My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1598 The Duck Flies

Chapter 1598 The Duck Flies
Wanyan Chizha listened to the three consecutive inquiries from the dragon army, how dare the old man break the formation.

Wanyan Chizha knew in his heart that these words were deliberately used by Liu Mingzhi to provoke him, if he was annoyed by these words, he would be sorry for his decades of military service.

Wanyan Chizha turned a deaf ear to the slightly sarcastic tone of the dragon soldiers, staring at the dragon gate formation with piercing eyes and continued to search for flaws.

However, Wanyan Chizha was disappointed. In his own opinion, the Longmen formation was full of loopholes, but according to his previous deduction results of the Longmen formation, it was precisely this seemingly loopholed formation that was the most deadly.

Because these loopholes are just the bait to lure you to attack, once you fall into the formation, these loopholes will become a bloody mouth that chooses someone to eat.

"Marshal, have you seen the loopholes in the Longmen Formation?"

Wanyan Chizha shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, the more anxious you are, the easier it is for Liu Mingzhi to succeed. This formation looks similar to the eight-door golden lock formation, but there is a mystery that the eight-door golden lock formation does not have in the Longmen formation. Grab a handful."

"Liu Mingzhi wished that we would break the formation immediately like headless chickens without distinguishing between indiscriminate and indiscriminate. If you are in a hurry, you will fall right into his hands."

"Yes, the general is dull."

"Continue to observe, and then break the formation after seeing the whole picture of the Longmen Formation."


Liu Mingzhi stood on the formation and looked helplessly at the army of the Kingdom of Jin who kept turning back and forth. He didn't expect that the old fox Wanyan Chizha would be so cautious. He takes the bait.

Looking at the army of the Kingdom of Jin who had been circling around and not daring to approach, Young Master Liu gently rubbed his forehead.

"Sleeping your niece, old boy, aren't you very arrogant, why are you shrinking back at this time?"

Du Yu on the side was stunned, hesitated for a moment and finally waved the banner in his hand.

"Sleep with your niece, old boy, you are not arrogant..."

"Sleeping with your niece..."

Hearing three consecutive shouts, First Young Master Liu stared at the surrounding soldiers in astonishment.

"Du Yu, what the hell are you talking about? Did I ask you to say that?"

Du Yu looked at First Young Master Liu in astonishment: "Marshal, it was you who said it, and every word you said must be carried out accurately."

"The last general thought that your words were just for the sake of shouting and angering Wanyan Chizha. I hesitated for a while before I dared to pass on the order."

Looking at Du Yu's innocent little eyes, Liu Mingzhi wished he could give himself a few big mouths, and he was talking to himself at this moment.

Subconsciously glanced at the camp of Jin Guo's army, Young Master Liu rubbed his nose with regret, hoping that the old man Wanyan Chizha would not misunderstand him.

Then First Young Master Liu thought too simply, Wanyan Chizha had already misunderstood it.

Wanyan Chizha, who was riding on a horse, stared at the figure of Young Master Liu in the center of the stage, his face turned blue and red.

Sensing the strange eyes of the generals around him, Wanyan Chizha felt his anger rise sharply.

Although it is true that you slept with your old man's niece, but you blatantly yelled it out when the two armies were facing each other, do you have any fucking virtue!
Do you want to nod your face?

In order to annoy the old man, this method is too nasty.

"Calm down, Commander, this is Liu Mingzhi's provocative method, you must not be fooled."

Wanyan Chizha glared at Yelumo fiercely: "As long as you talk too much, continue to observe the changes in the formation."

"Uh... yes!"

For nearly half an hour, Wanyan Chizha did not launch a charge to break the formation.

After finally remembering the whole picture of Longmen Formation in his heart, Wanyan Chizha groaned for a long time and waved the command flag in his hand.

"Order the three armies, the west retreats, and break the formation from the west."


The change of the Jin army made Liu Mingzhi understand in his heart that Wanyan Chizha was finally about to break the formation, and waved the command flag in his hand.

The sword and shield soldiers at the due west position of the formation changed quickly, revealing a conspicuous flaw. Just looking at the position of the sword and shield soldiers, they could be defeated in one blow.

Then the silent gunmen behind the sword and shield soldiers, the bowmen and the rocket formations who have already been wounded all reveal the danger behind the loopholes.

"Commander, there are eight formation gates, and there are three in the west that can attack the formation. Which gate should we break through?"

"Break the formation in the west, with [-] sword-shield soldiers in front, [-] archers covered with rain of arrows to cover the sword-shield soldiers' charge, and the bed crossbow at the rear is stringed, and once the sword-shield soldiers are out of space, they will immediately release arrows."

"[-] cavalry on each side charged in a roundabout way, and the crossbows covered them to help the sword and shield soldiers break through the formation!"

"Three cannons on the left and right, bombard the enemy shield players on both sides of the gate."


Liu Mingzhi looked at the artillery launched by the Jin Army's Central Army from the mirror tube, and waved the command flag with a solemn expression.

"Xiumen, Jingmen cannons are front-mounted, and the muzzle is three fingers lower. Once the enemy's artillery is tested, it will be covered by artillery fire immediately, and we will go all out to destroy the enemy's artillery."


Two long-renowned military masters began a silent confrontation in terms of troop deployment before the duel began.

"Mucha, it's up to you to charge for the banner bearer. Once you realize that the formation is difficult to break, withdraw your troops immediately. Don't fall into the eyes of the Longmen formation. Otherwise, no one may have time to support you, and you will be led by the leader and the tail." The enemy army is encircled inside."

"The final general understands, brothers, follow this general to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds."

Following Muchai's command flag, tens of thousands of soldiers from the Kingdom of Jin charged towards the dragon's belly of the Longmen formation in coordination.

As soon as the army of the Kingdom of Jin charged forward, the orderly sound of war drums rang out to cheer them up.

When they were dozens of steps away from the Longmen Formation, the sword and shield soldiers quickly raised their shields, and the [-] archers behind took advantage of the situation and fired the bows and arrows in their hands that were drawn into a full moon.

The sword and shield soldiers in the formation immediately covered themselves with shields, but faced with tens of thousands of feathered arrows, it was still impossible to avoid someone being hit by the arrows.

Liu Mingzhi waved the command flag in his hand calmly, the sword and shield soldiers immediately surrounded, the spearmen squatted down, and the archers behind immediately fought back.

With a distance of dozens of steps, the two sides have suffered a large number of casualties under the arrow rain.


Within a few breaths, the two armies quickly charged together.

The dragon sword and shield soldiers quickly opened a gap, revealing the archers who had been prepared in the rear.

Muchai looked at those flashing arrows with a startled expression, and hurriedly waved the command flag in his hand.

"Shield cover, the cavalry detoured and rushed to suppress the crossbow!"

As soon as the sword and shield soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin set up their defense line, a rapid rain of arrows shot out from the Longmen formation.

The sound of jingling jingle has not ended since it sounded.

Many sword and shield soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin were directly shot through the eyes by the powerful bed crossbow arrows and shields.

The detoured cavalry was also suddenly stabbed with spears and halberds from behind the sword and shield soldiers, picking off their horses.

At this moment, the belly of the dragon seems to be like a hedgehog, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses are unable to move an inch around the periphery.

Mucha was busy parrying the dragon's soldiers and horses in the belly of the dragon, but he didn't realize that the other two birth gates were located at the dragon's head, and the phalanx at the dragon's tail had gradually changed its formation to encircle his own soldiers and horses.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the vanguard army of the Kingdom of Jin who was struggling to parry the dragon-bellied soldiers and horses, quietly raised the flag in their hands, and was about to wave it down fiercely. duck.

Then a loud sound of gold foil interrupted Young Master Liu's dream.

Under the leadership of Mucha, the vanguard army of the Kingdom of Jin who was about to be encircled quickly retreated back, leaving behind a field of corpses that were too late to clean up.

The corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth twitched as he looked at Wanyan Chizha on the horse.

I thought I was cautious enough, but I didn't expect to be discovered by him.

The duck that reached its mouth flew away again, Young Master Liu was so angry that he just wanted to scold his mother.

(End of this chapter)

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