My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1585 is at stake

Chapter 1585 At stake (monthly pass)

General Yun Chong of the Huben Army was drenched in blood, leaning on a saber in his hand and watching the Turkic soldiers and horses receding like a tidal wave when he heard the sound of gold leaf, he finally relaxed, leaning weakly against the battlements and gasping for breath.

Looking at the auxiliary soldiers who shuttled back and forth on the city wall carrying the wounded soldiers down to the city for treatment, Yun Chong waved with difficulty.

"Lieutenant Yan!"

Lieutenant General Yan Gan of the Huben Army, who was commanding the auxiliary troops to treat the wounded, hurried over when he heard Yun Chong's feeble cry.

"General, what are your orders?"

Yun Chong unfastened the water bag on his waist, and opened his mouth to drink heavily regardless of the blood on his face.

Yun Chong drank all the water in the water bag, and Yun Chong regained some physical strength.

"Is this the first time the Turkic army has attacked the city?"

"Back to the general, this is the sixth time. The Turkic attack is too fierce. Although their siege equipment is simple, the brothers have limited strength. Facing the enemy's fearless charge, the brothers suffered heavy casualties!"

Hearing Yan Gan's low voice, Yun Chong sighed melancholy, and glanced at the setting sun in the west.

"Six times, depending on the weather, the Turkic people should not launch the seventh charge! Send more spectators to pay attention to the situation outside the city, and let the slightly injured brothers rest on the spot!"

"Yes! I will retire at the end!"



"Has the battle damage statistics been calculated?"

Huben Army Sima nodded sadly: "Today alone, seven thousand brothers were killed in battle, and nearly tens of thousands were seriously injured. The combined strength of the elite divisions in our entire city is still left."

"More than 7000 people!"

Hearing Yun Chong's accurate statement of the number of troops, Sima Luozheng nodded sadly.


"Hehe. There are more than 30 Turkic troops outside the city, but there are only more than [-] guards in my city. It seems that it is inevitable that Yunzhou will become the first city to be captured among the six cities in northern Xinjiang!"

Luo Zheng silently closed Wen Ce, straightened up and glanced at the endless Turkic army outside the city, and slowly leaned against the battlements and sat down like Yun Chong.

"General, six letters have been sent to Ganzhou and Suzhou, and the brothers from the other two guards show no sign of helping our Yunzhou."

"Fight against 30 enemy troops alone, our Huben army can only fight to the death, how long can we defend!"

Hearing Luo Zheng's lonely voice, Yun Chong patted Luo Zheng's shoulder with difficulty.

"My good brother, don't complain. Let's also understand the difficulties of the two guards in Ganzhou and Suzhou. Once they go out of the city to help us, they will fall into the hands of the Turks."

"They are not good at attacking the city. The reason why they gathered their forces and Yicheng was to encircle and fight for reinforcements. They used my Yunzhou as a bait to catch them out. It's not that they won't come, but they can't come, otherwise they will really let them go gone."

"Our Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang have been united in the same breath since the founding of Dalong. Brothers are not separated from each other. They are more uncomfortable than us when they watch us defend Yunzhou, fight bloody battles but cannot come to rescue."

"Thinking that my great dragon used to have millions of soldiers, but it would fall into such a field where there are no soldiers today. The traitors misled the country, and the sky has no eyes!"

"Ruizong Quan has knowledge, and he will die with peace in his eyes!"

"I don't know if we will have the luck to see the recruits sent by the rear military department before the city is broken."

"I hope Song Shangshu and the others can understand our difficulty in northern Xinjiang and send reinforcements in time!"

"Well, the training has been delayed for several months because of the rebellion. Even if the Ministry of War can send it in time, it is just a mob. How can we stop it?"


As Luo Zheng was talking, he heard the sound of Yun Chong's deep sleep. He turned his head and saw that Yun Chong had fallen under the battlements and fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at Yun Chong's gradually blackening cloak, and looking at the notched saber, Luo Zheng realized this time that the general hadn't closed his eyes all night.

Taking off his relatively clean cloak, Luo Zheng gently put it on Yun Chong and carried Wen Ce towards the city wall.

He also wants to lighten the brothers who were seriously injured and died, so that they can draw up registers and register, and when the war is over, they will give an explanation to the court and the brothers' families.

As the sun set and the moon rose, as Yun Chong expected, the Turkic people outside the city really did not launch the seventh siege.

On the city wall, the Turkic camps outside the city all lit torches, dancing lightly under the bright moonlight, as if a piece of fire spirits were dancing.

If there were no wars, what a dream-provoking beauty this would be.

In General Yunzhou's mansion, Liu Ying looked at the news of Lingbi in her hand, her crescent eyebrows furrowed and she kept pace in the main hall.

The battle situation in Yunzhou has exceeded Liu Ying's expectations. The Turkic offensive is too fierce, which makes Yunzhou, which is already empty of troops, even worse.

Ling Bi looked at the anxious lady from the side, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Letting oneself kill someone is just a matter of blink of an eye, but there are more than 30 Turkic troops outside the city, let alone yourself, even a natural master is not enough to see.

An army of 30 is not so easy to say with one mouth.

"Lingbi, why don't you send some shadow killer guards to help defend the city?"

Ling Bi thought for a while and shook his head: "It's not easy to do. Although the Shadow Killer Guards are full of masters, they will only add to the chaos in the army formation. Martial arts masters and army formations are completely different concepts."

"Especially if they are facing a crisis and instinctively use their internal power, although they can kill the enemy, they will also accidentally injure the Huben Army under my uncle's command."

"They are from the martial arts world, so they don't know what cooperation is."

"It's fine to help when the time comes, what if you can't help and make trouble?"

"Let them help defend the city, it is better to let them assassinate the Turkic Khan and the Turkic generals!"

Liu Ying's eyes lit up, and then she shook her head sadly.

"This is even worse. Assassinating their Khan will instead arouse their ferocity. At that time, they will attack the city with anger, but it will not help."

"Ganzhou, does the Shadow Killer Guard in Suzhou have any new information, does the Xiaoguo Guard, and the Tiger Flying Guard have any plans to help Yunzhou?"

"There is no new information. The last information I received was the one from the day before yesterday. Now Dongfang Ming and Lu Chengjie, the two generals, have nothing to do."

"It's all under the Turkic plan to leave the city. According to reports from the scouts in the city, a large Turkic army has already made a secret detour to the west. It must be waiting for the other two guards to send troops to help, so as to attack and kill them halfway."

Liu Ying crumpled the note in her hand and slammed it out the door.

"How did it become like this? Now I can only mention it to my husband, and let the brothers of the auxiliary soldiers climb the wall to defend the city. Now in this situation, it doesn't matter whether the main battle or the auxiliary soldiers."

"You can only defend Yunzhou!"

Ling Bi sighed silently.

"Miss, the servant said something that shouldn't be said, Yunzhou is in danger now!"

Lingbi's words were a bit hurtful, but Liu Ying couldn't refute at all, because she knew what Lingbi said was the truth.

"Where is the old man? He, the Marshal of the Left Army, has disappeared for more than half a month, and Yunzhou is imminent. Why hasn't he come back?"

"I don't know, I heard that half a month ago, the old man said to find reinforcements, and then he never showed up again!"

Liu Ying frowned: "Reinforcements? How can there be reinforcements now?"

(End of this chapter)

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