My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1588 Father and Son Soldiers

Chapter 1588 Father and Son Soldiers

Hu Yanyu came back to her senses, and just wanted to ask my younger sister why the world only had 99 and the other one.

Before he had time to speak, the sound of bright gold leaf suddenly came from the former army besieging the city.

Hu Yanyu swallowed what she wanted to say, and looked towards the city wall. The younger sister Hu Yanyun stayed with her all the time, and did not order the troops to stop the siege. In this case, why did the former army send out the order to withdraw the troops.

Huyan Yunyao, who had just walked to the sand table and hadn't looked at it for a long time, also looked towards the former army in surprise, and picked up the binoculars to look towards Yunzhou.

I saw that the siege ladders under the city wall hooked to the crenels of the city wall had been reduced to ashes under the burning fire.

The siege vehicles fixed not far away were also lost in the raging fire. Huyan Yunyao sighed melancholy as he recalled those veteran soldiers of the Six Guards who jumped off the city wall with fire oil scouts in their arms.


"The minister is here, please give orders!"

"Muluduo was ordered to lead the warriors to quickly build new siege equipment. Ben Khan, the old soldier of these big dragons, admired them, but admiration is admiration. For the millions of Turkic subjects, the siege should still be siege of!"

"I understand, I will leave!"

After a while, tens of thousands of Turkic infantry who attacked Yunzhou withdrew to the camp, and a disgraced general ran in front of Huyan Yunyao. It could be vaguely seen that it was Tuhanna, one of Huyan Yunyao's most important generals.

"Chen Bahana sees the Great Khan, and the minister asks the Great Khan to punish him by asking for gold and withdrawing troops without authorization!"

Huyan Yunyao looked at the ashen face of Ba Han indifferently and looked towards Yunzhou.

Looking at the tragic scene under the city wall, Huyan Yunyao waved her hand lightly: "You did a good job, forgive your innocence!"

"Thank you Khan!"

"Tell me about the battle situation!"

Pulling Khan glanced at Yunzhou with lingering fear, panting and wiping the dust off his face: "Big Khan, it's not that I'm not good at attacking the city, but those southerners are really terrible. In all likelihood, the city equipment was destroyed by those half-hundred southerners with incomplete hands and feet in the arms of fierce fire!"

"Without the siege equipment, our warriors would not be able to enter the gate of Yunzhou with only a door-ramming car."

"Once the fire is burning, it can't be extinguished. Unfortunately, many brothers have also been affected, and they were given alive by the fire."

I don't know when Hu Yanyu came up and patted Bahana's shoulder lightly: "Bahana, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Hu Yanyu looked at the pondering Huyan Yunyao with a complex expression: "Khan, look at the crowds of people on the city wall of Yunzhou. A few of them have increased by tens of thousands of veterans from northern Xinjiang. If they continue to die like this, how many siege cities can we build?" The equipment is useless, and sooner or later it will turn into a sea of ​​​​flames."

"We still have to find a way to break through the gate of Yunzhou. The siege is really a shortcoming for the troops!"

Huyan Yunyao held Bai Nen's chin and thought for a moment, her eyes lit up: "Pull up our cannon and spread it out!"

Hu Yanyu was stunned, and looked at Huyan Yunyao blankly: "Cannon? Since when did we have such a powerful siege weapon, didn't you succeed in negotiating with the Golden Queen?"

"Did you forget that when we attacked Xiwangting, didn't Ben Khan borrow some artillery from his senior brother? After the unification of the grasslands, the men arranged by the senior brother only brought good artillery back, and those that had been abolished were left behind. Let's call for the royal court."

"Of course this minister knows, but those cannons are no longer usable, and we don't have any shells to use!"

Huyan Yunyao smiled faintly, and turned to Nunu cherry lips on the city wall: "You know this, but the generals of Yunzhou don't know this. Put aside those abandoned artillery and make a move to bombard the city gate, if you What will happen to you, Yunzhou guards?"

"Destroy our artillery quickly to prevent us from blasting the city gate."

Huyan Yunyao spread her hands and shrugged lightly: "Let them blow it up, it's been discarded anyway, and it's better to consume some of their shells than to blow up our troops. Without the threat of artillery, the infantry The pressure of siege will not be too great! Although the threat of fierce fire oil is great, how much do you think they can save?"

Hu Yanyu's eyes lit up, but finally hesitated again.

"What if the Yunzhou defenders are not fooled?"

"Hehe! Yun Zhou, who is so turbulent, dare not gamble!"

"That's true, they can't afford to gamble. But it will take at least fifteen days for those cannons to be transported from the rear!"

"Ben Khan expected this step. He has already ordered his men to bring them along with the food and grass. You can arrange it. Ben Khan thinks about how to deal with the burning of our siege equipment."

"The minister takes orders!"

"Hold that sweat!"

"Chen is here!"

"Let the warriors recuperate and make a fire to cook!"

"The minister takes orders!"

On the city wall of Yunzhou, Yun Chong looked at the tragedy on the city wall with red eyes.

The city tower was full of arrow clusters, and many old soldiers were killed by Turkic arrows without even a chance to struggle. The tall Yunzhou city wall looked like a huge hedgehog.

The scorched smell under the city wall was unusually pungent, and Yunzhou, which was spared from disaster in the last national war, could not escape the fate of being devastated.


"Last general, father, handsome, you are injured!"

Yunyang was supported by the second master of the Yun family in armor, his face was a little pale, there was a Turkic arrow stuck in his right chest, and the tail of the arrow had been neatly cut off by a sharp blade.

Yunyang clutched his blood-soaked armor, scanning the tragic scene on the city wall with a trace of mist in his dark eyes.

"Small injury, I was shot by the arrow. Fortunately, the wound is not deep. Find the military doctor to take out the arrow and bandage it. How much do you guys have?"

Yun Chong's tone was a little low: "It is roughly estimated that the old seniors killed nearly 1 people in battle, and the exact number of Sima is still counting."

Upon hearing this, Yunyang tightly closed his eyes.

"It was the old man who killed them!"

"Old man!"

"Old man!"

Yunyang looked at the old soldiers from Northern Xinjiang who gathered around him and slowly opened his eyes, and looked guiltily at those old brothers with fanatical eyes who were supported by the second master of the Yun family and saluted.

"Old brothers, Yunyang is sorry for you, you were supposed to take care of yourself, but I sent you to the battlefield with my own hands, Yunyang is sorry for you!"

"Old Marshal, don't say that. The brothers are willing to die. If we can die in the northern border where we have lived for most of our lives, we deserve to die!"

"Old Wu is right, handsome, the brothers died well!"

"A handful of old bones buried halfway in the loess, no matter where you die, it's not death. It's worth it to be able to serve Dalong again!"

"Old brothers have gone one by one. We have long since lived without thinking about it. Today, we can die together with the old brothers of the past. We are waiting for glory!"




Thousands of childish voices sounded, and Yunyang and the others subconsciously looked over the city wall.

I saw the young man next to the old soldiers who died in battle silently took out a white silk from his arms and tied it around his waist, stared deeply at the battle medals in his hands, and put them into his arms.

Some young men were alone, leaned over to look under the city wall, knelt on their knees under the battlements and kowtowed a few times.

The tens of thousands of young men silently planted the worn-out banner in their hands on the city wall, bent down and picked up the weapons left by their relatives around them, and knelt down on one knee towards Yunyang.

Their movements were not neat and disciplined, and in the eyes of the old soldiers, they were even a little disorganized.

It's just a bunch of recruits who don't understand shit.

But being able to be led to the battlefield by the veterans reluctantly, and they followed without complaint means that they are no longer a group of recruits!

But seeing the immature appearance of these teenagers, everyone on the city wall became jealous.



"They said, they died in battle, it's time for us to go to the battlefield!"

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

Yunyang stared deeply at those young men, took a few deep breaths and gently patted Yun Chong on the shoulder.

"Brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle."

"Yunchong listens to the order and draws up military books for the sons and daughters!"

(End of this chapter)

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