Chapter 1591
Hu Yanyu listened to Huyan Yunyao's words talking to himself with a serious face. He seemed to understand the little sister's plan, but he was a little confused about the details.

Today's little girl is no longer the little girl she used to be, and it has become difficult for people to see the reality.

"Khan, you don't plan to spend a long time with them, do you? You also said that we don't have much time, and we can't afford it!"

"Now our focus should be on how to capture the West Three Kingdoms Gate in the northern border of Dalong, so that we can leap south with the horse and whip."

"If they really entrusted them with too much time, we will miss this god-sent opportunity to capture Dalong after Dalong's new recruits enter the northern border!"

Huyan Yunyao glanced at the second elder brother lightly, then set her eyes on Yan Yu.

"Sister-in-law, this Khan has heard that the Kingdom of Jin has been studying Dalong culture for a hundred years. I wonder if it is true?"

Yan Yu was taken aback, wondering why Huyan Yunyao suddenly brought up this topic, and after thinking about it for a while, she couldn't think of a reason, so she nodded slightly and said, "Of course, I don't know what Khan meant by this? Why did you suddenly ask these questions?" A topic that has nothing to do with the war!"

Huyan Yunyao smiled faintly: "Naturally, that's fine, but I don't know how my sister-in-law, the former Princess of the Kingdom of Jin, has learned? Has she already penetrated deeply into the culture of Dalong?"

"Hehe! Da Khan really looked down on me too much. I have been so stupid since I was a child, which caused a headache for Mr. Pu Xianyuan. Now that I am nearly [-] years old, I can only say that I have a little understanding of Dalong's vast culture. two!"

"Comprehensive mastery, I don't have that ability yet!"

"Oh! It's better to know a thing or two. It's better to know a thing or two than nothing. Since my sister-in-law knows a thing or two! Then, has my sister-in-law ever understood the point of marriage and obedience that has been passed down by Dalong people for thousands of years?" What's the real meaning in it?"

Yan Yumei narrowed her eyes slightly, quietly looking at the smiling Huyan Yunyao, she became cautious in her heart, she always felt that Huyan Yunyao was digging a hole for herself.

"Why sweat beating around the bush, you can speak up if you have something to say."

"You are the king, and the little girl is a minister. If the Khan needs a minister, the minister will do his best and dare not refuse."

Huyan Yunyao's ten slender fingers danced together, leaning over to look down at Yan Yu who was kneeling at the low table, the smile on her cherry lips became even more joyful.

"Okay, my sister-in-law is indeed a straightforward and sensible person. Since this is the case, the younger sister will open the skylight and speak honestly, and stop talking about trivial things."

"In the last national war, the second brother's military and horse power has already been handed over. Since Jin Guo imitated Dalong and learned from the elders of a hundred families, the so-called marrying and obeying the husband, the second brother's military and horse power has already been handed over, and the sister-in-law is stationed here. Shouldn't the power of the 20 cavalry in the Shibi Department be taken care of?"

"Since the last national war, my sister-in-law has been watching the excitement during the three-party melee. Now, except for the soldiers and horses under my sister-in-law's command, I call for the royal court's soldiers and horses to abandon the two wolves and one guard stationed in the royal court. There are only 30 left to mobilize. Get ahead."

"Currently, the three western cities of Dalong have gathered an army of over 30. This battle is doomed to end in a forcible fight."

"Sister-in-law's 20 soldiers and horses are in full swing, making my little sister sleepless!"

"My little sister is unwilling to treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, but my sister-in-law has been reluctant to fight for a long time. It is hard not to make my little sister doubt whether my sister-in-law has the intention of supporting soldiers and self-respect, and whether she is not a minister!"

"If this trip to the south is unfortunately defeated and returns, it will be an easy task for 20 soldiers and horses to change the dynasty. What does my sister-in-law think?"

"For the great cause of my Turks, whether it is public or private, my sister-in-law should let go. There are some things, even if my sister-in-law is a noble princess, she should not hold it in her hands."

"Sister-in-law, don't forget that the grassland is not a tribal regime now, and the word Huyan is no longer a tribe, but Huyan Royal Court!"

Yan Yu looked up at Huyan Yunyao who was looking down at her, with a serious expression on her face.

From the moment Huyan Yunyao announced his military power, coupled with Huyan Yunyao's previous foreshadowing, Yan Yu immediately understood Huyan Yunyao's plan.

It's just that Yan Yu originally thought that Huyan Yunyao would say implicitly that she wanted to take back her military power, but Yan Yu didn't expect that Huyan Yunyao would not play cards according to common sense, and directly expressed her worries frankly.

For a while, Yan Yu was a little speechless, and Huyan Yunyao's straightforwardness made her suddenly unable to think of how to resist.

Hu Yanyu's eyes lingered complicatedly on the two girls for a while, then retracted them, and silently looked at the sand table aside.

Yan Yu was silent for a long time, feeling several eyes focused on her.

Subconsciously looking over, Yan Yu saw that the dozen or so generals in Bahan looked at her with profound eyes, and her heart froze slightly. She raised her head and looked at Huyan Yunyao with a smile on her face. She didn't understand Huyan Yunyao's Intend.

This is a conspiracy.

"The right to hand over the military is to follow the general trend. For the great cause of the Turks, not to hand over the right to the army is the heart of disobedience and the intention to seek power."

"This is to roast yourself on the fire!"

Yan Yu was silent, she had to admit that the girl in front of her was no longer the innocent person at the beginning, but more and more like a sister.

Emphasis on feelings, but don't violate the meaning of an emperor, let alone make the emperor feel the crisis.

Yan Yu weighed in her heart for a long time, and looked at Huyan Yunyao with complicated eyes.

"How about borrowing troops?"

Huyan Junyao's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she stretched out her palm to face Yan Yu with a light smile.

"make a deal!"

Yan Yu was startled, looking at the sly fox-like smile on the corner of Huyan Yunyao's mouth, she still didn't understand that she had followed Huyan Yunyao's way.

If he gritted his teeth and refused to fight, Huyan Yunyao would not dare to do anything to him under such a situation.

But I thought too much just now, and fell into the doubtful array that Huyan Yunyao arranged for herself. From the beginning, Huyan Yunyao had no intention of taking the military power in her hands at this time. Bibu's 20 troops sent troops to help.

If you think too much, you will be misled by your cleverness instead.

However, the matter has become a foregone conclusion, and Yan Yu has nothing to do.

It can only be said that Huyan Yunyao's strategy of retreating into advance is too clever.

With complicated thoughts, he stretched out his jade hand and patted Huyan Yunyao's palm.

"make a deal!"

After a while, Huyan Junyao cheerfully held the half tiger talisman that Yan Yu gave her: "Sister-in-law really understands righteousness. This time I successfully went south from Turks, and sister-in-law should be the first."

Seeing the great Khan's relaxed and happy expression, the generals in the tent hurriedly agreed.

"The princess is righteous!"

"The princess is righteous!"

Huyan Yunyao walked towards the map, her face gradually calmed down.

"All generals obey orders!"

"The minister waits to hear the order!"


"Chen is here!"

"You will lead [-] troops to cross the east of Yunzhou City and enter Tianshui in the hinterland of Yunzhou!"

"Zhebieshu commanded [-] troops, passed between Yunzhou and Ganzhou, and approached Liangzhou, the hinterland of the dragon!"

"Shi Sizhe led [-] troops, detoured Ganzhou, interspersed between Suzhou"


"After you enter the hinterland of the dragon, you need to act like a tiger and wolf, harass the people who are preparing for a good harvest, and pretend to charge!"

Hu Yanyu's face changed in shock: "You must not sweat, this will definitely arouse the resentment of the people of Dalong, and it will be very unfavorable for me to rule the Central Plains after the Turks!"

Huyan Junyao looked at Huyanyu with a light smile.

"Second brother, you heard clearly, it's a feigned attack."

"If you don't pack up the kite strings in your hands, how can the kite sent by the senior brother to the West Three Cities start a head-to-head confrontation with us!"

"He wanted to support our progress, and Ben Khan turned his back on the client, forcing them to go out of the city to fight!"

Hu Yanyu pondered for a while, and gradually understood what Huyan Yunyao meant.

Use Dalong's people as bait to lure Dalong's soldiers and horses to take the initiative to fight.

"That's good, that's good!"

(End of this chapter)

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