Chapter 1582
The next day.

The sun rises.

The two armies who had been repaired all night were safe and sound, Wanyan Chizha did not make any night attack actions, and Liu Mingzhi and Liu Mingzhi would not foolishly choose to hit an egg against a rock.

At least, so far Wanyan Chizha is still a relatively stiff rock.

The sun was gradually rising, and after the fire and cooking, the Jin army, under the order of Wanyan Zhizha, faced the rapid sound of war drums and the sound of heroic horns, and began an intensive siege operation.

In the big tent of the Golden Army, Wanyan Chizha looked at the letter from the Queen's Golden Eagle overnight with a relaxed look on his face, not frowning like yesterday.

No wonder Liu Mingzhi's 20 soldiers and horses did not show up for a long time. It turned out that Liu Mingzhi divided the 30 soldiers and horses into three groups.

Knowing the news, Wanyan Chizha's tense mind was completely relieved.

Before he got the confirmed news, the 20 iron cavalry under Liu Mingzhi's command who hadn't shown their talents were always like sharp knives hanging above his head, ready to fall down to kill him and himself at any time.

Now that the clouds and mists have been cleared to see the sun, Wanyan Chizhasi should have changed his siege method because of this news.

"Report, Commander-in-Chief, the defense on the city wall is too strong, we have been repulsed after attacking the city twice in a row, too many brothers were killed and injured under the Thunder Stone Rolling Log!"

Wanyan Chizha quietly watched the spectators running into the big tent and scanned the sand table.

"Didn't the cavalry stationed outside the city by the dragon show up yet?"

"No, their traces have not been found yet, and the scouts are constantly searching for their traces."

Wanyan Chizha was silent for a while and walked towards the outside of the big tent, took out the binoculars to observe the progress of his side's siege, and frowned slightly when he saw the desperate defense of the Longwu Guard on the city wall.

Our own siege vehicles and ladders were all burning with raging flames, and I don't know how much fire oil Yingzhou has reserved for defense.

Wanyan Chizha looked at the not-so-smooth siege steps, thought for a while and waved his hands behind him.

"Wanyan Changzhong!"

"I am humble!"

"You pass on the commander's order. Continue to ask the quartermaster to prepare the sheep and test whether there are those powerful things buried in the east gate of Yingzhou City. If there is no one, immediately send out a group of soldiers and horses to attack the city from the east gate!"

"We have too many troops. If we only attack from the north gate, the remaining troops will not be able to spread out. Not only will it consume our troops, but it will also free up the Yingzhou defenders to defend the north gate with all their strength."

"One will ebb and flow, which is very detrimental to our army's siege!"

"Decree! The humble official will arrange it immediately!"

"General Mucha!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead the armored cavalry to attack and cover Yan Changzhong. You must not let the big dragoons outside the city disrupt our process of knowing which explosives!"

"The end will be ordered!"

After the order was issued, Wanyan Chizha's eyes scanned the east and west of the city, and he couldn't help muttering to himself when he saw that the dragon cavalry didn't show up.

Based on what he knew about Liu Mingzhi, he should have led his troops to assist Yingzhou long ago. Why didn't the [-] dragon cavalry show up for so long?
Wanyan Chizha was not at all afraid of confronting First Young Master Liu head-on, and fought with real knives and guns. What he was afraid of was that Young Master Liu, a cunning little fox, would come up with some moths beyond his own knowledge.

After all, the landmines buried in the ground damaged more than 5000 of his soldiers at once, and Wanyan Chizha already had a shadow in his heart.

Liu Mingzhi, a cunning guy, has too many things in his hands that he has never seen before.

Although he has a large number of soldiers and a strong army, he can't stop such consumption.

With 30 soldiers at a time, the main battle army under his command plus the auxiliary soldiers is only [-] soldiers at full count. If this goes on like this, the whole army will be wiped out a dozen times. This is not the result Wanyan Chizha wants to see.

This time the whole country of Jin will definitely not fail. Once this national war ends without a problem, the country of Jin will not be able to recover in 30 years.

Thanks to the Queen's hard work, the population of the Kingdom of Jin has continued to grow over the years, but it is not so easy to recruit soldiers of the prime of age.

48 were already the last elite soldiers in these years, Wanyan Chizha didn't dare to think carefully about what the result would be if he failed to go south this time.

No soldiers to recruit?Land cede compensation?Lose power and humiliate the country?

Perhaps not only the Kingdom of Jin, Dalong, and Turks will all fall into a long period of weakness.

What will be the result? Domination of the world will continue for another ten years, 20 years, or even longer, and it can only be accomplished by the next generation.

"Report! Commander-in-Chief, found the traces of the big dragoons, and they charged towards our army's phalanx in two directions!"

Wanyan Chizha woke up with a start, and subconsciously scanned the east and west sides of Yingzhou City.

I saw thick smoke billowing, the shaking of the earth gradually became clearer, and I could already vaguely see the willow flag fluttering in the wind.

Wanyan Chizha pondered silently for a moment.

"Order, the original defensive plan remains unchanged, and you must not change the defensive plan without knowing what's weird about those chariots."


On the city wall, the forehead blade in Zhang Kuang's hand was dripping blood non-stop, watching the enemy troops attacking one after another under the city with two minds, while personally going into battle to kill the enemy, at the same time giving orders to defend.

"General, the Jin army's offensive is too fierce, and the speed at which the auxiliary soldiers move the thunder stone and the log is simply not enough!"

Zhang Kuang killed a Jin Jun Xiaowei who had not yet had time to be happy when he attacked the city wall, and killed him under the city wall.Seeing Ke Yan's anxious expression, he hurriedly glanced outside the city.

"Hasn't the side-by-side king led the cavalry to help?"

"The spectators in the west of the city haven't reported yet, and the King of Side Shoulders still hasn't brought troops to help!"

"Down the thunderbolts, as many as there are. Now that there are many enemy troops under the city wall, it is the best time to lay down the thunderbolts. The brothers who ordered the sword and shield soldiers must keep their eyes active to prevent the enemy from throwing those thunderbolts again. Throw it on the wall!"


Zhang Kuang's expression was extremely anxious, and he kept praying in his heart that Liu Mingzhi would come to his rescue soon.

The current situation in Yingzhou City has reached an extremely critical time.

"Report! Report to the general, and the king of the side-by-side led the troops to rush to help us!"

Zhang Kuang's face was filled with joy, he glanced at the smoke and dust covering the air on both sides, and raised the broadsword in his hand high,

"Brothers, our reinforcements have arrived. Fight the enemy bravely. You must never let the enemy climb the city wall. The first to kill twenty enemies will be promoted to three ranks and rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver."

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Facing the menacing attack of the Jin army, Long Wuwei, whose morale was a little low, heard the reinforcements coming and was encouraged wildly. The golden army on the city ladder hacked away.

In a blink of an eye, those Jin troops who thought they could attack the city wall in one go suddenly found that the fighting power of their enemies was even more terrifying.

The third wave of attack was repelled again, thick corpses piled up under the city wall, and the blood stained the city wall directly.

(End of this chapter)

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