Chapter 1594
As soon as Liu Mingzhi changed his previous style, he became a little disrespectful, and his arbitrariness made everyone in the hall uncontrollably convinced.

Zhang Kuang, Xiong Kaishan and the others couldn't help but wonder, who among the people here is not Liu Mingzhi's senior, and in terms of time spent in the army, and in terms of seniority, all of them are more than twice as old as Liu Dashao.

But in order to see Liu Mingzhi's arrogant and unreasonable appearance, he can't help but believe in him, and believe that he will be able to bring Beijiang out of this crisis.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the crowd indifferently: "Although it is an active attack, it should not be too blind. Blind self-confidence will kill people."

"Take Jeju as an example. They are not suitable for going out of the city without a strategy like us to start a head-on confrontation with the army of the Jin Kingdom under the command of Yaluha."

"We have Fuzhou soldiers and horses that can be mobilized, but Jeju can't. In addition to the miscellaneous soldiers of the auxiliary soldiers, plus Ning Chao, they are not Yeluha's opponents."

"Their timing is when Wanyan Chizha asks Yaluha to help Yingzhou, and catches them off guard."

"We don't have to worry too much about Yunzhou for the time being. Although the Turkic army has suddenly increased by 20 troops, there are two generals from the left and right who gather together, so it may not be impossible to fight."

"We can't start a confrontation without strategy even when we are dispatched. We have to give full play to our advantages, such as formation."

"This king was famous for his formations back then. To fight against Wanyan Chizha, he still needs to use formations, but the premise of using formations is to destroy Jin Kingdom's artillery."

"Otherwise, if the army swings there, it will be useless to shoot down any formation."

"Lure the enemy to go deep, and find a way to eliminate all the artillery in the Kingdom of Jin at once. As long as the Kingdom of Jin has no such sharp weapons as artillery, it will be a good opportunity for us to go out of the city and fight."

"Wanyan Chizha thought that he was very familiar with the evolution of the Longmen Great Formation from Yue'er's side-stepping, but he didn't know how much the formation of the Longmen Great Formation had been reduced due to the strength of the troops."

"Now that the troops in my king's hands are gathered together, it is enough to increase the formation changes by more than 30. Isn't Wanyan Chizha arrogant? This commander must make him suffer a lot."

"As long as Jeju can delay Yaluha, even if Jeju City temporarily changes hands, I will let Yaluha return the coach who has changed hands."

Zhang Kuang frowned slightly and looked at Liu Mingzhi.

"But whether it's Yingzhou or Fuzhou, except for the last general who studied the Longmen formation you used in Jin Kingdom in the past, the rest of the generals don't know how to set up the formation!"

"If the formation can't evolve in time, let alone kill the enemy, it will become a burden that messes up the formation."

"You don't have to worry about this. The evolution of the Longmen formation all lies in the order flag at the eye of the formation. As long as the soldiers can effectively eradicate the order flag at the eye of the formation and change formation, there will be absolutely no problem at all."

"With 14 soldiers and horses, nearly [-]% of the soldiers and horses are government soldiers. The auxiliary soldiers who are not good at attacking and killing must find a safe way to disperse these soldiers and integrate them into the battle formation of the main fighters. Just do it."

"Because it's getting dark and Jin's army will not attack the city, you immediately call all the generals to come to the general's mansion to discuss matters. This commander will explain to them what the change of the command flag means."


An hour later, the huge sand table in the General's Mansion was moved aside, and a piece of clean silk cloth with a mysterious formation drawn on it was spread in the center of the hall.

Liu Mingzhi was holding a bamboo pole, looking at the generals gathered around him, talking endlessly.

The generals around nodded frequently, and asked their own questions from time to time, and Liu Mingzhi explained it tirelessly.


"To the prince, to the general, there is a little girl outside the city gate who claims to be Liu Luoyue, the little princess of the Kingdom of Jin, and wants to enter the city to negotiate with the prince."

The soldiers who broke in suddenly interrupted Liu Mingzhi's action of explaining the essence of the Longmen formation.

Everyone looked at the soldiers in a daze, then subconsciously looked at First Young Master Liu who was standing in the center of the banner.

After all, the father-daughter relationship between King Side-by-Shoulders and the little princess of the Kingdom of Jin has long been no secret. When the two countries were at war, the little princess of Kingdom of Jin suddenly went to Yingzhou to meet King Side-by-Shoulders.

For a moment, everyone's thoughts were complicated, and they didn't know how Liu Mingzhi would deal with this matter.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the somewhat cramped soldiers with a complicated expression: "Liu Luoyue?"

"Reporting to my lord, it is Liu Luoyue. This is the token they shot on the city wall with a bow and arrow. Please look at it, my lord!"

Liu Mingzhi subconsciously took the purple jadeite pendant handed over by the soldier, on which was the name of the little cutie.

Liu Mingzhi rubbed the jade pendant in his hand with a complex expression, his eyes flickering in thought.

The lights flickered dimly, Liu Mingzhi finally came to his senses, and handed the jade pendant in the book to the soldier.

"No, return the original!"

"Decree! Resign from the humble position!"


Zhang Kuang suddenly opened his mouth to stop the soldiers who were about to leave, and the soldiers stopped in a daze, waiting for orders.

Zhang Kuang walked gently to Liu Mingzhi's side: "My lord, Princess Luoyue is always your own flesh and blood, there must be something very important to come to see you late at night."

"Although the two countries are now at war, the situation is the same, but the crime of war has nothing to do with the relationship between father and daughter."

"The general thinks that no matter what, it's better for you to meet each other. Princess Luoyue, a little girl, even if she enters the city, it won't have much impact on the battle situation."

"At worst, after your father and daughter are reunited for one night, let the soldiers send her out of the city!"

All the people present here are not young, and they all have sons and daughters, and they all echoed Zhang Kuang's words.

"My lord, the general is right. Although Princess Luoyue is the princess of the Kingdom of Jin, she is also your own daughter. The war can't affect the affection between your father and daughter. The little princess comes late at night. If you don't see her, won't it affect you both?" Father-daughter love! See you!"

"My lord, what Ke Yan said is right, let's meet. The relationship between the little princess and you is no secret. We also know the lord's loyalty to the dragon. We won't say anything if you meet the little princess in front of us. of!"

"That's right, the love between father and daughter is deep, the little princess came overnight, it must be"


A group of generals echoed in the main hall.

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly: "Everyone shut up!"

Everyone was stunned and hurriedly silenced, not knowing what happened to First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes slightly, looking out of the city with complicated eyes.

"This is a battlefield, not a place where father and daughter reunite. As the princess of the Kingdom of Jin, Yue'er did not lead the battle like last time, so she shouldn't have appeared on the battlefield."

"Since she is not in command, it is unreasonable to appear in Yingzhou."

"Maybe Yue'er came to see me because she misses me, but Wanyan Chizha won't let go so easily."

"Although Yue'er is smart, she is still far behind the old fox Wanyan Chizha. Maybe Yue'er herself doesn't know what kind of trouble her missing her father will bring to Yingzhou."

"She may know something, and she may unknowingly carry some missions that she has inexplicably carried on her own."

"The task of making Yingzhou fall under the iron cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin."

"It's true that Yue'er is my daughter, but whose son is the 14 brothers? This king must not let the 14 brothers fall into trouble for his own selfishness."

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, not bad this time or twice!"


Everyone fell silent, looked at Liu Mingzhi's painful decision and sighed silently, not trying to persuade him.

"Command. Wait"

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Liu Mingzhi scanned the hall.

After a long time, sawdust flew in the hall, and Liu Mingzhi handed a nondescript wood carving to the soldiers.

From a general look, it can be seen that an adult is holding the hand of a little girl, and the appearance of the wood carving is really not flattering.

"Take it back to Princess Luoyue!"

"Decree! Resign from the humble position."

After the soldiers left, Liu Mingzhi drank several cups of herbal tea to calm down, and explained to the generals again.

Outside Yingzhou city, leaning against the snow-white clouded leopard, the cutie fell into a deep sleep, with saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth, dripping on the back of the also sleeping clouded leopard.

A pawn on the city wall was put down by a hanging basket, and the slight movement immediately aroused the vigilance of the clouded leopard, and stood up abruptly, staring at the pawn with a somewhat stiff face with wild eyes.

The little cutie let out an ouch, and wiped the drool from the corners of her mouth sleepily, only to realize that she was cautiously looking at the Clouded Leopard's soldiers with a torch.

"Dabai, lie down and don't move, uncle, did daddy ask you to pick me up?"

Looking at the extremely well-behaved clouded leopard, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

Returning the things to the cutie, repeated what Young Master Liu had said.

The cutie stopped talking, and stared blankly at the jade pendant and the wood carving in her hand?
"Ah? Miss you?"

"Yes, little princess, I'm leaving my humble post, let's go back as soon as possible!"

The little cutie looked extremely aggrieved looking at the soldiers being lifted up by the hanging basket.

"It's fine if you don't see the moon, but this wood carving is too ugly. Does it look like a moon? Does it look like a person?"

(End of this chapter)

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