My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1586 The seal is still there

Chapter 1586 The integrity is still there (monthly pass)
Lingbi also shook her head in puzzlement: "Lingbi doesn't know what medicine is sold in the old man's gourd. In this situation, Ganzhou and Suzhou are hard to move. In addition to Jeju, Fuzhou, Yingzhou may also support Yun State."

"However, Yingzhou and Jezhou have to face more than 20 soldiers from the Kingdom of Jin. The current situation in Fuzhou is not clear. There are no reinforcements that can be mobilized, except for the soldiers in the hinterland of the rear."

Liu Ying nodded desolately: "There is no other way, I hope the old man can really call back a batch of reinforcements! You send the Shadow Killer Guards to find out the old man's whereabouts, no matter what, at least we have a clue in our hearts."

"Ma'am, Vice General Yan is begging to see you outside the residence!"

Liu Ying stared at the maid who trotted in and was startled: "Yan Gan, what is he doing at the mansion at this time? Should I ask my husband if I have something to do, please see me? Could it be?"

Liu Ying's pretty face turned pale, and she suddenly thought of a possibility, that her husband Junyun rushed into something big!

Regardless of her manners, Liu Ying lifted her clothes and ran out of the house. If something happened to her husband, the sky in Yunzhou would collapse, and so would her own sky.

Running out of the house, Liu Ying caught sight of Yan Gan who looked anxious.

"Yan Gan, did something happen to your husband?"

Yan Gan was startled, and shook his head hastily: "Sister-in-law, don't think about it, the general is fine, because he is too tired and is resting on the city wall right now!"

Liu Ying's agitated heart finally calmed down: "It's fine, it's fine, why are you begging to see me at this time?"

Yan Gan took out a note from his arms and handed it to Liu Ying.

"Sister-in-law, the scouts outside the city have passed on a letter. A force of about 8 troops has appeared on the official road in the south of the city and is rushing towards my Yunzhou. It will arrive in the south of my Yunzhou in about half an hour. The door, the night is hazy, friends and foes are difficult to distinguish, the general is so tired, the last general really can't bear to wake him up, so I can only come to you, see if I can let the younger brother meet the old man, let him get a idea."

Liu Yingyu took a hand and pushed the note back.

"Liu Ying is a married woman. It's not suitable to read these things. Brother, it's not that my sister-in-law doesn't want you to see the old man. It's because the old man and the second uncle are not in the mansion. After receiving the specific news of the Turks going south half a month ago, the two brothers said It was to mobilize reinforcements, and then it never appeared again!"

"Sister-in-law, I want to know more about the old man than you now. Wait a minute"

Liu Ying's eyes lit up as she spoke, and she subconsciously looked towards the south of the city with some surprise and disbelief.

"Could it be that this army is the reinforcements brought back by the old man?"

Yan Gan thought for a while and clapped his palms fiercely: "Sister-in-law, if it is true as you said, it is not impossible! Now that the Three Kingdoms are at war, it is impossible for the enemy to detour to the hinterland behind me. These soldiers and horses come from south to north except I can mobilize so many soldiers and horses in the hinterland of the dragon!"

Liu Ying turned around a few times in a hurry: "Yan Gan!"

"Sister-in-law, tell me!"

"Let the scouts use the tiger war drum to send a message. If it is the old man's soldiers and horses, he will definitely reveal his identity."

"Little brother understands, little brother resigns!"

After Yan Gan left, Liu Ying looked hopefully at the dim south. She didn't know where Yunyang and Brother Yunyi had sent [-] reinforcements, but she knew that Yunzhou was saved.

She wanted to go to the city wall to have a look, but remembering her husband's explanation, Liu Ying could only give up the idea and go back to the house to wait anxiously.

The moon was in the sky, and the excited shouts in the city made Liu Ying completely relieved, she knew that the identities of the [-] troops could be confirmed without a doubt.

The heavy burden in her heart suddenly fell, Liu Ying sat on the chair and supported her chin and slowly dozed off.

Now that the pillar of the Yun family is back, it's not her turn to worry about it anymore!

While Liu Ying was taking a nap, the torches in Yunzhou City started to shuttle across the streets of the city like a dragon.

Under Yunyang's order, the armament depots were opened one by one, and a large number of temporarily unused and sealed-up armaments were able to see the light of day again.

Under the light of the torches, [-] reinforcements with special identities began to change their armors, and gathered under the city wall under the guidance of the command flag.

The sun was rising high, and the sound of war drums made Yun Chong sit up suddenly, holding his saber and looking towards the Turkic camp outside the city.

"Lieutenant Yan!"

"Lieutenant Yan!"

"Yan Gan, where did you son-of-a-bitch go? The enemy army is about to attack the city again, order the brothers to prepare to meet the enemy!"

On the city ladder, Yan Gan trotted out: "General, the last general is here!"

"Hurry up, order the brothers to load the artillery shells, string the crossbow on the bed, and the Turks will start attacking the city again!"

Yan Gan looked behind him with a complex expression, he said he was happy but also sad, and he said sad but also happy, in short, he had an indescribably complex expression.

"General, our reinforcements are here!"

"As soon as the reinforcements come, they will come. What is there? Reinforcements?"

"Yeah! Reinforcements!"

Yun Chong's face brightened, and he leaned forward and looked outside the city wall: "Brothers from which route? Where have they marched? Are they on the border with the Turkic army? Hurry up and order the brothers to send a route of troops to support them!"

Yan Gan took a deep breath, pulled Yun Chong back and pointed at the city ladder behind him.

"Reinforcements are coming to the city soon! They were sent to Yunzhou City by Hoshino's aid last night!"

Yun Chong was startled, and subconsciously looked towards the city ladder: "You son of a bitch, why didn't you wake me up for such an important matter, brothers risked their lives to come to support, but I was asleep, you let me How does Lao Tzu deal with support?"

Yun Chong was stunned, staring blankly at the soldiers who followed Laozi Yunyang and second uncle Yunyi climbed up the city wall and rushed towards the battlements on both sides.

These soldiers have white beard and hair, some are in their 50s, some are in their 60s, and some are in their 70s.

Some had one arm, some were blind in one eye, some were lame in one leg, and some had sound limbs. Without exception, the tens of thousands of soldiers who climbed the city wall were all old men over 50 years old.

Although they were old, they were wearing armor, and the evil spirit they exuded when they held weapons in their hands was no less than that of the young tiger army on the city wall.

The 4-year-old veterans followed a young man one after another.

The youngest is about ten years old, and the oldest is no more than [-] years old.

Although the flags carried by these teenagers were badly damaged, and some of them could no longer see the color, they could vaguely see the characters on the flags.

Longwu, Feiying, Huxiang, Hubao, Huben, and Xiaoguo are twelve characters.

They are also the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang, the former Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang.

Lord Jingyun Yunyang walked up to the stunned Yunchong, took the handsome flag from Yunchong's hand and waved it.

"Old brothers of the six guards, Yunyang is being polite!"

"See you handsome!"

"See you handsome!"

"See you handsome!"

"Old brothers, old brothers, after 20 years, can we still fight?"

"The big dragon wins!"

"The big dragon wins!"

"The big dragon wins!"

His voice was old, and his confidence was not as strong as that of a young and middle-aged man, but the evil spirit he exuded far exceeded that of some middle-aged soldiers.

"Old brothers, many years ago we shared weal and woe, and today we will live and die together."

"We have guarded northern Xinjiang for dozens of years, what is it for?"

"Give up your life and forget to die, defend your home and country!"

"Give up your life and forget to die, defend your home and country!"

"Brothers, Yunyang, once again, the Turkic soldiers are strong and strong, and we may really not be able to go back this time when we go to the north. We are really going to die in this Yunzhou city. We old bones will never go back! "

"I'm in the same robe as my son, I won't return it if I die!"

"Fight with your son, live and die together!"

"If you don't come back, you won't come back!"

"Serve the country! Kill the enemy!"

Hearing the old and heroic voice next to his ear, Yunyang raised his head to the sky and screamed, the voice revealed the determination to see death as home, and waved the command flag in the hands of the gradually approaching army outside the city.

"If you serve the country with one body, you will die, and your temples will never be greener."

"I am a veteran of northern Xinjiang, willing to give up my life to fight to the death!"

"Brothers, listen to the order and form an array to meet the enemy!"


"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

Looking at the old soldiers who were starting to form defensive formations in full swing, Yun Chong stared blankly at Yun Yang.

"Daddy, what's going on? What's going on with these seniors, these teenagers wearing armor?"

Yunyang looked at the tens of thousands of young men standing beside those old soldiers and smiled lightly.

"These are the children and grandchildren of the old brothers!"

"We killed you in battle!"

"You killed them in battle!"

"Until the last person in the battle!"

"Put your heart in your stomach, my big dragon is not fake at the moment, but I can't die!"

"As long as our national integrity is still there, my dragon will not perish!"

(End of this chapter)

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