Chapter 1595 The Whole Army Attacks ([-])

Wanyan Chizha looked at the little cutie who had gone and returned in astonishment: "I don't see you?"

"Yeah! Daddy doesn't see Yueer!"

"Then uncle will leave it to you. Forget it. No one has seen it. It's useless to say anything. This is a battlefield. It's not an option for you to stay in the army camp with your uncle Feixiong. Uncle arranged A team of guards will escort you back home!"

Although the little cutie disliked the unflattering appearance of the wood carving in her hand, she still couldn't put it down in her arms.

Hearing Wanyan Chizha's words, he nodded silently: "Oh! Yue'er knows, uncle, Yue'er is looking for uncle!"

In the middle of the moon, Wanyan Chizha sighed regretfully looking at a group of personal soldiers escorting the carriage to the north.

"Liu Mingzhi, Liu Mingzhi, you are really a formidable enemy that this old man has met in his life!"

Glancing lightly at the brightly lit torches on the city wall, Wanyan Chizha walked towards the big tent with a complicated expression.

The plan to use Xiaoyue'er died before it could be implemented, so it's no wonder Wanyan Zhizha got up happily.

In the next few days, outside the city of Yingzhou, the two armies clashed again. You attacked me, you retreated and I advanced, just like the previous days.

However, Wanyan Chizha became more and more confused, because Dalong's method of using troops became more and more incomprehensible to him, and what made Wanyan Chizha stomp his feet even more was that he had finally figured out a way to deal with the chain guns. Liu Mingzhi made up for it again.

The barrels fired by the chain guns need to be cooled, and Liu Mingzhi directly ordered the use of the chain guns not to fire all at once, but to fire at intervals.

The chariot soldiers are divided into three groups to make up for the interval between the serial guns that need to be cooled.

Caught off guard, the army of the Kingdom of Jin suffered heavy casualties again. They thought they could rush up and kill them as before, but they were greeted by blazing firecrackers.

"Report, Commander-in-Chief, we only have fifteen cannons left, and the cannons of Longwuwei above the city gate have been bombarding our cannons for the past few days!"

Wanyan Chizha subconsciously glanced at Yingzhou City, the doubt on his face was undisguised.

"What's going on? These days, the intentions of Dalong's guards have become more and more incomprehensible to me, and many places are completely inconsistent with the rules and regulations of using troops."

"Zhang Kuang and Liu Mingzhi are both excellent generals, they shouldn't make such a small mistake!"

"I don't even understand the humble job. The charge of the cavalry outside the city in the past few days is even more confusing. They gave up confronting the cavalry and instead rushed to kill our infantry."

"Especially in the past two days, they would rather give up our infantry and concentrate their artillery fire on our artillery. Now only fifteen of the dozens of artillery can be used!"

"No, there must be demons when things go wrong. Dalong guards in such an unruly way, there must be intentions that we don't know. Mingjin withdraws troops and calls all the generals back to the big tent to discuss matters. Without knowing Liu Mingzhi and Zhang Kuang's intentions, Ben Shuai feels a little uneasy in his heart!"


After half a day, the north and east of Yingzhou City fell into tranquility again. With Wanyan Chizha's retreat, Yingzhou once again breathed a sigh of relief.

Wanyan Chizha summoned all the generals under his command to discuss the strange changes in the guards in Yingzhou, hoping to find a reasonable result.

At the same time, on the official roads in the south of Fuzhou and Yingzhou, tens of thousands of soldiers of different armors secretly detoured towards Yingzhou.

The actions of these tens of thousands of soldiers and horses are sufficiently subtle, but the scale of tens of thousands of soldiers and soldiers is too large, and it is simply a dream to completely deceive people's eyes and ears.

The Jin Kingdom's scouts inevitably discovered the traces of this army, turned their horses and rushed towards the Turkic camp.

Jin Guo suddenly withdrew his troops, hitting Liu Mingzhi's arms, and after ordering Song Qing to arrange for his brothers, he quickly galloped towards Yingzhou.

All of a sudden, the two sides that seemed to be withdrawing troops were all in full swing and secretly carrying out their own plans.

After half a day, golden eagles flew out of Yingzhou City, circled in the air and then flew towards the other four cities.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Excuse me! Don't gossip, how many soldiers can be selected to go out of the city to fight?"

Zhang Kuang held several thick rosters and put them in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"Old soldier, after the recruits recruited on the spot are selected, there are only more than 14 brothers who can go out to fight in the city, and they all come here!"

"With the addition of the soldiers who came from Fuzhou, it is roughly estimated that it should not be a problem to gather 15 brothers."

Liu Mingzhi casually flipped through the roster in his hand, and looked at Chen Tingshan, the Fuzhou general who entered the city secretly a few days ago.

"Chen Tingshan!"

"The end is here!"

"Can you confirm that after Fuzhou's soldiers and horses are merged into the Longmen formation, you can quickly execute your generals."

Chen Tingshan nodded solemnly: "My lord, don't worry. Although the brothers are not as tough as Longwuwei and Feiyingwei, they still have no problem executing orders."

"Especially among these brothers, many retired old soldiers have followed you to the 38 countries in the Western Regions. They don't want to return to their hometowns to farm, so they rush into the generals of the auxiliary army. It is not a problem for the execution of military orders. "

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and then grinned: "I never thought I could fight side by side with my old brothers again, God has treated me well."

Liu Mingzhi gently put down the roster in his hand, glanced at the generals each holding a command flag, smiled slightly, and adjusted his armor.

"All generals obey orders!"

"I will obey orders!"

"Crazy to listen to orders!"

"The end is here!"

"You will lead Longwuwei's [-] swords and shield soldiers, and [-] archers will wait at the north gate, and wait for the brothers from the other three sects to charge. Once the Jin Kingdom's camp is in a panic, you quickly go out of the city and go straight to the Jin Kingdom's forward position. Don't be afraid of wasting money." Arrows, first come two waves of arrow rain!"

"The end will be ordered!"

"Heavy cavalry commander Keyan listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Lead [-] heavy cavalry under your leadership, go out of the west gate and circle around the city wall, and encircle the black wolf cavalry with the soldiers trapped in the west of the city!"

"The end will be ordered!"

"Xiong Kaishan obeys orders!"

"The end is here!"

"Lead [-] light cavalry and the fang guards in the east of the city to encircle the armored cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin!"


"Song Qing listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"up to you."


"Remember, this sudden attack is all about the speed of your troops. Regardless of success or failure, you can kill as many as you can. Don't love to fight. After a single charge, the whole army will detour to the west of the city where we planned to form a formation and start to assemble!"

"The Longmen formation is indispensable. If anyone dares to show the courage of a man and disobey the military order, don't let my commander do it, and kill himself on the spot!"

"I will obey orders."

"Brothers, whether it is possible to fight back and repel the army of the Kingdom of Jin depends on this!"

"We have been fighting for eighteen days, and reinforcements should arrive."

"But it doesn't matter whether there are reinforcements or not. We have to use our own hands to avenge the shame. The shame of the [-]th siege must be recovered by ourselves."

"The big dragon wins!"

"Northern Xinjiang wins!"

"The great dragon wins, the northern border wins! The prince is mighty!"

"All of them. When three drums fell, the whole army attacked and drove Wanyan Chizha back to his hometown."

"I have to order, we will leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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