Chapter 1581
Liu Mingzhi inadvertently caught a glimpse of the Jin Guoying Yangwei army that had retreated from the city wall, and also began to turn around and start attacking the field outside the city, and immediately understood Wanyan Chizha's intentions.

This fucking plan is to put the main battlefield on himself, and lure Zhang Kuang out of the city to support him.

Liu Mingzhi, who didn't have time to think carefully, pulled the rein of the horse and turned the direction, and quickly waved the command flag in his hand.

"Show signal flares, stop charging, and withdraw the entire army!"

After hearing Young Master Liu's order, several flag bearers quickly dispersed and passed on Liu Mingzhi's order.

Only a few hundred steps away, the black wolf cavalry who were about to engage in hand-to-hand combat, and the two armies of the trapped fighters opened the distance again directly because of Liu Mingzhi's order.

The soldiers who fell into the battle followed the direction prohibited by the flag bearer and rushed towards the outside of the city, gradually pulling away the encircling Jin army.

Ye Baotong in the east of the city saw the signal flare blooming in the sky. Although he didn't know what happened to the general, he quickly ordered the withdrawal of the army and rushed away with the fang guard.

Yelumo regretfully looked at the soldiers and horses of the dragon who retreated without a fight, and turned to look at Wanyan Chizha who was on the side.

"Commander, the enemy doesn't dare to fight head-on, why don't you order the two cavalry to chase after them?"

"The last general agrees. Now that all our soldiers and horses have retreated, it is a good time to take advantage of the victory and pursue them. Maybe we can force the Longwuwei in Yingzhou City to fight head-on."

Wanyan Chizha shook his head with a light smile and glanced at the surrounding generals: "Pursuit by victory? What is pursuit by victory? Did we win?"

"Liu Mingzhi's sudden order to withdraw troops is not a defeat, but a choice to avoid his edge!"

"Before the remaining 20 soldiers and horses have yet to show up, how do you know that this is not Liu Mingzhi's deliberate trick to lure the enemy?"

"Secondly, we only have [-] cavalry. Do you think Liu Mingzhi wants to leave, can our [-] cavalry encircle the big dragoons who are also [-] cavalry?"

"Chasing cavalry with infantry, even if you break your legs, there is no result."

A group of generals from the Kingdom of Jin nodded silently after hearing Wanyan Chizha's words: "They have to admit that what Wanyan Chizha said is right, Liu Mingzhi is not a defeated army right now!"

Wanyan Chizha glanced at the setting sun, stepped down from the commander's platform and walked towards the big tent of the Chinese army.

"Retreating troops to recuperate. There will be a long time to come. There will be more opportunities to fight in the future. If you run away, monks can't run away from the temple. As long as Yingzhou City is still here, Liu Mingzhi will definitely not leave."

"Let the black wolf cavalry, the armored cavalry general draw up a battle report and send it to the commander, and then discuss how to attack the city."


Wanyan Chizha returned to the big tent of the Chinese army, took out a falcon from the cage beside him, picked up a pen and wrote a note and stuffed it into the bamboo tube on the falcon's ankle.

"Chang Zhong!"

"Daddy, what are your orders?"

"Send a letter to His Majesty, asking her to investigate the whereabouts of the other two armies under Liu Mingzhi's command, to see if they were ambushing around us, or went to support other cities. If I don't know where the 20 soldiers and horses are going, this commander will be stuck in his throat." uncomfortable!"


Wanyan Changzhong carried the falcon out of the big tent, and Wanyan Chizha put his gaze on the sand table and began to meditate.

After a long time, Wanyan Chizha straightened up with suspicion in his eyes.

"Come on!"

"See Master!"

"Send another [-] elite scouts to thoroughly investigate every place within a radius of [-] miles in Yingzhou. No matter whether you find any traces of the enemy troops, you must report them in time."


In the position ten miles east of Mamingpo in the west of Yingzhou City, the soldiers were trapped, and the fang guards joined forces one after another.

With a gloomy expression, Liu Mingzhi took the pen from the military officer's hand, wrote on the rice paper for a while, and handed it to Song Qing.

"Send this letter to Hu Guo Hou Zhang Kuang quickly."


Fangfang Guard General Ye Baotong took off the helmet with blood mixed with dust on his head and walked towards First Young Master Liu.

"Marshal, the last general has already launched a charge against the Jin Kingdom's armored cavalry, and has already gained the upper hand. Why did you suddenly withdraw your troops?"

Looking at Ye Baotong's puzzled and regretful expression, Liu Mingzhi waved his fist fiercely.

"If we don't withdraw our troops, we will confess that we came outside Yingzhou City!"

Ye Baotong wanted to continue asking, but Cheng Kai stopped his next words with a look, and stood aside blankly scratching his wispy hair.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's current expression, Ye Baotong also knew that the commander-in-chief must be in a bad mood right now.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the slightly tired brothers and sighed faintly.

"Damn it, I have been in the army for nearly ten years. I have never experienced any kind of opponent, man, woman, old or young, but I have never encountered such a difficult opponent as Wanyan Chizha."

"As soon as I give an order from my side, he can immediately guess the commander's purpose and come up with a countermeasure."

"I knew that he was not a simple opponent when the military flag was deduced in the past. Today is finally an eye-opener. It is difficult!"

Song Qing, who had returned from releasing the golden eagle, softly echoed Young Master Liu's whining voice.

"It's really difficult to deal with. His general formation has both offense and defense. One person takes care of my left and right cavalry, and he commands the army to attack the city. He can also arrange the formation perfectly."

"Especially because he holds the advantage tightly in his hands, leaving no chance for us to take the lead."

"You attack him as well, and the infantry and cavalry will never separate, making it impossible for us to talk."

"If we don't find a way to deal with it, we will always be in a passive situation!"

"To resolve this embarrassing situation, we must disperse their forces. Otherwise, if this stalemate continues, even if we can't make Wanyan Chizha's Chinese meal, we won't be able to rush to help Jeju, Yunzhou!"

"Time is limited, we can't afford to delay!"

Liu Mingzhi gently rubbed his forehead, Song Qing's words seemed to reach his heart, Wanyan Chizha was just an impenetrable bastard, making it hard for people to say anything.

"Set up camp on the spot and send out scouts for continuous investigation to prevent the enemy cavalry from raiding."

"Call all the two generals to discuss matters in this commander's tent."


It was night, the moon was sparse, Liu Mingzhi's simple handsome tent was brightly lit, and there were constant discussions.

Han Peng propped his horse off his horse and muttered for a while, his eyes lit up: "Commander, the bastard with such a strong defense, always stretches his head to eat, and finds a way to cut off their heads, forcing him to have a cavalry battle with us." confrontation."

"Tell me what you think!"

"Didn't the commander just say that? As long as the ammunition of the chain gun is used up, the role of those chariots is dispensable. If so, the general thinks that he can make a feint."

"How to feint?"

"Fill one of the chariots with Lei Zhenzi, artillery shells, and kerosene, and charge directly towards their infantry phalanx. First, give them a note of Mawei."

"Let their infantry dare not gather on a large scale, and cooperate with the cavalry to encircle us!"

"Even though he built the entire army formation like a bastard's shell, as long as he exposed his head, what was filled with gunpowder was a sharp knife hanging above their heads, making them daunting."

"As long as their infantry cannot cooperate with the cavalry to provide assistance, we can confidently and boldly fight against their cavalry."

Liu Mingzhi began to pace back and forth in thought, looking at the surrounding soldiers who were also in deep thought.

"How do you feel?"

"Second, this is the best way so far."

"Since their infantry and cavalry are unwilling to separate, let's force them to separate."

Liu Mingzhi silently nodded: "Then it's settled, Song Qing!"

"The end is here!"

"Send a message to Marquis Huguo Zhang Kuang that when he sees the signal flare tomorrow, he will send out some artillery support to bombard the enemy's infantry."


(End of this chapter)

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