My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1593 You have to listen to me

Chapter 1593 You have to listen to me
Yingzhou General's Mansion.

Young Master Liu, who entered the city quietly, didn't even have time to enter the house, so he rushed directly to Zhang Kuang's mansion.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Free gift!"

Liu Mingzhi handed the reins to the guard and walked straight towards the main hall of Zhang Kuang's mansion with the whip in his hands. He didn't even need to think about it to know that Zhang Kuang must be in the main hall now.

Sure enough, Liu Mingzhi walked out of the main hall, and Zhang Kuang was giving orders to Ke Yan and others with a solemn expression.

Liu Mingzhi didn't open his mouth, he went directly to Zhang Kuang and the others and threw the whip in his hand heavily on the table.

There was a loud bang, which startled the few people who were engrossed.

"Bold, I didn't see this Marquis, my lord, why did you come back late at night?"

With a calm expression, Liu Mingzhi took the tobacco pipe that Zhang Kuang put on the table beside him, lit it at the candle and smashed it a couple of times. The tobacco that was so pungent enough to make him cough in the past, this time Young Master Liu began to puff it out with his usual expression.

Several people looked at each other blankly, did Young Master Liu come back just to take a puff of tobacco?
A pot of tobacco leaves was completely burned, Young Master Liu knocked the pot on the edge of the table like an old smoker.

"We can't continue fighting like this. If we continue like this, we will always be in a passive situation. We can only wait for them to take the initiative to attack and then passively defend. This is a big taboo for military strategists."

"No matter how strong the morale is, sooner or later it will be wiped out by the army of the Kingdom of Jin."

"The most important thing is to be useless, it is too useless!"

"It sounds good to be passive defense, but it's ugly to say that it's just waiting to be beaten. I have been in the army for ten years, when did I ever have to be so useless?"

"It's always been Lao Tzu who took the initiative to attack others, but now that the situation has changed, Lao Tzu has long been bored with anger."

Everyone looked at Young Master Liu who was cursing, and after thinking for a while, they seemed to understand the meaning of Liu Mingzhi's words.

Zhang Kuang looked solemnly at First Young Master Liu who lit up the smoke again: "Your lord, you don't intend to take the initiative to confront the army of the Kingdom of Jin, do you?"

"That's right, that's what I mean. I've had enough of being so useless. Passive defense can't stop my brothers from dying in battle. Taking the initiative to attack may turn things around."

"The battle has been going on for so long, and now Wanyan Chizha has only 20 troops under his command. We may not be incapable of fighting if we take the initiative to attack."

"However, Yingzhou's military strength is only about 14 after careful calculation. This is all the soldiers added together. In addition, the soldiers and horses under your command are only [-]. Will it be hard to beat Wanyan Chizha, who is all elites under his command? Wouldn't it be sensible?"

Liu Mingzhi threw the dry pipe on the table beside him, pressed his hands on the edge of the sand table and scanned the landscape outside Yingzhou city.

"Why are you irrational? When you sent 30 soldiers to the north, only 30 of you fought against the Jin Kingdom. The Turks were almost overwhelmed. Now we have 50 troops. Why can't we fight against the Turks and the Jin Kingdom? How about a game?"

"Back then, 30 people were able to claim the reputation of being a military disaster if they wanted anything. Why are the 50 people who are strong and powerful now afraid of fighting to the death with the Jin Kingdom and the Turks?"

"This commander has always advocated taking the initiative to attack. It is because you guys have been worried about the lack of troops and want to use defense as offense to cause today's situation."

"Listen to me, maybe this national war has opened up a gap, maybe it's a different situation!"

"I also thought about it clearly. It is impossible to fight without dying. Since passive defense is like this, it is also dead in battle. It is better to take the initiative to attack."

"Even if he dies in battle, I will have to suppress this old bastard Wanyan Chizha with his aura."

Zhang Kuang fell silent for a moment, and sighed silently when he thought of the joint letter signed by six of his old brothers to Young Master Liu.

Could it be that the six of my brothers are old and have lost the courage to fight and kill like they did more than 20 years ago.


"Marshal, the last general said something that shouldn't be said. Although Weihe's military disaster was famous back then, Dalong hasn't recovered from the battle for nearly 20 years."

"And the reason for the big victory that time was a lot of luck. Back then, the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin were watching the joke about Wei Zong's obsession with the Jindan Dao, and wanted to wait for our dragon to collapse from the inside before heading south."

"Following Ruizong's order, we sent out troops suddenly, and the two countries were caught off guard by our attacking the city and rushing to kill them all the way."

"That's because they were too panicked and didn't figure out our specific strength, so they were able to win a big victory."

"Now the two countries are not the Jin Kingdom and the Turks in the past!"

Liu Mingzhi slapped the desk hard, his eyes stared straight at Zhang Kuang: "So what?"

"What you dared to do back then, I dare to do now."

"Didn't Wanyan Chizha be sure that I would only dare to hide in the city to defend? Since that's the case, I also called to catch him by surprise."

"What happened to the 14 people? Didn't I win a big victory when I used 40 against [-] to help Jin Guo put down the rebellion?"

"What's wrong with luck? Luck is also a necessary reason for victory."

"Waiting to be beaten, how long will you be beaten? Waiting to be beaten will not kill you brother? After all, you are getting old and becoming indecisive, and you don't have the courage to fight and kill when you were young!"

"I always want to be safe in everything. There is no absolute safety when two armies confront each other. Since ancient times, the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road."

"Wanyan Chizha is sure that I dare not go out of the city for a decisive battle, but I want to go out of the city and give them a thunderous blow!"

"If you hadn't been worried about this and that, we might have settled the Kingdom of Jin and rushed to the aid of Yunzhou!"

"Including some soldiers and horses in Fuzhou, we may have more than 14, so we don't have to be afraid of him."

"It's decided. The whole army will go out of the city to fight against the army of the Kingdom of Jin. If I can lead 30 cavalry to be invincible in the Kingdom of Jin and the hinterland of the Turks, I can lead an army of 14 to defeat Wanyan in his own territory."

"In my territory, I can still be bullied by the enemy. I live in vain."

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's resolute eyes, Zhang Kuang heaved a sigh of relief, and his eyes gradually became enthusiastic.

These days, not only Young Master Liu feels aggrieved, why doesn't Zhang Kuang feel aggrieved!

"Should we first pass the letter to the generals on the left and right? Discuss how to help each other. If we take the initiative to attack, the whole northern border will be completely chaotic if we don't tell them."

"Never mind discussing, I'm in charge of all the important military and government affairs of the Northern Xinjiang 27 government. I can't discuss with them. They have to obey my orders."

"When the army moves, everyone has to obey Lao Tzu's orders. Whoever dares to disobey will follow the military law."

"The order of the king is passed down. All the soldiers and horses in the six cities of northern Xinjiang will see the right time and dispatch according to the battle situation. Tell them that defending the enemy is also death in battle, charging is also death in battle, left and right are death, and if they die for Lao Tzu, they will die in battle." On the way to charge."

"Wang Wangling?"


Liu Mingzhi scanned the people in the hall with a sullen face.

"Shoulder with the king's order, I will say it again, once the army moves, the whole army must obey my order, whoever dares to be timid to fight, the military law will follow."

"The enemy has already hit the door of the house, and they are still hiding. This is not the style of our Beijiang sons."

"Let's send the order!"

"You have to order!"

"Longwuwei's light cavalry commander Ke Yan obeys orders!"

"The end is here!"

"Immediately send a letter to the governor of Fuzhou and Chen Tingshan, the acting general, to lead all the soldiers and horses in Fuzhou to detour to Yingzhou."

"As soon as the army arrives, follow my orders and drive Wanyan Chizha back to his hometown in the Kingdom of Jin."

Ke Yan was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Zhang Kuang at the side.

With a groan of the sword, Ke Yan felt a chill on his neck, and when he came back to his senses, he looked in astonishment at Young Master Liu who was holding him up with a heavenly sword.

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ke Yan.

"This is the first time, and next time we will deal with military law!"

"Now you can hear clearly, once the army moves, all soldiers and horses in the whole northern Xinjiang must obey Lao Tzu's orders, I don't want to say it again."

Feeling the cold killing intent on Liu Mingzhi's body, Ke Yan's whole body trembled.

"The last general, Keyan, has orders."

(End of this chapter)

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