Chapter 1583
Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the Black Wolf Riders of the Kingdom of Jin who were almost unchanged from yesterday and came to encircle the trapped soldiers. As long as Wanyan Chizha didn't suddenly change his strategy against the enemy, the plan suggested by Han Peng would be effective.

"Du Yu!"

"The end is here!"

Du Yu, who was riding together, heard Young Master Liu's shout and hurriedly approached on his horse.

Liu Mingzhi re-tied the horse in his hand on the horse's back and stretched out a generous palm towards Du Yu.

"Give me the commander-in-chief flag, and this commander-in-chief will personally hold the flag for you to guide the direction of attack."

Du Yu, who was carrying the commander-in-chief flag, was taken aback, and subconsciously shrank the flagpole to one side: "You must not be a commander-in-chief, you are the backbone of the soldiers of the three armies, and the bearer of the flag is the key target of the archers. Next, how can you take the risk yourself, or let the last general."

Before Du Yu finished his words of admonition, Young Master Liu rode his horse and approached Du Yu directly, and snatched the commander-in-chief flag and shield from Du Yu's hand.

"Put your mother's stinky farts on. When the army charges, there is no such thing as a gentleman not standing under a dangerous wall."

"Send the order, follow the commander's command flag and order, and the whole army will charge."

"Pay attention to my commander's flag order at all times, and you will fight wherever the commander points out!"

Du Yu looked at Liu Mingzhi's ferocious face and nodded subconsciously.

"The final general has orders, where the flag points, where the cavalry goes."

Liu Mingzhi raised the command flag in his hand high, his legs were tightly clamped on the horse's belly, and he moved forward for a while.

"Brothers, charge with me, we will live and die together, and I will personally hold the flag for you to guide the direction of attack!"

With Young Master Liu's flag order still shouting, at a position four or five hundred steps away from the Jin Kingdom camp, tens of thousands of fallen soldiers pulled out their waist blades and followed behind Lingqi fearlessly and sped up. The speed of the attack was reduced.

It is a soldier's fortune to be able to follow the commander who takes the lead.

Han Peng on the left side of the army brandished the horizontal knife in his hand.

"The cover tank moves forward."

"Report! Commander-in-Chief, the chariots of Dalong's cavalry have reduced to forty."

Wanyan Chizha looked at those strange chariots that had changed from ten to forty, and felt more and more that these chariots were not simple.

"Order, never get close to these chariots, the swords and shields cover the archers and shoot the horses of these chariots!"


The infantry of the Central Army of the Kingdom of Jin received the order and hurriedly began to change their offensive and defensive formations and surrounded the fallen soldiers.

Wanyan Chizha looked from the mirror tube at Liu Mingzhi, who was in charge of commanding the flag to charge first, and put down the binoculars with a serious expression.

"Boy Liu is so handsome, I admire you, if you and I have different positions, you and I must be a pair of friends who never talk about anything!"

Following the fingerprints of Liu Mingzhi's commander-in-chief, the soldiers, the black wolf cavalry, the two guards, and the proud armies of both sides clashed in an instant.

When cavalry fight, there is no extra skill, only you rush to kill each other, those with better skills survive, and those with inferior skills are beheaded by the horse.

It's not necessarily true if you don't have the slightest skill. Those with superb horse skills have a higher chance of surviving, and those with excellent military equipment have a [-]% higher chance of surviving.

Unfortunately, both sides are evenly matched opponents, and a fight between rivals is intertwined in an instant.

The sword and shield soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin, the infantry and archers exerted their maximum speed to encircle the trapped soldiers.

Something happened that made Wan Yan Chizha puzzled. Yesterday, when he saw his own infantry encircling him, he quickly retreated at the touch of a button. Riding to start the fight between you and me.

For some reason, Wanyan Chizha didn't have the slightest feeling of joy in his heart that he wanted to surround the dragon and trap the soldiers, but instead had a faint feeling of something bad in his heart.

This feeling of something bad comes from his intuition that he has been in the army for decades, which is a natural intuition of a soldier.

His intuition told Wanyan Chizha that something bad would happen if his own infantry surrounded the dragon's soldiers.

Wanyan Chizha, who had no time to think deeply, hastily waved the command flag in his hand.

"Order, archers, swords and shields, retreat quickly, and don't get close to the dragon's cavalry."


Not far from the city wall of Yingzhou, there was a sudden loud noise, which was far more powerful than the movement caused by dozens of artillery firing together.

The smoke and dust brought up by a cavalry attack was even more spectacular than before everyone.

Whether it was the army of the Kingdom of Jin under the city wall or the Longwuwei above the city wall, they were all stunned for a short while, and subconsciously glanced at the smoke that was just flying into the air like a mushroom.

Wanyan Chizha's eyes naturally followed the trend, seeing the smoke and dust flying into the air, he felt a little bad feeling, and the buzzing reputation in his ears made Wanyan Chizha couldn't help but have a thought in his heart.

It’s over.

Sure enough, with the sound of fighting, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and there was a large gap in the place where the loud noise happened just now.

Hundreds of mutilated corpses appeared on the empty battlefield, and around the battlefield were many Jin Guo infantry who fell to the ground with their heads in their hands and howled, as if possessed by an evil spirit.

Only then did the Jin Guo pawns who came back to their senses at close range realize that the nostrils and ears of the wailing comrades around them were filled with bright red blood.

"Send the order, the infantry retreat, and don't assist the black wolf cavalry to encircle the enemy army of the dragon."

Hundreds of people were killed or injured in a single explosion, which made Wanyan Chizha completely panicked, for fear that the too dense formation of the pawns would give the dragon an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After all, there were only 39 chariots on the west side, and Wanyan Chizha didn't dare to think about the tragic consequences if these chariots exploded again like before.

Intuition told himself that these chariots were not simple, but Wanyan Chizha never imagined that these chariots would be so terrifying.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the Jin Guo infantry receding like a tide, with an excited smile on his face, finally he didn't have to worry about being surrounded by the Jin Guo army in the phalanx.

In this way, the advantages of one's own fighters can be fully utilized!

The big flag in his hand was waved, and under the evasive eyes of the black wolf rider, those frightening chariots suddenly opened the cover on them, revealing the figures of seven or eight dragon soldiers.

Seeing this, the leader of the Heilangqiqian team of thousands was completely relieved. The fact that the chariots were filled with people meant that there would be no explosion.

But they still didn't dare to relax their vigilance. Who knew if all the chariots were filled with dragon cavalry instead of those powerful explosives.

"Charge, charge towards those chariots filled with people, don't approach those chariots that don't show people, shoot and kill their chariots"

"bang bang bang"

"bang bang bang"

The bang bang sound was not obvious in the sound of galloping horseshoes, but the soldiers riding the black wolf found that their own soldiers kept falling off the horses and being swallowed by the dense horseshoes.

The sharp-eyed person finally discovered that the culprits of the comrades falling off the horses were the flaming iron cylinders on the chariots.

Can't figure out what these things are, hidden weapons?Or something even scarier.

The commanders of the Black Wolf Cavalry were afraid of this terrifying weapon that was blazing but did not know its name, and waved the command flag in their hands again and again, ordering their comrades to fight towards the fallen soldiers.

They found that these weapons were only aimed at places where their own soldiers were densely populated, and they selectively skipped places where they were fighting with the dragon cavalry.

After paying a terrible price for the power and drawbacks of the chain gun, the leaders of the Black Wolf Cavalry finally found out some ways.

Just as their order was issued, Young Master Liu's handsome flag waved in the wind.

Those big dragon fighters who were fighting with the black wolf riders suddenly gathered towards one place, and the battlefield where the horses were galloping was suddenly clearly divided.

Following the flames, many black wolf riders fell under the horses again, and died inexplicably!

(End of this chapter)

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