Chapter 1584

Wanyan Chizha stared at the scene where his black wolf rider was unilaterally shot and killed by a serial gun, his expression became flawed.

He knew that it would not be easy for Liu Mingzhi to suddenly produce these chariots that had been eliminated for a hundred years, but he never dared to imagine how terrifying it would be.

In particular, he didn't dare to think about what those flaming things on the chariot were, and why as soon as the blaze came out, several soldiers on his side fell off their horses and were trampled to pieces by their horseshoes.

The explosion of the chariot had already shocked Wanyan Chizha, he thought the explosion of the chariot was already terrifying enough, but today Liu Mingzhi completely opened his eyes.

It turned out that what was more terrifying than the sound of the explosion were those iron cylinders that were blazing.

Seeing the black wolf galloping wildly while hanging under the horse's belly, he could not escape the fate of being shot, Wanyan Chizha trembled all over.

Although the speed of the war horse was fast, the speed of the chariot carried by six horses was also not too fast, almost chasing and fighting close to the side of the black wolf cavalry.

"Marshal, come up with an idea, not only the black wolf cavalry, but also the armored cavalry in the east of the city suffered heavy casualties!"

Yelumo, who was at the side, watched the scene of his soldiers being mercilessly beheaded with sweat like rain, his expression anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Wanyan Chizha took a few deep breaths, calmed down his mind, looked at the two distinct cavalry guards, thought for a while, and then waved the flag in his hand.

"Now the dragon cavalry and our soldiers are not in conflict with each other. The order is issued, and the artillery turns to the densely populated area of ​​the dragon cavalry. When the time is right, they will bombard themselves. The bed crossbow will cover and shoot, so as to fight for the evacuation of the brothers of the black wolf cavalry and the armored cavalry. battlefield."

"Send an order to the cavalry brothers, turn around in the opposite direction, and bring the dragon's cavalry into the range of my artillery and the shooting range of the bed crossbow!"

"Order the siege brothers to slow down the attack speed, and launch a feint attack with the sword and shield soldiers in front, consuming the arrows of the guards on the city wall!"


The artillerymen of the Kingdom of Jin, who had received the commander-in-chief Wanyan Chizha, immediately stopped confronting Longwuwei on the city wall, and turned their cannons to point at the cavalry positions on both sides.

Thousands of stringed bed crossbows also opened up and aimed at the cavalry position.

Liu Mingzhi, who was waving the command flag to announce the interception and killing of the Heilangqi, felt a chill down his spine. Before he had time to observe anything, the sound of the cannons on both wings and the sound of the bed crossbow piercing through the air made him tremble.


The successive explosions around him made Liu Mingzhi tremble. He only thought about how to effectively shoot and kill the black wolf cavalry and the armored cavalry, but he ignored the fact that the formation on his side was also dense, and it was easy to be attacked by the enemy's artillery fire. There is also a rain of arrows covering shooting.

Looking at the fate of the brothers around him who were unfortunately bombed by the shells, Liu Mingzhi waved the command flag in his hand with a sad expression, and gave the order to intercept and kill a small group of enemy troops and quickly withdraw from the artillery coverage.

Wherever Shuai Qi went, the army marched forward.

Following the orders of the observers, the cavalry of the entrapment fighters and the fang guards quickly began to retreat, charging and killing the small group of surrounded enemy troops.

Without the cover of infantry, the six guards of the new army had never been afraid of anyone in front of the cavalry hedge.

So what about the Turkic people who are famous for riding and shooting? Last year, the whole army was almost wiped out by the brothers.

At the top of the sun, Liu Mingzhi's two guards cavalry led a group of black wolf cavalry who were unfortunately cut off from the main army. Go, leaving only the corpses on the ground and the horses neighing with their hooves.

"Hahaha, handsome and mighty!"

"The handsome is mighty!"

In the west of Yingzhou City, tens of thousands of soldiers waved their weapons, looking at Young Master Liu who was carrying the handsome flag with fanatical eyes, raising their arms and shouting.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the blood-soaked brothers and frowned slightly, feeling both relaxed and sad.

"Quickly count the results of the battle and see how many brothers died under the enemy's artillery fire!"

"Send an order to Ye Bao immediately and ask him to report the results of the battle!"

"The rest of the soldiers got off their horses to rest and start eating. After fighting for a long time, it's time to eat!"


In the big tent of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Chizha groped for the dead body under his feet with a gloomy expression. After a long time, Wanyan Chizha's right hand was covered with blood, and he held a blood-stained bullet between his fingers and looked at it.

After a while, each of the ten black wolf riders was considered complete, and the corpses of the armored riders were laid out one by one, and there were twenty more bullets in the tray in front of Wanyan Chizha.

Wanyan Chizha washed the blood off his hands from the basin, and glanced at a group of generals who were also looking bad.

"It was these steel balls that made our brother fall off the horse for no reason. The bloody big hole is several times more terrifying than the wound shot by the big dragon and phoenix feather arrow. Who can tell me what it is?"

"Who can tell me what the flames are shining on those chariots? What are they?"

Wanyan Chizha's voice trembled, and his old body trembled uncontrollably.

Although the results of the battle have not yet been counted, according to his experience of many battles, he can tell that the number of brothers lost in today's battle may be close to tens of thousands.

Wanyan Chizha was able to tremble all over, not because of the anger of so many soldiers who died in battle, after all, since ancient times, there has been no undead in war.

It's not that Wanyan Chizha is cold-blooded and ruthless, but because Wanyan Chizha has already looked down on him.

Soldiers will inevitably die on the battlefield. This is an eternal truth.

Wanyan Chizha did this because of fear, indeed it was because of fear.

A day in the siege battle may not be able to convert so many soldiers, but in just half a day there were casualties, there is no room for Wan Yan to be fearless.

He didn't know how many chain guns Liu Mingzhi had in his hand, which was a terrifying weapon beyond everyone's knowledge.

If hundreds of chariots were dispatched together with those blazing iron cylinders, how could there be any hope of surviving their 30 brothers.

At the end of Yelu, Mucha and a dozen generals looked at each other, the blank look in their eyes was self-evident.

They are all top figures in the Kingdom of Jin. They usually think that they are well-informed and have seen all kinds of weird things, but they really don't have the slightest impression of such things.

Looking at the bewildered eyes of a group of generals, Wanyan Chizha also knew that he should not try to learn anything from them!

Sighing faintly, Wanyan Chizha was full of melancholy, the two armies were facing each other with real swords and guns, and he was not afraid of anyone, even Liu Mingzhi, who was famous all over the world, was nothing more than that in his opinion.

However, these strange but powerful weapons that Liu Mingzhi produced at every turn completely made Wanyan Chizha flustered, where on earth did this kid get these terrifying weapons.

I thought the cannon was enough beyond my knowledge, but today I realized that he has something more terrifying than the cannon in his hand.


"Come in!"

The personal guard looked at Wanyan Chizha's gloomy expression tremblingly, the oppressive environment in the big tent made him tremble a few times involuntarily.

"Report, the battle damage statistics are out!"

Wanyan Chizha felt a pain in his heart, and silently closed his dim eyes.


"The black wolf cavalry killed more than 100 people and seriously injured more than 460 people, and the armored cavalry killed more than [-] people and seriously injured more than [-] people!"

"More than 460 people died in the siege of Yingyangwei, and more than [-] people died in the chaos."

"Black wolf cavalry, half of the armored cavalry died in battle and under that kind of chariot, the wounds on the corpses were all made by those steel balls!"

"Ah! Great burial!"


"The order!"


"We are thoroughly investigating the names of those weapons. Otherwise, there is no way for this battle to continue."

"Let the brothers repair it first, and wait until the morale recovers. Think back to today's battle situation and see if you can think of a way to deal with those weapons."

"Fire gun!"

"The names of those weapons are firecrackers. Specifically, they are cannons that are dozens of times smaller!"

A handsome and loud voice suddenly sounded outside the big tent, which made everyone in the big tent startled, and subconsciously looked towards the tent door.

(End of this chapter)

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