Chapter 1590
The Turkic camp in the southwestern border of the north of Yunzhou city and the land.

Huyan Yunyao, who was reclined on the chair, looked at the information in her hand, her pretty face was awkwardly together like a woman in her 50s.

Feeling the gloomy aura emanating from the Great Khan, the surrounding generals were as silent as cicadas, nodding their heads and lowering their eyebrows, daring not to make a sound, for fear of touching the explosive point of the Great Khan.

Even Huyan Yunyao's second brother, Hu Yanyu, rubbed his nose resentfully, and glanced at Huyan Yunyao with some embarrassment.

After all, I was the one who suggested withdrawing troops, but at that time, the smoke and dust covering the sky in the east of Yunzhou City was really huge, and I also wanted to consider the overall situation.

Unexpectedly, only 13 reinforcements came from Dalong's side.

Hu Yanyu's mood became more complicated when he remembered that his troops gave up their advantages as cavalry and dismounted and turned into infantry.

Yan Yu glanced lightly at the two brothers and sisters with different faces, and smiled a few times with her lips pursed, her eyes narrowed and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Huyan Yunyao took a few deep breaths, her full chest heaving up and down, and gently put the note in her hand on the table beside her.

"Ganzhou, Suzhou, and Yunzhou originally had a total of nearly 19 guards of all kinds, but now they have 13 reinforcements and veterans from northern Xinjiang. It can be said that their strength is almost comparable to ours."

"Although the majority of the troops are government soldiers and auxiliary soldiers who are not useful, but their military equipment is much higher than ours."

"Excellent military equipment makes up for some of our own lack of strength, and our strength can already reach the point where we are evenly matched."

"It can be said that Dalong's current Xisancheng is not afraid to fight us out of the city."

"It's difficult."

"After storming the three cities, we have to pay a huge price. The remaining troops are no longer capable of driving straight into the capital of Dalong!"

Huyanyu and Yanyu glanced at each other subconsciously, and then realized when they looked at the generals around them who were also stunned. It turns out that Huyan Yunyao's embarrassing face is not because of the failure of the siege, but because of the three cities in the west of Dalong. The reason for the sudden increase in troops.

Huyan Lianlu was on Huyan Yunyao's side, and gently tugged on her aunt's sleeve.

"Khan, except for the 30 soldiers and horses under the command of Liu Mingzhi, the king of the dragon and shoulders, all the elite soldiers and horses in the six cities of northern Xinjiang together are only in the early 20s. There are not many elite teachers at all."

"I really can't figure it out. Dalong sent 13 elite troops to support Yunzhou at once. How can their remaining troops resist the Jin Kingdom's 48 troops!"

Huyan Lianlu glanced at Yan Yu's aunt, hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Could it be that Jin Guo and Dalong have secretly reached an agreement, and they want to put me together with Turk?"

Huyan Lianlu didn't mean to alienate the relationship between her second uncle and her aunt. The reason for saying this was just because she was a Turkic princess and she was considering the interests of the Turkic people.

Although Huyan Lianlu's voice was soft, the entire big tent had long since become silent because of Huyan Yunyao's face, so it was inevitable that Yan Yu who was at the side heard Huyan Lianlu's words.

Yan Yuliu frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Because her heart was also disturbed by the words of her niece, Huyan Lianlu.

A large number of troops support the three cities of Yunzhou. How can the remaining troops in the three east cities resist the 48 troops of the Kingdom of Jin?

Yunzhou, which was overwhelmed by 30 Turkic soldiers and horses, was out of breath, but it was still under the premise that the Turks were not good at attacking the city.

What's more, the three cities of Yingzhou are facing an offensive of Jin Kingdom's 48 cavalry joints, plus artillery, bed crossbows, and trebuchets, all kinds of siege weapons.

As the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Jin, Yan Yu grew up under the care of the emperor's uncle Wanyan Chizha, so she naturally understood that the emperor's uncle, the God of War of the Kingdom of Jin, was by no means in vain.

With the addition of Yeluha, the military marshal who guards the northwest border, Yan Yu really can't figure out how Liu Mingzhi's 13 soldiers and horses came to Yunzhou to help under the alliance.

For a moment, even Yan Yu couldn't help but think of the thought that Huyan Lianlu had just spoken softly.

Could it be that my sister and her brother-in-law in name really had some ulterior affair in private, and it's impossible to play with Turkic along the way?
As soon as the idea was born, it was out of control.

Thinking about it carefully, among the Three Kingdoms, if they are far and near, the Dalong side and the Jin country side seem to be much closer than the Turks because of their sister Wanyan Wanyan and brother-in-law Liu Mingzhi.

Coupled with the fact that her little niece Wanyan Luoyue was the conciliator, it seemed that what Huyan Lianlu said was not impossible.

The relationship between the couple and their senior brothers is that a discerning person seems to know who to help and who to deal with.

Huyan Yunyao's brows were tightly knit together, and the look of surprise in her beautiful eyes was fully exposed.

Gently fiddled with the wild goose feathers on the hat, Huyan Yunyao fell into deep thought. The appearance of the idle female bandit in the past no longer exists, but Huyan Yunyao who has calmed down now looks like a wise man with a deep heart!

After a few sticks of incense, the silent Huyan Yunyao suddenly said three words decisively, which shocked everyone in the tent.

Looking at the bewildered faces of the crowd, Huyan Yunyao stood up from the chair and walked towards the map.

Looking at the detailed map in front of him, Huyan Yunyao shook her head with a relaxed expression.

"Old women will not do things that come from digging graves, and senior brothers will also not do stupid things that lead wolves into the house."

"Without me Turkic, Jin Guo's national strength is no match for Dalong at all. If Dalong reached an agreement with Jin Guo and wants to put me Turkic together, he won't just send 13 troops to support Yunzhou .”

"They want a quick battle and a quick decision. In an evenly matched match, the strength of the dragon will be consumed regardless of the outcome. This is not the result that senior brother wants!"

"Especially the old woman understands better than anyone else, the current situation that I, Turkic, and the Kingdom of Jin are in."

"Combining will benefit both, dividing will kill all."

"She won't be confused."

Hu Yanyu nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, I agree with Da Khan's thoughts, but can Da Khan guess the intention of Dalong's move?"

Huyan Yunyao stretched out her slender fingers and slid on the ancient horse road on the map, from Yingzhou to Jeju until Yunzhou before stopping.

"It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Everyone hopes that disasters will be diverted to the east to alleviate their own crisis. Only senior brother Ben Khan is a person with the world in mind, and he likes to do the opposite and bring disasters to himself. .”

"The reason why the 13 reinforcements are all cavalry instead of infantry or infantry and cavalry combined troops, the brother's plan is nothing more than one purpose."



"Please speak up!"

"To support our long drive into the hinterland of the dragon, if we want to encircle 13 cavalry, we must dispatch at least 20 Turkic warriors. In this way, we will only have [-] troops left to attack the city."

"The three cities of Yunzhou, Ganzhou, and Suzhou can't be broken into by relying on only [-] people, but it's hard to say how much time it takes!"

"Ben Khan can say frankly that the order received by the 13 dragon reinforcements was not to fight us head-on, but to use the kite-flying strategy to contain most of our troops just like the last national war, and to fight for the three cities of Yunzhou." Win the time to persevere!"

"One month, only fifty days, Dalong's recruits can be stationed in the six cities of northern Xinjiang. The trained recruits will grow into veterans after a few battles!"

"13, 13 elite cavalry, senior brother really looks up to Ben Khan!"

"It's good to fly a kite, Ben Khan will accompany you to have fun!"

"See if your kite is strong, or Ben Khan's kite line is stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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