My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1589 Reinforcements are coming

Chapter 1589 Reinforcements are coming

Yunzhou City, which had not yet had time to relax, heard the horn of the Turkic attack outside the city again.

Yun Chong, who appeases the wounded soldiers, has to replace the old man Yun Yang and climb up the city wall again to prepare for defense.

But it takes at least two days of cultivation. In this way, the heavy responsibility of defending the city fell on Yun Chong's shoulders again.

Lieutenant General Yan Gan was holding a binoculars to investigate the enemy's situation outside the city. Only when he saw clearly the Turkic siege methods could he arrange effective defensive measures.

Yan Gan, who was silently calculating the strength of the Turkic troops, changed his face in surprise, and hurriedly handed the binoculars in his hand to Yun Chong.

"General, look quickly, look quickly, the Turkic people have"

Yan Gan's tone trembled involuntarily. Facing the Turkic Yunzhou with many soldiers and insufficient siege equipment was difficult enough.

Now that the Turkic people have artillery as a siege weapon in their hands, Yan Gan, a veteran general, can't help but panic at such a scene.

Hearing this, Yun Chong hurriedly took the binoculars and looked in the direction of Yan Gan's finger. He couldn't help but tremble when he saw the twenty artillery pieces behind him protected by Turkic swords and shields.

It is difficult for the Turkic people to forge weapons. How could they have artillery as a siege weapon.

Although the artillery in the hands of the Huben army was issued by the military department, Yun Chong, as a general guarding the border, naturally understood the difficulty of building artillery.

It is obviously unreasonable for the Turks to have such a lethal thing in their hands.

Putting down the binoculars in his hand in a daze, Yun Chong frowned tightly.

"Why do Turkic people have these things? Is it true that the sky is going to kill me in Yunzhou?"

"General, could it be that the Turks exchanged the cannons from the Kingdom of Jin? After all, it is no secret that the Kingdom of Jin forged cannons. Although they did not expressly join forces when they went south this time, the four of them could tell that they had already It's already colluding, hooking up."

"If there are no accidents, these artillery pieces are likely to be obtained from the Kingdom of Jin. What should we do now? Once the Turks use artillery to bombard the city gate, it is only a matter of time before Yunzhou falls!"

Yun Chong took a few deep breaths to calm himself down: "Don't worry, let's talk after we figure it out."

"Don't you think it's strange? Since the Turks have these siege weapons, why didn't they use them early, but instead let their infantry who are not good at siege forcibly attack the city."

"Don't you think the timing of the appearance of these artillery pieces is a bit unreasonable?"


Yan Gan also hesitated. If the general said so, the Turkic people obviously had artillery but didn't use it, which is really unreasonable.

After thinking for a long time, Yan Gan considered various possibilities.

"Marshal, we also discussed earlier that the Turkic people gathered their forces to join us in Yunzhou City. Their purpose was to surround us and force Ganzhou. Let the disadvantages be reversed to the field battles they are good at."

"For several consecutive days of attacking the city, the brothers from the two guards of Ganzhou did not come to support. Are the Turks planning to change their plan and directly destroy our Yunzhou and drive straight down to the hinterland of our Dalong?"

"For them, it's a very impressive record to gather around the spot for help and drive straight in. After all, the initiative is in their hands."

"In this way, it is not unreasonable to take out these artillery pieces at this time."

Yun Chong nodded hesitantly: "It makes sense to say that, but these cannons."

Yun Chong subconsciously picked up the binoculars and looked over again. When the cannons became clearer and clearer in the lens barrel, Yun Chong froze for a moment,

He suddenly felt that the Turkic artillery looked familiar, as if it was somewhat similar to the artillery under his command.

Yun Chong, who planned to wait for the artillery to get closer and check carefully, before he could raise the lens barrel, the Turkic people outside the city quickened their pace of charging, and the sound of charging and killing went straight to the city wall.

"General, come up with an idea. The artillery is getting closer and closer to the city gate. There is still a chance to bombard the enemy before the artillery is deployed."

The Turkic attack was so urgent, even though Yun Chong had been on the battlefield for a long time, he couldn't help feeling a little flustered. The main reason was that he didn't have time to think, and the Turkic offensive was too ferocious.

"Order, order the gunners to bombard the artillery that has not yet been deployed!"


As Huyan Yunyao said to Hu Yanyu, Yun Chong didn't dare to gamble, nor could he afford to.

The current situation in Yunzhou City no longer has any chips to gamble on.

The artillery above the city wall concentrated its firepower on the Turkic artillery, and the Turkic infantry and siege vehicles were all preserved and approached under the city wall.

Without the help of artillery, the big killer, the Turkic attack put unprecedented pressure on the defenders of Yunzhou City.

When more than a dozen of the Turkic artillery were blown away, it was too late for Yun Chong to realize that something was wrong with these artillery.

Facing the rain of arrows on the city wall, the Turkic people who fought back with thunder, stone and rolling wood have begun to climb towards the city wall fearlessly.

Some unlucky veterans in northern Xinjiang who still have enough strength to hit the arrow want to die with the Turkic people like their old brothers, but they just picked up the oil jar and before they had time to climb the city wall to ignite the fierce oil, they were shot outside the city. The rockets fired from the Turkic siege vehicles hit the oil jar.

With a bang, the old soldier was engulfed in a splash of fire above the city wall.

Except for Turkic eagle archers, there is no one else who can shoot such a sharp arrow.

The miserable fate of several old brothers attracted the attention of the surrounding old soldiers. While dealing with the enemy army that was about to climb the city wall, they quickly skimmed towards the siege vehicle.

Seeing the Turkic people on the siege vehicle wearing the unique wrist longbow and bending their bows and arrows again, these old soldiers recognized the identities of these people at a glance.

Turkic archer.

In order to protect their siege equipment from being killed by the old soldiers of northern Xinjiang with fierce fire, these eagle shooters closely watched every move on the city wall, strangling the thoughts of the old soldiers in the cradle.

"Old brothers, be careful of the Turkic eagle shooters. If anyone dies later, let me tell you in advance. Brothers, use shields to cover you. At worst, we old bones will die together."

"It's a word."

"With the total death!"

After a cup of tea, the old soldiers came up with a way to deal with the eagle shooters.

With the fierce offensive of the Turkic people, finally the first Turkic man attacked the city wall, but the end of this Turkic man needless to say, can be imagined.

However, this person died in exchange for a way, and the following Turkic people slowly began to climb towards the city wall.

"General, Turkic people have already entered the city in the west of the city. Let the auxiliary soldiers come up to defend against the enemy! Many Turkic people have already dismounted and acted as infantry to attack the city wall. If there is no reinforcement, Yunzhou will definitely fall today Under the Turkic cavalry!"

Yun Chong covered the wound caused by Liu Ya on his arm, and beheaded a Turkic man who had not had time to climb the city wall.

Glancing at the increasing number of Turkic people on the city wall, they pulled out the order flags around their waists and handed them to Yan Gan.

"Decree, all soldiers in Yunzhou City will lead the battle, government soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, street patrol guards, and three classes of yamen servants, regardless of age, all go up to the city to meet the enemy. If the city is alive, the city will be destroyed and the people will die!"

"Yun Chong is willing to go to death with all brothers and seniors to serve the country."

"Nangong Ye, Marshal of the Army and Horses on the Right, led Fuzhou Feiyingwei brothers to come to aid."

"Nangong Ye, Marshal of the Army and Horses on the Right, led Fuzhou Feiyingwei brothers to come to aid."

"Come on!"

"Generalissimo Liu Mingzhi of the Central Army, Zhou Baoyu, led the brothers from the Polu Army to come to help!"

"Duan Can't bear to lead the Butu cavalry brothers to the aid of Generalissimo Liu Mingzhi of the Central Army!"

"Come on!"

Deafening shouts suddenly came from the east of Yunzhou City, where the killing sound was shaking.

Both the Turks and the Yunzhou guards subconsciously glanced outside the city.

I saw the flags in the east of the city covering the sky, and the smoke and dust billowed like clouds and dragons falling.

Liu Zishuai flag and Nangong Shuai flag with embroidered brocade flags on both sides were galloping towards Yunzhou, waving in the wind. It was so powerful that it was hard to see how many soldiers and horses were rushing towards Yunzhou.


"Heaven will not perish for my Yunzhou City!"

"Heaven will never die, my Yunzhou City!"

"Brothers, reinforcements are here, kill the enemy!"

In front of the tent of the Turkic Central Army, Huyan Yunyao, who was looking at Yunzhou City with a certain chance of winning, changed his face in shock when he heard the sound of charging in the east of Yunzhou City, and stood up abruptly and looked towards the east.

Looking at the reinforcements in the east of the city who couldn't see their real strength, Hu Yanyun's eyebrows were tightly knit together.

"Could it be that the Kingdom of Jin lost?"

Huyanyu's face was also a little dignified, and she walked closely to Huyan Yunyao's side.

"Sweat profusely, the sky is covered by smoke and dust, and the exact number of soldiers and horses is unknown. I suggest that Ming Jin withdraw the troops and let the infantry retreat first, so as not to be surrounded by the dragon's soldiers and horses."

Huyan Yunyao's beautiful eyes looked unwillingly at the Turkic soldiers who had already attacked the city wall.

"Trash, are those scouts who went to Jeju to investigate for nothing? Dalong's reinforcements are all at the front, and there is no news yet!"

"It's all trash, trash!"

"Khan, it's too late to say anything, retreat!"

"When the troops are on the horses, no matter how many reinforcements there are, they will be able to fight. Now is not the time to get angry. The most important thing is to preserve their strength."

Huyan Yunyao sighed with a complex expression.

"Ming Jin withdraws the troops, withdraws the troops for ten miles, and finds out the actual situation of the enemy's army before fighting!"


(End of this chapter)

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