight with the dragon's cavalry. Together, let the pawns on these chariots throw their hands at you!"


With the waving of the command flag, the charging formation of the black wolf cavalry and the armored cavalry changed.

Liu Mingzhi, who was rushing to the forefront, noticed the change in the formation of the black wolf cavalry at a glance, obviously intending to entangle with the fallen fighters and rush to kill each other.

Liu Mingzhi took a look at Wanyan Chizha who was sitting high above the handsome platform. Although he couldn't see clearly, his intuition told him that this person must be Wanyan Chizha.

"Wanyan Chizha, your uncle, you are an old tortoise that this young master can't talk about. You came up with a way to deal with these chariots before I used them, your uncle, your uncle!"

After exhaling fragrant curses a few times, Liu Mingzhi waved the order flag in his hand.

"Slow down the charging speed, let the chariot open the way, and the cavalry's wings assist, try to avoid close combat with the black wolf cavalry, and increase the distance to make room for the chariot to fight!"


Wanyan Chizha used the binoculars to clearly see the transformation of the formations of the entrapment fighters and the fang guards, which made him even more convinced that these chariots were a little weird.

Liu Mingzhi would never take out something that has been eliminated for a hundred years to fight for no reason.

"Order that two thousand archers join the spearmen behind and shoot the horses of these chariots."

"Ying Yangwei, who was ordered to evacuate from the city wall, turned around and directly encircled the two wings to deal with the cavalry of the dragon outside the city with all their strength."


Wanyan Chizha glanced lightly at the city wall of Yingzhou: "Zhang Kuang, the old man will see if you will send out troops to help."

Two foxes, one big and one small, all arranged their own camp into an airtight iron bucket, waiting for the enemy to take the bait!

After the deduction of the Shanhaiguan military formation, the two officially launched a duel of military skills with real swords and guns!
(End of this chapter)

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