Chapter 1597
In the Golden Army's camp, Wanyan Chizha was arranging a field strategy. The strategy for siege warfare was no longer practical after the Dalong defenders left the city.

In field battles, the formation change of the two armies facing each other is particularly important, and it is two completely different concepts from siege.

Siege is based on attacking the city wall and breaking through the city gates, while field battle is based on breaking up the opponent's formation and throwing them into chaos so that one's own side can effectively kill the enemy.

Therefore, the allocation of troops is the top priority.

"Report! Report to the Generalissimo, the dragon troops are arranging a strange battle formation in the west of the city. I have never seen such a complicated formation in my humble career in the army for more than ten years."

"Report! Report to the Generalissimo, the dragon soldiers and horses are setting up a dragon gate formation in the west of the city, and the battle formation has gradually taken shape!"

Wanyan Chizha stared blankly at the second scout returning to the camp, and hurriedly walked towards the scout.

"How do you know it's from the Longmen Great Formation? Have you ever seen the Longmen Great Formation?"

The scout nodded solemnly: "Reporting to the commander, before he was transferred to the frontier army, he served in the Jinwu Guard under the command of General Yeluhu. In the past, he was also a member of the battle formation."

Wanyan Chizha nodded knowingly: "You mean that when Liu Mingzhi helped His Majesty put down the rebellion, you were also a member of the Longmen formation outside the city?"

"Report to the commander-in-chief, that's right!"

"Although I don't know how the Dragon Gate Formation works, I can recognize at a glance that the dragon's soldiers and horses are forming the Dragon Gate Formation."

Sensing the puzzled eyes of the generals around him, Wanyan Chizha lingered with his hands behind his back with a complex expression.

"You were stationed at the border back then, and you couldn't enter the capital to suppress the rebellion. You didn't know the horror of the Longmen formation. Even this commander learned about this formation from the old brothers in the capital!"

"Princess Luoyue has carefully studied the offensive and defensive changes of this formation, and can conclude that there are one hundred and eight kinds of offensive and defensive changes with the movement of the formation flag!"

"This formation coincides with 36 heavenly gangs and 72 earth demons, a total of [-] formation techniques!"

"The whole formation consists of dragon head, dragon tail, dragon belly, dragon claws, and dragon back. Five basic formations are used for mutual protection. There are doors of life everywhere and doors of death everywhere."

"No wonder Liu Mingzhi dared to take the initiative to fight out of the city, no wonder Dalong tried his best to destroy our artillery these days, so everything they did was to lay the groundwork for today!"

Hearing Wanyan Chizha's increasingly serious voice, the surrounding generals swallowed involuntarily, and became nervous involuntarily.

Since they followed Wanyan Chizha, it was the first time that they saw the cautious appearance of Wanyan Chizha and such a formidable enemy.

"May I ask if the commander-in-chief has a way to break the formation?"

Wanyan Chizha shook his head solemnly: "Since the Great Array of the Dragon Gate became famous, it has appeared once in the past ten years. It was also the time when Liu Mingzhi helped His Majesty put down the rebellion and gained fame. So far, this is the second time it has appeared. The Dragon Gate is in formation!"

"Although this coach has deduced the Dragon Gate formation, he has never seen the real Dragon Gate formation."

"However, Liu Mingzhi formed a formation with 7 people back then, relying on the natural danger of the swamp outside the capital to resist more than 30 rebels. Even though most of these rebels were fu soldiers and other mobs, it was enough to show the horror of the Longmen formation. place."

A group of generals couldn't help but feel worried when they heard Wanyan Zhizha's baseless words.

It is really that the name of the Longmen Formation is too terrifying.

7 people resisted more than 30 soldiers and horses, which can not be said to have put unlimited pressure on a group of generals.

"Commander, what should we do next? Destroy all our cannons, otherwise the power of the cannons will be enough to open a gap, but the only remaining cannons still have shells, even if the shells are exhausted, they will not be of much use!"

On the contrary, Wanyan Changzhong's eyes lit up: "Marshal, didn't you say that nephew Luoyue Princess has studied this formation? In that case, we might as well go to the capital immediately and invite Princess Luoyue back to help break the formation!"

Wanyan Chizha shook his head without hesitation: "No, I don't deny Her Royal Highness's talent in formations, but she has never really commanded an army. The deduction of the military flag is a deduction, and the confrontation between the two armies is the confrontation between the two armies. These are different concepts and must not be confused with each other!"

"Then what should we do? We don't know how to break the formation, so we can't try with our brothers' lives? Since Liu Mingzhi dared to go out of the city to set up the formation, he must have his confidence."

Wanyan Chizha hesitated for a while, scanning a group of generals with uneasy expressions.

"In the whole world, besides Liu Mingzhi, there is another person who knows the Longmen formation best!"

"Huyan Yunyao, the Great Khan of Turkic Taichang, after Liu Mingzhi left the Kingdom of Jin in the past, His Majesty sent people to investigate secretly, and learned a conclusion that I don't know whether it is true or not. Huyan Yunyao is indispensable for the development of the Longmen Great Formation."

"If she can give up attacking Yunzhou and come to assist, the Longmen formation will no longer be a threat!"

"Serving with the Four Treasures of the Study!"

"Master, please!"

Wanyan Chizha started to write, and after a while, the three letters were put into the bamboo tube.

"A piece of golden sculpture is passed to His Majesty, a letter is passed to Brother Yaluha in Jeju City, and a letter is passed to Taichang Khan Huyan Yunyao."

"Let's try to break the formation first. I have heard the reputation of the Longmen Great Formation for a long time. If I don't try it myself, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"I hope God will bless you, the old man's decades of experience in breaking the formation can be used as a soldier to deal with Liu Mingzhi's Longmen formation!"

Yelumo took the bamboo tube, and after a while, three majestic golden sculptures flew away through the air.

"I will eventually obey orders!"

"I will obey orders!"

"According to the formation that was deployed just now, the march is approaching the dragon formation!"

"I have to wait!"

The sound of war drums mixed with horns sounded again in the quiet camp of the Kingdom of Jin.

The 19 soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin marched towards the west of Yingzhou City with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath when he heard the sound of Jin Guo's heavy war drums, and stood on the battle platform holding a command flag and stared towards the east.

If the 14 people under his command are all elites, why would he arrange formations!

But half of the auxiliary soldiers are caught in it, Liu Mingzhi can only choose this, he can't just watch them go to death, it is the safest way to form an array to meet the enemy.

After all, what Wanyan Chizha had in his hands was the battle-hardened frontier army, not the mob who made trouble in Jin Kingdom in the past.

After ten years of military career, Liu Mingzhi knew clearly that the consequences of underestimating the enemy are often disastrous.

Wanyan Chizha rode on the horse and held up the binoculars to scan the surrounding environment, for fear that Liu Mingzhi would come up with some strange things to play with him.

"Order the three armies to detour to the northwest, don't get close to the west city wall of Yingzhou, and be careful of the artillery on the city wall attacking from behind!"


More than 30 soldiers and horses from the two sides spread out, and there are always huge crowds of people.

Wanyan Chizha's order caused the phalanx of the Jin army to change again, which was clearly seen by Liu Mingzhi.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help feeling a little regretful in his heart, and said to the old fox secretly, it seems that the artillery he had placed on the city wall is useless!

The distance between the two armies was getting closer and closer, Wanyan Chizha looked at the formation of the Longmen formation and his face became more and more serious.

No matter how you look at it, the several gates of the Longmen formation can charge at any time, but once the soldiers charge in, they will be quickly cut off and killed in batches in the formation.

Moving from the northwest to the north, Wanyan Chizha still couldn't find any openings for an effective attack.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wanyan Chizha not daring to break the formation easily, and took a deep breath.

"The order!"

"Call the formation, does the old man dare to break this formation?"

(End of this chapter)

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