Chapter 1596 The Whole Army Attacks ([-])

Wanyan Chizha and a group of generals in the big tent looked at the scouts who had rushed back in surprise. Apparently, the scouts said that about 4 soldiers and horses were secretly gathering towards Yingzhou in the south of Yingzhou city, which surprised them. Heartbroken.

After all, Wanyan Chizha had experienced battles for a long time, so he quickly recovered and lay down on the map to examine it.

"Impossible. According to information, Dalong's recruits will take at least half a month to go to Yingzhou, and there are more than 4 to [-]!"

"That's strange, is it the defenders of Fuzhou?"


Wanyan Chizha frowned, and looked at all the passages between Yingzhou and Fuzhou, and finally Wanyan Chizha tapped his fingers in front of the two cities.

"If there is no accident, this army is probably from the guards of Fuzhou."

Yelumo, Chicha and other generals looked at each other, seeing the doubt in each other's eyes.

"Marshal, according to estimates, the number of soldiers and horses in Fuzhou is only [-] to [-] at most. With so many soldiers and horses coming to aid Yingzhou at once, isn't Fuzhou now without soldiers to defend?"

"Liu Mingzhi, Zhang Kuang, aren't you worried that we will split up a group of troops to raid Fuzhou? No matter which city we capture first, it seems to be the same for us!"

Wanyan Chizha fell silent, gently rubbing his forehead with a look of deep thought in his eyes.

"Not good, quickly order the soldiers of the three armies to step up their defenses, the dragon soldiers and horses are about to switch from defense to offense, hurry up and pass the message"


Wanyan Chizha's order was interrupted by the sound of war drums on the Yingzhou city wall. Along with the sound of war drums, there was a burst of rushing and killing sounds inside and outside Yingzhou city.

Wanyan Chizha subconsciously glanced at the location of Yingzhou City, picked up his helmet and ran towards the outside of the big tent. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a group of generals who were still in a daze and yelled sharply.

"Don't be in a daze, everyone is in position, and immediately lead the soldiers to form a defensive formation, and the dragon soldiers are coming."

A group of generals were awakened by Wanyan Zhizha's scolding, and hurriedly picked up the weapons on the unarmor stand and ran towards the outside of the tent. They really couldn't figure it out, how could those few main battle troops in Yingzhou dare to fight? Take the initiative to go out of the city to fight a battle.

Wanyan Chizha and the others' actions could not be described as unpleasant, and then the soldiers and horses of the Jin Kingdom camp were all at a loss in the face of the menacing soldiers and horses that suddenly rushed out.

They are also elite, after a little dazed, they reacted and picked up their weapons and set up a defensive formation.

However, all the generals were summoned by Wanyan Chizha to discuss matters in front of the central army tent. Although the leaderless Jin Kingdom's former army formed a defensive formation based on instinct, no one commanded them to counterattack, so they could only be beaten passively.

This is what Liu Mingzhi wanted. Since Jin Guo's army knew that he had few troops, he didn't dare to take the initiative to attack, so he decided to make a risky move, and suddenly went out of the city to kill them and caught them off guard.

After all the generals arrived, there was already a great chaos outside the city of Yingzhou.

The army of the Kingdom of Jin, without the command of a general, was beaten back steadily by the three guards who suddenly came out, and the defense line kept shrinking back.

Although the Jin Kingdom's former army kept retreating and defending, it can be seen from this that they are called the elite division and it is by no means a vain name.

Although the line of defense gradually shrunk, their formation did not disperse, let alone being defeated by Long Wuwei.

The saber in Zhang Kuang's hand was being played vigorously, all of which were fatal moves with one blow, at least one sword and shield soldier of the Kingdom of Jin was killed on the spot with each strike.

"Brothers, let out all the cowardice of these eighteen days, and charge with me!"

With the wild encouragement, the momentum of Long Wuwei behind him suddenly increased by three points, and his eyes were frantically red, rushing towards the forehead sword and shield soldiers of the front army.

All of a sudden, the Jin Kingdom's former saber and shield soldiers, who were in complete formation, were in danger of being punched through a gap.

On the other hand, the situation of the cavalry of the two guards in the west of the city, the east of the city, and the Kingdom of Jin is also not good, especially the left and right black wolf cavalry, who have always been on par with the fallen soldiers, have completely suffered a big loss in the face of the heavy cavalry led by Ke Yan.

If it's just heavy cavalry, the Hei Lang cavalry can be said to have no fear at all. After all, although the heavy cavalry is powerful, it is also the most energy-consuming unit. As long as the Hei Lang cavalry surrounds and does not rush, they can kill the five thousand heavy cavalry under Ke Yan's command. Tired of being alive and lying down.

However, more than 3 trapped soldiers on both sides charged in a roundabout way, squeezing the phalanx of Heilang cavalry who kept looking at the heavy cavalry.

In the eyes of the heavy cavalry, the light cavalry who can't run is obvious combat exploits.

In the middle there were heavy cavalry rushing against the top of Mount Tai, and on both sides there were light cavalry covering up and killing, and the space for the black wolf cavalry was squeezed little by little.

"Listen to the orders, the Dragon Cavalry is the weakest in the northwest, charge in a triangle, open the gap and rush out of the encirclement!"

"Everyone listens to the order and can no longer retreat. The swords and shields cover, the archers fight back, the dragon's soldiers are not many, and the arrows rain three bursts to cover!"

"All the sons obey the order, the sword and shield soldiers cover, the archers step forward to cover the cavalry brothers and rush out of the encirclement, join forces."

During the melee, a group of generals from the Kingdom of Jin finally rushed to their positions, and quickly waved their command flags to attack on the bastard's battlefield.

After several back and forth, the army of the Kingdom of Jin gradually launched a counterattack following the orders of Commander Du. fought back.

However, it was less than half a stick of incense time before they started their counterattack, and the dragon soldiers and horses who had suffered casualties suddenly gave up their charge by coincidence, and rushed towards the west of Yingzhou City in an orderly manner while suppressing it with arrow rain.

This move made the army of the Kingdom of Jin and the generals even more confused, not knowing what the big dragon soldiers and horses meant.

Obviously having the upper hand, in order to suddenly choose to withdraw towards the west of the city.

"The commander-in-chief has an order to stop the pursuit, and the whole army shrinks the line of defense to prevent fraud!"

The army of the Kingdom of Jin who was about to pursue them stopped in their tracks, and the bows and arrows of the archers were drawn into the full moon, carefully watching the backs of the enemy troops, lest they suddenly turn back again.

"Master, how dare they."

Yelumo glanced at the densely packed corpses lying on the ground around him, and they all trembled. Obviously, the sudden charge of the dragon caused incalculable casualties to the Jin Kingdom.

Not only Yelumo, but the rest of the generals also looked angrily at the tragic situation around them. In just half an hour or so, the casualties of their own soldiers probably exceeded [-].

In the melee of more than 20 people, more than 2 people were killed or injured, and the loss was reduced by waiting for someone to come out in time, otherwise the consequences would be even more unimaginable.

Wanyan Chizha looked around at the corpses of the soldiers on the battlefield, and the hand holding the command flag crackled.

Dalong's military strategy these past few days made him feel uneasy, but even after thinking about it, he never imagined that the remaining soldiers of Dalong dared to give up the defense of the strong city and come out to fight on their own initiative.

"Hahahaha. Good. This is the Liu Mingzhi in my impression. He always takes the initiative to attack. This is the Liu Mingzhi in my impression."

"It's not worth a hundred thousand elites, but they dare to go out of the city to confront them head-on. That's great!"


"The end is here!"

"Send [-] scouts to continuously investigate where the dragon's soldiers and horses are stationed!"


"Wanyan Changzhong!"

"I am humble!"

"Lead the personal guards to carry out the sand table. Let's re-discuss the battle plan. This commander will definitely make Liu Mingzhi and Zhang Kuang pay for their blood!"


In the west of Yingzhou City, more than [-] soldiers and horses from the three guards of the Great Dragon gathered in the open area outside the city. Liu Mingzhi tightened the reins of the horses, and waved at Song Qing directly, regardless of wiping the blood on the Heavenly Sword.

"Hurry up, order the brothers to quickly set up the formation, Wanyan Chizha won't leave us much time."


"The rest of the soldiers, quickly command the brothers under your command to arrange defense according to the formation!"

"I have to wait!"

"Hahaha, my lord, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, let alone beheaded [-] enemy troops!"

"What about our losses?"

"Sima is making arrangements!"

"Report! Report to the lord, report to the general, roughly estimated, we lost more than 7000 soldiers, and [-]% of them were those temporary soldiers and auxiliary soldiers!"

Zhang Kuang looked at Liu Mingzhi who was frowning tightly, and sighed softly.

"My lord, let's be careful. They don't have enough experience in front of the battle. Their reaction, physical strength, and formation are not as good as the elite division. One to three casualties is already a big victory! If the retreat is not timely, I'm afraid it will be damaged even more. .”

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a complex expression: "The order is to send out the city's reserve soldiers and horses to leave the city quickly and join the army! Then inform the elite brothers that they must take care of these auxiliary soldiers, so that they don't panic, don't mess up, and follow the change of formation flags." Defense."

"After a few rounds, they will be proficient themselves. Now that the situation is urgent, they can only practice in actual combat!"


(End of this chapter)

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