My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1592 Dangerous situation

Chapter 1592 Dangerous situation
In the west of Yingzhou City, Liu Mingzhi's large tent of the Chinese army.

Young Master Liu held up the military flag in his hand and played chess against Song Qing who was facing him.

In the past few days, because of chariots, serial blunderbusses, and flintlock guns, Young Master Liu has often acted aggressively in the Jin Kingdom camp, beheading thousands of soldiers and horses under Wanyan Chizha's command one after another, and finally walked away .

However, there has been a change in the offensive in the past few days, which is the root cause of Young Master Liu's current absent-mindedness.

"You lost, all your soldiers and horses were surrounded by the last general!"

Song Qing looked at Liu Mingzhi holding up the command flag absently, and reminded Young Master Liu that he had already won the war game.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and looked at his own side in surprise: "Why did you eat up all my troops so quickly!"

Song Qing shook his head helplessly, took the formation flag in Young Master Liu's hand and put it into a box beside him.

"You've been absent-minded, and your mind wasn't on the deduction of the flag at all. It's strange if you don't lose. How is it? Have you figured out anything after thinking about it for so long?"

Liu Mingzhi sighed in disappointment, picked up the teacup on the table and walked towards the outside of the big tent.

Looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, Liu Mingzhi slightly turned his head and glanced at Song Qing.

"No. 11 days!"

Song Qing was startled, nodded silently, and his face was a little gloomy: "Yeah, after eleven days of fighting, there are still more than 6000 brothers in the [-] guards under the two guards, and there are more than [-] wounded soldiers. I really don't know how to continue. How long can you hold on?"

"Is Baoyu and his brothers rushing to help Yunzhou and Jeju have any news?"

"Ning Chao and the others have news. The situation is not good. Yeluha is a very difficult opponent. Ning Chao, they have hardly taken advantage of it. Fortunately, the crisis in Jeju has been temporarily relieved. Yeluha's Because of Ning Chao's harassment, the offensive on Jeju had to be lowered."

"Baoyu, I can't bear that they haven't heard anything yet. We don't know anything about the current situation in Yunzhou."

"There is no other way, let's focus on the present first, how about it? Have you ever wondered how Wanyan Chizha discovered the disadvantages of chariots and chain guns?"

"Most of the brothers were killed and injured in the past few days. The black wolf cavalry and the armored cavalry found the right time to fill the serial guns and fill them with elixir. The opportunity to cool down the serial guns swarmed. The brothers are too careless. It is unexpected that the people of the Kingdom of Jin will find the right timing. Attack suddenly."

"Although the casualties are nothing compared to Jin Guo, but if we have less troops, we will lose one less!"

Liu Mingzhi sipped the tea in his cup and shook his head slightly: "I can't figure it out, the time for each charge is so short for half a day, plus he didn't get close to the infantry of the Jin Kingdom's army, how did Wanyan Chizha realize that the serial gun needs to be cooled down and the bullets changed?" I have no clue."

"Those who are not familiar with the chain gun, because of its lethality and power, have long been in a hurry, how can they think of a countermeasure!"

"Unless some of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin are very familiar with firearms, but this is the first time we have used the chain gun in a national war. People from the Kingdom of Jin have never seen it before. How could they find its shortcomings?"

"No matter what, the chain blunderbuss won't work after a few more uses. We must think of other ways."

"Although the pressure on Yingzhou has decreased, our pressure has increased."

"Wanyan Chizha intends to deal with us wholeheartedly, just because we are cavalry, we can retreat if we can't fight, otherwise Wanyan Chizha would have been encircled by the army long ago."

"Forget it, if you can't figure it out"

"Report, report to the commander-in-chief, and protect the country and wait for the falcon to pass on the letter!"

"Bring it up!"


Liu Mingzhi tore open the letter and began to read it. After a while, Liu Mingzhi clenched the note in his hand with a complicated expression and began to murmur.

"Flying Bear!"

"No wonder! Jin Guo's artillery was made by you, so there is no difficulty in dealing with such things as firecrackers."

"Know everything!"

"Marshal, what are you muttering to yourself?"

"It's nothing. The brothers are ordered to report the situation of the Jin Kingdom camp at any time. If they don't move, we won't move. Just give them the time to attack the city."

"Now it depends on who can consume more energy than whom."


"Report! Report to the commander-in-chief, the biography of Yunzhou."

"Get it now!"

After cupping tea, Liu Mingzhi threw the information in his hand on the ground with a startled expression, with a look of grief and hatred.

"Confused, the Turkic people really want to attack the people in the hinterland and have already sharpened their knives. Why wait until your reinforcements arrive before attacking."

"You can't see through such a simple strategy of mobilizing troops. Have you two lived on dogs all these years?"

Liu Mingzhi walked towards the big tent with sad eyes, and while cupping tea, Liu Mingzhi rolled up a few notes and handed them to Du Yu.

"Hurry up, Golden Eagle, the falcon soldiers will pass to Baoyu in two ways, and I can't bear the two of them!"


Song Qing, who had finished arranging the military order, had just returned to the big tent when he found Young Master Liu's face so gloomy that water could drip from it.

"Master, what happened?"

Liu Mingzhi handed over the information that Du Yu picked up again to Song Qing.

"The situation in Yunzhou is not good. I can't bear it. Baoyu has been tricked by the Turks to lure the enemy. Now he is fighting with the Turkic cavalry."

"The two sides are evenly matched in strength, and both suffered heavy casualties."

"The most important thing is that the Turkic side has transferred 20 cavalry from nowhere, and the original number of soldiers and horses is even more than that of the Jin Kingdom. The situation on Baoyu's side is probably worse."

Song Qing looked at Yunzhou's information, and his face became a little sad.

"How did it become like this? How could the Turks still have so many troops?"

"It's useless to say these things now. You take care of the situation in the camp. The commander will go to the city overnight and have a detailed talk with uncle face to face."

"We have to make changes, otherwise we won't be able to wait for the arrival of reinforcements if we go on like this."

"Okay, just go, I'll arrange things about the camp."

After two cups of tea, Young Master Liu changed his clothes and galloped towards Yingzhou City overnight against the moonlight.

In the open space outside the Golden Army camp and the Rear Army’s heavy camp, the bonfire was brightly lit, and the stove was emitting steaming heat. Wanyan Chizha looked curiously at some of the embryos that Wanyan Feixiong was playing with. Created from hundreds of refined iron.

On the chair on one side was a sullen little cutie, looking at the busy figures of her uncle and uncle, from the corner of her big eyes, the little cutie glanced at the short gun given to her by her father on the table, and wrinkled her nose resentfully .

The little cutie sighed and held her chin up to look at the moonlight in the sky.

"Daddy, it's really not that Yue'er doesn't keep his word. Yue'er didn't expect such a coincidence that she was seen by uncle, a bookworm, just after firing two bullets."

"Yue'er really didn't expose the fire gun on purpose."


Wanyan Feixiong's clear voice sounded, Wanyan Chizha was taken aback, hesitated for a while and handed his saber to Wanyan Feixiong.

With a clang, Wanyan Chizha was startled, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at the saber in Wanyan Feixiong's hand, bleeding from his heart.

Wanyan Feixiong returned the saber to Wanyan Chizha nonchalantly, picked up the iron cylinder and looked at the bonfire, finally sighed and shook his head.

"No, these cast iron cannons are not qualified, let alone more delicate things like firecrackers. Are there no better craftsmen?"

"Fei Xiong, the old man is going south for an expedition. How many skilled craftsmen can he bring with him? Do you really think this is the capital's military supervisor? In just a few days, the conditions are simple, and it is not bad to be able to produce a hundred iron smelting."

"Uncle Huang, then I have nothing to do, but you already know the shortcomings of those firecrackers, so Fei Xiong took Yue'er back to the capital."

"Okay, that's the only way to go! Although I can't create a firecracker to fight back in my own way, I am satisfied with it, at least half of the brothers who died in battle will be reduced."

"Uncle, uncle, Yue'er wants to see Daddy."

"No, your mother said, you must go back to the Kingdom of Jin obediently with your uncle."

The little cutie nodded sullenly: "Okay. I'll come back when I go back..."

"and many more!"

Wanyan Chizha spoke suddenly, walked up to the cutie with a light smile and stopped.

"Yue'er, do you really want to see your father?"

"Yeah! Of course I do."

"Come here with your ear, as long as you listen to uncle, uncle will send someone to send you to see your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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